Lost my baby


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2012
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Last Monday had my 12 week scan.

We told eveyone day before we were pregnant never seen so many people so excited and happy

After seeing our baby we were referred to another hospital to be told our baby's brain had not formed correctly that our baby would either die inside me or live only few hours after birth.

I decided to have termination two days later as couldn't put me or baby through any more pain.

After my op we were asked if we would like our baby buried or cremated??? We never thought we would have to make that decision but has our baby had identiable parts as the nurse put it legally we have to make decision, we decided a burial would be to difficult so having baby cremated but there will be no ashes .

Feeling so lost xxx
I'm so sorry for your loss. When I lost mine last year we had ours cremated and it's hard but it's also some closure and a place to go and remember your little one, we go and place a rose every month. I can't imagine how hard it was to make a decision like that and my thoughts are with you at this difficult time. Big hugs. Xxxx
Honey, I'm so sorry :hugs:
Your situation sounds very similar to my own. We had to make this awful, awful decision in February as our little boy had a rare genetic disorder which meant he would have died before birth or a few hours afterwards. I was nearly 14 weeks. It was the most awful decision and the most awful thing I've ever been through. I know what your are going through and it's so very, very hard.
I'm still having terrible ups and down - you will for a while. I made a remembrance box where I put things like my scan pics, pregnancy tests, picture of me pregnant and other things of sentimental value. I also found a wonderful website where I bought things for our angel - I will pm you this sweetie.
Be good to yourself honey, you are grieving and it here will be ups and downs for time to come.
Pm me anytime if you want to chat.xx
so sorry to hear this sending you massive hugs xx
Thanks do much everyone ,

Having ups and downs think hardest thing is wont be any ashes as baby so small so won't be able to scatter or bury anything xx
i am realy sorry to hear this :-( , you could plant a tree in ur garden or something and have a plaque made and make into a special baby garden maybe ... RIP little one xxxx
:hugs: i am so sorry sweety xxxx word just arn't enough at this time

take care of yourself

RIP little angel, you will always be a mummy though sweety........angels need mummies too
I'm so sorry hun. I lost a baby before I had Lennon, my waters broke. It is horrendous but it does and will get easier as time goes by and you will begin to heal. Make sure you give yourself plenty of time to grieve. RIP lo xxx
Thanks ladies, baby is being cremated on Thursday we have decided not to go as will be to hard going to be another long week xx
Oh god i'm so sorry :( that's so terrible. I also had my 12 week scan a couple of weeks ago and got told that our baby hadn't developed properly and died at 9 weeks. It doesn't make sense because we had an early scan at 8 weeks and our baby had a healthy strong HB and looked like a tiny little baby. Then something clearly didn't go right because the baby lost all shape at the 12 week scan. Was heartbreaking but I had the operation too. So sorry you had to go through this. I know how hard it is, everything seems so unfair. I would have been 15 weeks tomorrow and the hardest thing for me is knowing that my weeks are going up. Knowing I might of had a bump by now is so horrible.
Baby being cremated tomorrow going to be such hard day / we are not going to cremation to difficult

Going to mass in morning then going to build a bear and having scan picture sewen into a bear xx
I am so, so sorry for your loss.
Sending lots of hugs your way.
Really sorry you have had to go through this, I hope you can say your good bye today in peace & building a bear sounds lovely xxx

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