Long termers 6 months or more

I also keep an eye on this thread as I remember ltttc far too well and just wanted to say a massive congratulations to Sugarpop and Nikki, I'm thrilled for you both. I hope you can relax and enjoy it, ovary pain is completely normal Nikki, I ended up in the EPU with suspected eptopic pregnancy with my first because it was so painful but all was well. So that time we had regular scans from 4 weeks and this time had our first at 7 weeks and saw bub and heartbeat, which was very reassuring.
Good luck to everyone else, hang on in there, it obviously can happen xx
I also keep an eye on this thread as I remember ltttc far too well and just wanted to say a massive congratulations to Sugarpop and Nikki, I'm thrilled for you both. I hope you can relax and enjoy it, ovary pain is completely normal Nikki, I ended up in the EPU with suspected eptopic pregnancy with my first because it was so painful but all was well. So that time we had regular scans from 4 weeks and this time had our first at 7 weeks and saw bub and heartbeat, which was very reassuring.
Good luck to everyone else, hang on in there, it obviously can happen xx

Thank you unicorn. Today has been the first day I've not had any ovary twinge pains....So maybe little bean is settling in. Or so I hope! Boobs have been very sensitive and feel swollen yesterday and today.

Just trying to get through the next 3 week's until scam. Everything feels quite surreal for now x
I also keep an eye on this thread as I remember ltttc far too well and just wanted to say a massive congratulations to Sugarpop and Nikki, I'm thrilled for you both. I hope you can relax and enjoy it, ovary pain is completely normal Nikki, I ended up in the EPU with suspected eptopic pregnancy with my first because it was so painful but all was well. So that time we had regular scans from 4 weeks and this time had our first at 7 weeks and saw bub and heartbeat, which was very reassuring.
Good luck to everyone else, hang on in there, it obviously can happen xx

Thank you unicorn. Today has been the first day I've not had any ovary twinge pains....So maybe little bean is settling in. Or so I hope! Boobs have been very sensitive and feel swollen yesterday and today.

Just trying to get through the next 3 week's until scam. Everything feels quite surreal for now x

I bet, but given your symptoms and those lines on your tests I'd say this baby is definitely here to stay xx
How is everyone? Feeling prepared for Xmas? I have bought a couple of gifts but having a panic now as family visiting on the 9th so need to be done and wrapped by then...and have tree up and making early Xmas dinner...eep! Xx
I'm not very well been taken off my feet by a cold hoping it doesn't turn into a chest infection so rest and fluids and staying wrapped up warm is the order of the next few days. Mum's nipping Saturday was supposed to meet her but text to say I wasn't well and didn't want to pass the cold onto her after the last one she had had her really poorly so she is dropping by giving advent calendars for me and OH to my OH and having a wave from the window from me lol. Haven't even started the Xmas shopping was hoping to do it this weekend but that's out the window lol
I'm not very well been taken off my feet by a cold hoping it doesn't turn into a chest infection so rest and fluids and staying wrapped up warm is the order of the next few days. Mum's nipping Saturday was supposed to meet her but text to say I wasn't well and didn't want to pass the cold onto her after the last one she had had her really poorly so she is dropping by giving advent calendars for me and OH to my OH and having a wave from the window from me lol. Haven't even started the Xmas shopping was hoping to do it this weekend but that's out the window lol

Aw bless you vintage....get well soon. Def feed that cold! Keep them fluids up.....and def sofa snuggles.

Hubby away tonight so I'm having a curl up in front of the fire and early night x
I'm not very well been taken off my feet by a cold hoping it doesn't turn into a chest infection so rest and fluids and staying wrapped up warm is the order of the next few days. Mum's nipping Saturday was supposed to meet her but text to say I wasn't well and didn't want to pass the cold onto her after the last one she had had her really poorly so she is dropping by giving advent calendars for me and OH to my OH and having a wave from the window from me lol. Haven't even started the Xmas shopping was hoping to do it this weekend but that's out the window lol

Aw bless you vintage....get well soon. Def feed that cold! Keep them fluids up.....and def sofa snuggles.

Hubby away tonight so I'm having a curl up in front of the fire and early night x
Yea I haven't left the bed it's the most comfortable warmest place and keeps the dog happy to because he can curl up to. Yea keeping fluids up keeping warm
Af turned up yesterday, very angry and painful this month, I was not in a good mood!

We won’t try in December as my hubby works ridiculous hours all month so we will just rake the month off. I hope we got some nice Xmas bfps on the thread though xx
Af turned up yesterday, very angry and painful this month, I was not in a good mood!

We won’t try in December as my hubby works ridiculous hours all month so we will just rake the month off. I hope we got some nice Xmas bfps on the thread though xx

I'm sorry iris. Just makes it that bit worse when its a bad AF too. I hope you get some down time together at some point over Xmas. I'm the same flat out now until the new year. Joys of retail! Xx
AF arrived 5 days early for me - stress I would think as this is unprecedented for me. Now on last cycle before IVF. Absolutely gutted & completely finding it hard to accept that this has got to be this way. So angry and frustrated x
AF arrived 5 days early for me - stress I would think as this is unprecedented for me. Now on last cycle before IVF. Absolutely gutted & completely finding it hard to accept that this has got to be this way. So angry and frustrated x

Still a chance you could get pregnant before you start ivf (unless you are preventing?)

The cycle before I had planned to have a frozen embryo transferred we got pregnant naturally, sadly ended in mc, but there could still be a chance for you?
Not expecting af until around Tuesday but as per usual, the spotting has arrived today, so will be dragged out. I know my body so well now that I knew before I even went to the toilet. Mother Nature just loves to ruin my weekend.
I’m just so angry and upset about this. It never gets any easier. I just know that I’m waiting for ivf now, so I’ve got another year of this. Its not going to happen naturally after over 2 years. I just know somethings wrong with me but the docs can’t find it, so they label me as unexplained. It’s too hard to cope with and I don’t know how to deal with it anymore :wall2:
I shouldn’t google..... I’m getting myself in a right panic. To those that spot before periods, is it normal for your ‘spotting’ to be bright red? On the tissue I’d say it was more pink, but a bit of bright red and in the toilet there was a bright red spot of blood.
I’m panicking that it could be a sign of ovarian cancer or something really bad. I do have a cousin that’s had that. I’m really worrying myself stupid here. I’m worried that I haven’t emphasised enough what the spotting is like to the doctors. I basically told them that I get it but they didn’t ask questions about what it was like. I think I might be due my smear test January and for once I hope that I am. I still find it bizarre that I didn’t experience any of this until 8 months after coming off the pill. I just feel like I know somethings wrong. I’ve been worrying about my health a lot lately.
I shouldn’t google..... I’m getting myself in a right panic. To those that spot before periods, is it normal for your ‘spotting’ to be bright red? On the tissue I’d say it was more pink, but a bit of bright red and in the toilet there was a bright red spot of blood.
I’m panicking that it could be a sign of ovarian cancer or something really bad. I do have a cousin that’s had that. I’m really worrying myself stupid here. I’m worried that I haven’t emphasised enough what the spotting is like to the doctors. I basically told them that I get it but they didn’t ask questions about what it was like. I think I might be due my smear test January and for once I hope that I am. I still find it bizarre that I didn’t experience any of this until 8 months after coming off the pill. I just feel like I know somethings wrong. I’ve been worrying about my health a lot lately.

Aw peony stay away from the big bad Google button. For all it has info it can lead us up the wrong pathso easily.

It's def worth mentioning but it doesn't necessarily mean something is wrong. Periods come in all shapes and sizes with different quirks. And even when you think they have settled they can change again. X
Spotting before a period can be absolutely nothing hun, Google always predicts that we are dying from some incredible illness lol. If you are concerned about it, you can always just ask your doctor.

I actually don't know when the :witch: is coming, I think I ovulated on the 24th of November but I could be way wrong. So I'm thinking that maybe she'll pop around the 8th or so. Would be nice if she never comes though...lol
Spotting before a period can be absolutely nothing hun, Google always predicts that we are dying from some incredible illness lol. If you are concerned about it, you can always just ask your doctor.

I actually don't know when the :witch: is coming, I think I ovulated on the 24th of November but I could be way wrong. So I'm thinking that maybe she'll pop around the 8th or so. Would be nice if she never comes though...lol

Fingers crossed she stays away!
Confirmed for me today - I didn’t ovulate this last cycle either. So that is two months lost. This cycle is my last before IVF hopefully and feeling like it is pointless as I’m just so stressed and worried about everything. Currently battling work over a flexible working request to go part time so I can manage work with IVF. No one works part time in my office. I was really looking forward to December and Christmas and now I just feel so down and out of control. Just don’t know how I got from monthly testing threads and feeling excited in 2ww (even if frustrated at times) to this - i just feel so lost, lovely, frustrated, sad and angry! Sorry for the rant! X
Confirmed for me today - I didn’t ovulate this last cycle either. So that is two months lost. This cycle is my last before IVF hopefully and feeling like it is pointless as I’m just so stressed and worried about everything. Currently battling work over a flexible working request to go part time so I can manage work with IVF. No one works part time in my office. I was really looking forward to December and Christmas and now I just feel so down and out of control. Just don’t know how I got from monthly testing threads and feeling excited in 2ww (even if frustrated at times) to this - i just feel so lost, lovely, frustrated, sad and angry! Sorry for the rant! X

Let it all out Mandy! No good comes from holding it in! I’m so sorry you’re going through this but know that you are not alone. It’s really rubbish and not fair. I’m sure when Xmas gets closer, you will still find a way to enjoy it. I know how you feel, I feel so low today and even our decorations can’t cheer me up!! I find the best way to deal with it is to just let yourself feel sad, angry, whatever, as long as you need to. And avoid the testing threads! They only make me jealous of everyone’s optimism and excitement! I miss those days!
Spotting before a period can be absolutely nothing hun, Google always predicts that we are dying from some incredible illness lol. If you are concerned about it, you can always just ask your doctor.

I actually don't know when the :witch: is coming, I think I ovulated on the 24th of November but I could be way wrong. So I'm thinking that maybe she'll pop around the 8th or so. Would be nice if she never comes though...lol

Fingers crossed it never arrives!!

I’ve actually recently been to the docs. Tests have come back fine and they don’t think I have PCOS which is a relief, but I still struggle to accept unexplained! He basically said he thinks the spotting is caused by a hormonal reason. (Well I could have told him that lol) I asked if there was anything I could do to change that and he said no :roll: so I guess I’ll just wait for ivf then!

Weirdly, my appointment letter came through asking me to book my smear test (or cervical screening as they call it nowadays!) today, so at least I’ll be able to get tested for that too soon! Although I just hate the two weeks waiting for the results.!
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Thanks Peony. Yes just feeling very down. I feel like every other day is a down day. The next day I am up and strong. I keep torturing myself of all the people I know who are now pregnant & will be going into the new year expecting their babies. I keep feeling so sad and angry thinking we have to go through IVF. So angry helpless & out of control because of all the boxes to tick and tests to pass to get on to it. I can’t be at work at the moment because I’m just an emotional wreck - and nothing has even really happened yet. Perhaps I will feel better when it does start happening. I’m trying so hard to try and not think of things to de strsss so I can ovulate to give us a chance this month - but I honestly don’t know how! I’ve given up drink but maybe I just need to have a good old drink to help me relax! I feel miserable! But I know that I should be now prepping my body for what is to come, so incredibly guilty if I go against any of it.

We are going private and our heads are swimming in fees and fertility packages - it’s all so much of a head mess.

Peony I’m glad your tests are ok. I can completely relate to your anxiety. Hopefully you have some reassurance today that can make you feel better. I don’t want to be one of those people who say stress is bad etc etc but it is amazing what it can do to you and I’m only just learning that! X

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