Lucylu87 Labour Watch!! Baby Zak Allen is here!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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Just had the following text from Lucy am so excited for her!!:dance:

Tuesday 21st Dec 1857
: Hello, just to let you know my waters have broken this afternoon but im not contracting yet so gotta wait it out at home and if nothings happened by tomorrow afternoon Ill be induced.

Wednesday 22nd Dec 1629:been to hospital they r leaving me for another 24 hours cos ther is no beds!:wall2: more than likely means xmas in hospital as will have to stay in at least 24 hours once baby arrives. Seriously not happy :mad:x

Thursday 23rd Dec 1321: had 1st gel to soften cervix tmi will check me again in 6 hrs.

Thursday 23rd Dec: its made a little progress but they have given me another gel. will be reviewed in the morning if nothing more has progressed.

Saturday 25th December Christmas Day: Zak Allen arrived after horrific birth with no pain relief weighing a massive 9lb 4oz at 10:35pm Christmas Eve he's amazing xxx

Congratulations Lucy and family, thinking of u hun xx:wave:
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Yay!! Good luck hunny hope it all goes quickly for you :)
Looking forward to updates!x
Great news Lucy - baby must be coming soon then one way or another - so exciting- good luck for the birth x
hey all, thanks for updating Kelly, no signs of baby actually appearing yet. got quite bad back ache and keep leaking waters but nothing more.

On another note, ive just noticed iv developed a rash on the palms of my hands. its red with white patches and my palms r very warm.... anyone have any idea of what this is ? is it baby related? i want to ring midwife but dont want to overreact.
Good luck Hun hopefully it won't be much longer x
try running them under cold water, if it itches then i would ring midwife honey x
Wooohooo, fingers crossed all goes well xxxx
Hope all is going ok and the rash wasn't anything serious? Will keep eye out for updates!
thanks kelly for updating. No signs of me going into labour myself. apparently was having irregular contractions whilst being monitored this afternoon but they werent hurting.
exactly what happened to me. was induced in the end. was a really nice labour funnily enough xx
Hope your out of hospital before Xmas Hun x
Good luck Lucy, shame about having to wait another 24 hours because of lack of beds, but maybee you can come home for xmas day if something is happening by then, but perhaps it will make xmas day even more special that your having your little bAby X
Hope you're not in over Christmas. Looking likely that I will be :eek:(
aaawww good luck hunni... my waters went today :) seems like we have the same problem with not going into full labour ouselves! all the best! xx
Congrats Lucy and OH sorry for delay in updating!

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