terminating pregnancy for medical reasons

Just wanted to send you my wishes for tomorow, hope it goes smoothly and you rest up and look after yourself after. Don't forget we are all here for you for a y time you want to talk, as it will help your recovery in yourself in the long run X Jenni
Thinking of you today.....sending you the biggest hug ever. You are so strong to go through with this and I agree you are absolutely doing the right thing for your baby.
Tracey x
thinking of you and your family today hun...been thinking of you all day...god bless you all ...xx
Hi I just want to tell you that I am thinking about you and your partner at this sad time ... I am so sorry xxxx
so sorry. no one should have to go through this.
thoughts are with you X
oh i am so sorry to hear wat u ar going through.. i was told at my 20 wek scan tat my baby had hydrocephalus (fluid on the brain). We didn no how bad it was but then it kept getting worse each scan. We were told tat our baby boy david would either die in uetro or after birth. He was stillborn 4 weeks ago and knowing throughout my pregnancy he wasnt going to make it made it worse. you dont want to go through another 25weeks knowing you cant do anything to help your baby. No one can tell u wats right or wrong watever decision you make is the right one. No one can judge another persons choices they make in life. Hope u will get through this it will take time. Take care hun xx
Hope it went as well as it could do yesterday.
Thought are with you and your OH xxxx
to everyone thankyou so much for your support it has been invaluable and im humbled that i have so many kind replies from you all, heartbroken, im so so sorry for your loss it is undeniably the worst thing losing your baby at any stage, and all we can do is all be brave and support each other.

yesterday went as well as could be expected, the clinic i was referred to was bpas in brighton, i was very worried about being there with lots of people having social terminations and with nurses who didnt care , it was very different from what i expected, the nurses were so sympathetic and kind and allowed tom to wait in a private rom with me while my preperation tablet took effect which is a 2hour wait (resulting in lots of cramping and cervix opening to make termination easier) they also gave me anti sickness tablets as id been sick twice before arriving, the nurses were very kind and checked up on me lots, they then took me down to theatre where i changed into hospital gown and went through alone into the theatre room. they did all the blood pressure checks etc and then inserted a small needle into my hand, the anethitist was really kind and his assistant held my other hand while the needle was put in i paniced as after initial sedative he asked if i felt drowsy (i didnt) but i then thought they would do it while i was awake they kindly put my mind at ease and then gave me anestetic and oxygen i was out immediatly i woke up and was understandably upset but the nurses were very very kind they looked after me so much they gave me pain killers, tissues and anti sickness injections and a hot water bottle to ease the cramps , and i was then taken to recovery after a while, there were 2 more recovery places then i was given a counselling number, antibiotics and fact sheet and allowd to call tom to collect me,

he has been an absolute rock, i still have cramps and heavy bleeding but that is normal apparently. i feel very empty and my emotions are all over the place one minuite crying the next laughing(guiltily) at a comedy show on telly. its hard, but i know how wrong it sounds to say but i am relieved that its done. i still feel i made the right choice and am heartbroken but i am relieved its done.

sorry to have rambled i just thought others may apprichiate knowing that some clinics are more supportive than you can realise and not brisk and unfeeling as i expected, i still would only do a termination for medical grounds personally but cant thank the staff there enough for making a very upsetting traumatic expieriance as "easy" as possible.

again though my biggest thanks are to family, freinds and this forum who have supported me through a very difficult time, im sure its not over yet we originally thought to plant a tree but think now we will plant a rose bush and see it bloom every year, we are going to keep our scan pictures in a memory box, and we hope one day in the future to have much happier news to share on here, thankyou. and good luck to everyone going through such difficult times no loss is a minor loss no loss is insignificant, hugs to everyone. xxxxxxx
Bless you, was thinking about you yesterday.....your baby is a little angel now. A rose bush is a lovely idea....I love seeing roses bloom each year they are so beautiful. You are an example to us all and your strength of character throughtout has been amazing - look after yourself xx
I'm so sorry for your loss, am crying reading about it, and think you've been really brave and strong. I also think the rose bush idea is lovely, and I wish you love and best wishes for the future.
Wishing u so much love at the moment hon - I so sorry again that this happened to you - u r being so brave and we're all here any time x x x
I am so sorry :hug: thinking of you and your partner xx
i am so sorry for your loss lots of love to you and your partner x x x
Really cant imagine how u feel right now. You have been through a tough time. I feel guilty to for laughing but ive started to learn been guilty is a part of grieving. Hope you get the help you need. And i would recommend the councilling im getting it and finds it helps. Maybe one day we will have a lil brother or sister for our lil angels. You will never forget you baby. Tears came in my eyes reading ur story. take care babe xx
I was wondering how you got on hun, all the nurses sounded lovely for you on what must have been a very hard day for you. The rose is a fantastic idea. We brought one for the baby we lost in march at 12 weeks, and I love to look at it in the garden.

Seding you a hug, you have been soo brave, just try to take one day at a time, as you handle this, and recover , and we are here for you X
Can't believe what you have been through and I really can't imagine the pain you must be going through. I was in tears reading your story. Sending lots of love your way xx

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