terminating pregnancy for medical reasons

Hi hun,

I've only just joined the forum but I read your post and just wanted to send you my love.

This happened to me in June and I made the same decision as you have. I was devastated and so was my hubby as we had also lost twins six months earlier and had convinced everything would be ok.

I just want to let you know that there is hope. I have been taking high strength folic acid for four months and just found out I am pregnant again.

I'm very nervous but I know the likelihood of anencephaly happening again is remote but we'll see.

Just wanted you to know you're not alone.....

Hugs for you xxxxx
i think it MUST be easier of the loss of a child is taken out of your hands... like my MC just happened... but to have to make a decision how you 'want' it to happen is horrendous... i know this thread is amonth old i hope ur ok xxx
It has to be the hardest thing to do when terminating a pregnancy; I empathise with you strongly, you won't ever forget, but you can keep the angel alive in your heart. No words can make this any better, but what you are doing has to be right for the circumstance and is not a decision anyone would make lightly. My thoughts are with you all x
i think it MUST be easier of the loss of a child is taken out of your hands... like my MC just happened... but to have to make a decision how you 'want' it to happen is horrendous... i know this thread is amonth old i hope ur ok xxx

its been a while since i was back on the site but wanted to pop in we are thinking of trying again but i need to go to the docs to have additional folic acid, im petrified and not sure if i can take it all going wrong again but then i think that if i dont try again il never have the baby i dream of. i wont forget this pregnancy and i know i need at least 3 months prior to trying again on the higher dose folic acid so im thinking it will be march/april time to try again (around the time this one would have been due) i think its symbolic maybe and it may take time to conceive to of course. im trying to look to the future, over xmas i conquered my two biggest fears, meeting our "new" baby cousin and holding him, and seeing my very heavily pregnant best freind, both were much easier than id anticipated and i felt excited for best mate and sad but very happy to hold our latest family addition even though he isnt mine. it was nice to be around a baby, it pulled on my heart but equally filled me with hope and joy.

on my return to work i saw a poster and there is a manager (not aware of my situation) who is collecting sponsorship to help his freinds baby, who has lissencaphaly a similar but survivable condition. i wrote him a letter and told him about everything hat happened to me and how seeing that brought me hope and realised that people do care and that i saw it as a sign of hope out there, so i gave money towards the cause and he showed his freind my letter she was touched by everything i said and she said it gave her strength to keep going at the sad times too. im so pleased to have been able to inspire her to keep raising money and hope that i can do a sponsored event iin the future to help her little one have a better quality of life. its given me a new purpose too. thankyou to everyone who has read my long winded posts and sent there love i still have days i find very upsetting and days when im happy and feel guilty but iv learnt to cope with it now. and feel i can move on (as much as is ever possible) without forgetting.
Welcome back hon. U have been so brave and I really hope that when ur ready to try again that everything works out for u x x x

My dear friend went through this just before christmas. It has to have been the most heart breaking thing I'd ever been told, and I've lost two. She explained what anencephaly is (though I looked it up since) and she has been so brave. They chose the same outcome as you. they already have one together and their daughter has an older half sister who lives there too, so they aren't trying again.

I hope you don't give up and can have a healthy baby.

Much love x x x
This thread was really hard to read, wishing you loads of luck hun for a brighter future x
Welcome back - You have been soo brave and I hope your story will inspire us all to keep going.

I wish you all the best when you are ready to TTC again - for a happy and healthy pregnancy X

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