Long time Girls


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2012
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Hey Girls...

Well its been a long time since i was on here... i thought id give the website a widebirth for a while as i was really down with hormones etc and i didnt want to keep getting down...
Anyways i thought id come on and update everyone and see how all the girlies are doing in TRI 3...

Charlie Michael was due on 26th June i am now 1week and 2days over due... :roll: Throughout my pregnancy the hospital have been worried about his size and him being early well he certainly has showed them he will be far from early lol... i have tried everything that the wives tales tell you.... sex, brisk walking, hot foods, hot baths, bouncing on the bed, cleaning the house fully, cleaning the floors on all fours, even met my friend with her baby girl (who is gorgeous) to get him to move... which he did everytime my friends lil girl cried he wiggled but nothing like moving down!! lol...

For the past week i have had contractions that have been on and off... the timings last night were stronger and not were closer together then normal.. pains were painful to the extent some of them were taking my breathe away...

Anywho there is a light at the end of the tunnel as i have my induction booked on the 7/7.. so yay some point this weekend i will have my little boy in my arms and then worry about everyone taking him away from me... I have throughout this pregnancy worried too much about hurting people and in the process hurt myself... if i could go back and change things yes i would... if i ever have another child in my life it will be different ill make sure of that.... I love my little man more then anything in the world and the sooner i can show him how great mummy really is and that i will make sure he has an amazing life... the better... And if certain people in my life are around to be there great but if they arent then i guess its only one persons loss... THEIRS!!

Would love to thank a few ladies who have been there for me: Laura, Catherine, Sarah for being there from the start and listening to my midnight crisis and giving me a good slap...
Also the other girls who are there to have a good chinwag and have been supportive through the lonely stages: Emily, Amanda, Leigh, Jaclyn,Jeager, Nicola, Stef, Jodie,Gemma, Louise, DeeDee, Gill... and the other ladies xxx i owe u all i really do appricate the help and support!! :hugs::kiss:

Come on Charlie!! We're all willing you to make a move!! Xox
hey :) Hope all goes well with the birth of Charlie :) xx
Not long now, couple more days maximum and you will have your precious baby! Wishing you lots of luck for when baby makes their appearance. xxx
Hey, lovely to see a post from you. Hope Charlie gets a shift on soon, but at least you have your date for induction which I imagine is very exciting! Hope you'll come back afterwards and let us know how it all goes :hugs: x
Aw good luck hun :) hope Charlie makes an appearance sooner rather than later :) x x
Thank u ladies... Oh yes don't u worry I shall be back after the weekend to let u know and I'll ask someone to do a labour thread for me just because I think it would also be nice for me to read after hes here and think wow it went like that haha... Then I can also be extremely geeky and put the page on a USB stick along with all the videos I have of him wiggling and put it in the scrap book so when he's older he can watch it or I can for memories sake...
I wish all u ladies who have only a few weeks to go all the best of luck and hope all ur babies behave... Sounds like the same advice but try and relax as much as possible just the words of someone who has stressed the whole time haha xxxx
Hope lil man makes an appearance soon, but Saturday isn't that far away to have an induction date. Xx
Hope little Charlie makes an appearance!
Otherwise we look forward to hearing your induction story!! Xxx

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