Zak Allen 24/12/10


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2010
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Zak is finally here and he is amazing. :)

Zak arrived on Christmas Eve, exactly 1 week over due, weighing 9lb 4.

This is a mammoth story so apologies for its length in advance.....

My waters broke on the tuesday and we rang the hospital and told to go in for observations. We arrived and I was told that it was more than likely that it was only my hind waters and to go home and come back tomorrow to check that the baby was ok.

We arrived at the hospital at 3pm after a very restless night, excited that this may be the day, to be told by a very rude midwife that she had been trying to phone me at home to tell me not to bother because she didnt think it was my waters ( even though I had been losing them continuously since the previous day) and not to bother coming to the hospital ! Anway, they monitored the baby for half an hour and everything was fine so was told to come back again the next day for induction as there were no beds available today !! So off home again minus baby we went.

We arrived at the hospital at midday and we were shown to my bed straight away. I was then given my 1st gel to induce me at 13.30. (omg they dont tell you they are gonna put their whole hand up you to feel your cervix ! ouch ! ) anyway, I was then left for that gel to take affect and had a few tightenings. I was meant to be examined again at 7pm but ended up being left until 11pm. The doctor said that the previous gel had not worked and gave me another one. Ouch again! I was then told my OH had to go home and he would be rung in the night if anything progressed. Well I only got around 2 hours sleep that night as the tightenings were definitely getting worse/ I was put on the monitor around 3am and baby was still coping well with the getting ever stronger contractions.

Oh arrived back at the hospital in the morning and I was examined. ( i swear each time there was a new doctor, their hands got bigger ! ) and was told that I was 1-2cm dilated and that I could be sent to the birth suite to have the drip to strengthen my contractions. YAY !!! I was told this at around 10am. Then, throughout the day while waiting to be taken down, my contractions got progressively worse. I had had no pain relief so decided to try out the tens machine I had rented, anyway, that was bliss ! Me and OH walked for miles and miles around the hospital all afternoon and then at 3pm they rang to say there was now space for me to go on the birth suite. YAY again! Suddenly all became very real and very exciting that I was definitely gonna meet my bubs soon.
We got to the birth suite and at about 4pm I got hooked up to a drip after 2 attempts on my left arm, the doctor finally found a vein on my right arm. From then on, the contractions started to become faster and stronger and I asked for some gas and air to cope with them...... ooooh amazing stuff ! Coped well on gas and air and a shot of diamorphine until I was examined again at 8pm and was told that I was only 5cm !.....apparently this pain could get worse !

I asked for another diamorphine as it had totally worn off now, and the gas and air or the tens machine were not helping at all. When the midwife examined me at 5cm, she said she could still feel some waters at the front of his head so asked a doctor to come and check and break them for me. This is where my story gets abit scary, so I apologise in advance.

The doctor broke the remainder of my waters at around 7.30 -8pm and apparently, that was all little zak needed, as I suddenly dilated from 5cm to 10cm in around 15 mins. The monitor lost track of his heartbeat, the panic button was slammed and the room filled with people.

They managed to put a clip onto Zaks head and picked up his heartbeat and the chaos seemed to settle but all of a sudden I got the urge to push. The midwives and doctors told me I shouldnt want to push as I wasnt dilated enough.... but I really needed to. The room filled back up with doctors and I was told I was now fully dilated ( like I needed to be told ) and that it was too late for any pain relief so would just have to go for it. I began pushing around 8pm.

After a while I was told they would need to give me an episiotomy to help his head out so I was numbed and cut, tmi but you could actually feel the cut happening, eurgh !

Finally, after a lot more pushing, Zak Allen arrived at 10.35pm on 24/12/10, and was placed directly onto me. We didnt know what we were having so me and my OH looked at the same time and it was a beautiful baby boy ! :) I was soooooo happy! Oh cut the umbilical cord and it was just magical. Zak let out a little whimper when first born and then just lay there content on my stomach.

When I finally thought the drama was over, the midwife asked doctors to come back in and not only had I had an episiotomy, I had torn and would need surgery to fix it. :(
It was all abit of a blur but I ended up going to theatre and I was in there for an hour and a half while they sewed me back up. I had a spinal block for theatre( my worst nightmare come true ) and a catheter. The worst part was I missed the first few hours of my babys life :( but my OH was with him the whole time and they bonded soooo well. I got out of theatre around 1.30am and the doctors had told my Oh it was one of the worse third degree tears they have seen and boy can I feel it !! But he is worth absolutely every last little bit of pain, he is AMAZING ! We stayed in hospital until Boxing day night and then came home and he is absolutely loving being part of our family.

Just when I thought my life couldnt get any better, as we had missed our xmas day with being in hospital, we had our own xmas on the 28th and as if I wasnt happy enough, my OH proposed to me. It was sooooo unbelievable and just made the best week of my life even more perfect.

I hope you followed my story, had to rush while bubs was asleep,... any pain is totally worth it and I am just the happiest I have ever been. xxx

p.s thanks to KellyLou for keeping you all updated.

p.p.s Here are some pics...hope the link works. xx
Bless that's a story and a half you poor thing! Congrats on your little boy and Congrats on your engagement! That's very sweet! Xxx
Congratulations hun, he has lovely eyes! Great story! x
well done you, what a long labour. And double congrats!! you must be floating on air :)
Congratulations darling x x whoop x x
Wow, what a labour, well done you!! He is beautiful :) And congrats on the engagement too!
Awww congrats on Zak and ur engagement!!! xxx
He's gorgeous Hun congratulations Xx
Congratulations on your little boy and your engagement!
Aww amazing! Congratulations on baby Zak and your engagement (how romantic!)
congrats on bubs and on the engagment, hes a cutie :)
Congrats on your baby boy! Sounds very much like my birth story, my babs' heartbeat was dipping every time i contracted so they cut her on the head to check her blood oxygen level and I was so exausted that they had to use forceps on me and one of the cuts they gave me ended up in a third degree tear too. Spinal block, worst thing ever. Horrid feeling. Hope you're healing nicely, it does get better, honestly, lol.

Congratulations when you said it was a bit of a mare you weren';t lying

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