Long termers 6 months or more

Hi ladies, so I got a bfp today! I’m honestly in shock. Period due tomorrow and used afternoon urine but it was definitely there! Been spotting on and off since 1dpo so I was sure I was out this month!!

Omg iris how exciting!!! So so happy for you. Lovely to see a BFP on this thread!!!

Do u have a pic of your lovely lines to cheer us all up.

Everything crossed for a fabulous happy healthy 9 months x

Thank you so much Nikki! Here’s my pic. I hope you all get your bfp soon!!


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Huge congratulations SugaryIris!! Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months. I continue to stalk this thread and I'm really keeping my fingers crossed for every single one of you!!
Hi ladies, so I got a bfp today! I’m honestly in shock. Period due tomorrow and used afternoon urine but it was definitely there! Been spotting on and off since 1dpo so I was sure I was out this month!!

Omg iris how exciting!!! So so happy for you. Lovely to see a BFP on this thread!!!

Do u have a pic of your lovely lines to cheer us all up.

Everything crossed for a fabulous happy healthy 9 months x

Thank you so much Nikki! Here’s my pic. I hope you all get your bfp soon!!

Oooo Iris congrats!! I like to stalk this thread too to cheer you lovely ladies on! It's wonderful to see a BFP on here!! <3
Thank you both! I&#8217;m still a little nervous after my loss earlier in the year. I might have to get a clear blue digital so I can see it in writing!
Thank you both! I&#8217;m still a little nervous after my loss earlier in the year. I might have to get a clear blue digital so I can see it in writing!

Oh Iris, I'm so thrilled for you. That's a definite pink clear line there.

're the clear blue digi, hold off until Saturday or Sunday if you can. Do another frer to see that all important line again, but remember that clear blue digi's are nowhere near as sensitive and the last thing you need to deal with now is a false negative test as it will mean nothing but will really bring you down for no reason.

After three losses in succession, I was absolutely petrified so with this pregnancy, I think I did 60 odd tests before I got a private scan at 6+5 and saw the heartbeat. I've now had a baby for one whole week today and he's the most perfect little man I've ever laid eyes on. There is light at the end of that very dark, scary and intimidating tunnel so don't make things harder by testing before a particular test may give an accurate result. Xx
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Thank you both! I&#8217;m still a little nervous after my loss earlier in the year. I might have to get a clear blue digital so I can see it in writing!

Oh Iris, I'm so thrilled for you. That's a definite pink clear line there.

're the clear blue digi, hold off until Saturday or Sunday if you can. Do another frer to see that all important line again, but remember that clear blue digi's are nowhere near as sensitive and the last thing you need to deal with now is a false negative test as it will mean nothing but will really bring you down for no reason.

After three losses in succession, I was absolutely petrified so with this pregnancy, I think I did 60 odd tests before I got a private scan at 6+5 and saw the heartbeat. I've now had a baby for one whole week today and he's the most perfect little man I've ever laid eyes on. There is light at the end of that very dark, scary and intimidating tunnel so don't make things harder by testing before a particular test may give an accurate result. Xx

I took a frer this morning, it was so faint it was almost not there and could have been an indent. I don&#8217;t understand how my hormones can fade so much in 12 hours between 6pm last night and 6am this morning. I&#8217;m scared to test again now. I don&#8217;t know if I can take another loss.

Congratulations on your baby boy! Give him lots of big cuddles! You deserve them all xx
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Could your urine just have been less concentrated this morning iris? A line is a line, doesn&#8217;t matter how strong it is xx
Thank you both! I’m still a little nervous after my loss earlier in the year. I might have to get a clear blue digital so I can see it in writing!

Oh Iris, I'm so thrilled for you. That's a definite pink clear line there.

're the clear blue digi, hold off until Saturday or Sunday if you can. Do another frer to see that all important line again, but remember that clear blue digi's are nowhere near as sensitive and the last thing you need to deal with now is a false negative test as it will mean nothing but will really bring you down for no reason.

After three losses in succession, I was absolutely petrified so with this pregnancy, I think I did 60 odd tests before I got a private scan at 6+5 and saw the heartbeat. I've now had a baby for one whole week today and he's the most perfect little man I've ever laid eyes on. There is light at the end of that very dark, scary and intimidating tunnel so don't make things harder by testing before a particular test may give an accurate result. Xx

Awww congrats GG. So happy for you that you have your little wrigglebum in your arms. Hope all went ok xx
So hospital went ok today. Expected questions and grilling for us both. But to be honest not loads of advice altho the doctor was nice.

She said normally as there is nothing evident that seems to be stopping us getting pregnant they would send us away until we have been trying for 2 years. But because I had chylamidia way back before I met my husband when I was 18 they have referred me for a HSG just to check that everything is ok as apparently there is a teeny chance that it can affect your tubes.

So I have to call next cycle at start of AF. I'm due AF today so I will have to wait until next cycle as she did basic swabs today to check for HPV and STDs apparently just standard practice before HSG to ensure they don't spread an infection up into your womb. So have to wait for those swabs to come back first.

So I guess will hopefully be sometime early August for HSG.

So more waiting and just keep trying! Pretty much as expected x
I’m not sure if HSG is the same sort of thing as a HyCosy? I had a HyCosy to check my tubes and was told beforehand that some people find it unbearable and to others it’s just a mild discomfort! I took painkillers before I went as advised but didn’t feel like the actual test was too bad. However, on the drive home I honestly felt l knew what it felt like to be in labour. It was really intense period cramps. As soon as I got home, went to the toilet (sorry tmi!) and then laid on the sofa I felt a lot better. So if it is the same sort of test, my advice would be to make sure you have somebody with you to drive you home and if you can, have the rest of the day off work. Reading that back, it sounds worse than it actually was. To put it in perspective, if they told me I had to have it done again, I wouldn’t be like ‘yay’ but I wouldn’t be too bothered about it! And it does give you peace of mind if nothing else as it’s one more thing that’s been checked! Xx
I've also had a HyCosy - they tell you to take painkillers beforehand, and my advice would be - listen to them! I didn't, and it was painful. Not hideous, and I am sure if I had taken something it would have been fine!
HSG stands for hysterosalpingogram basically inject dye and take x days
So sounds like the same as what you are both describing I think?!

I figure it can't be much worse than having a coil put in or a LLETZ treatment for abnormal cells. They were both unpleasant but like you say bearable. I remember the cramps after coil and I'm guessing this will be similar.

I think I'm more dreading how I explain to my boss I need a day off at short notice. We work closely and generally tell each other everything but I don't want to tell him this just yet.

Especially not as we have just had 1 manager leave and 2 supervisors resign within a month. All unrelated but we are a small team so will be bit stretched for a couple months at least x
Thank you both! I’m still a little nervous after my loss earlier in the year. I might have to get a clear blue digital so I can see it in writing!

Oh Iris, I'm so thrilled for you. That's a definite pink clear line there.

're the clear blue digi, hold off until Saturday or Sunday if you can. Do another frer to see that all important line again, but remember that clear blue digi's are nowhere near as sensitive and the last thing you need to deal with now is a false negative test as it will mean nothing but will really bring you down for no reason.

After three losses in succession, I was absolutely petrified so with this pregnancy, I think I did 60 odd tests before I got a private scan at 6+5 and saw the heartbeat. I've now had a baby for one whole week today and he's the most perfect little man I've ever laid eyes on. There is light at the end of that very dark, scary and intimidating tunnel so don't make things harder by testing before a particular test may give an accurate result. Xx

I took a frer this morning, it was so faint it was almost not there and could have been an indent. I don’t understand how my hormones can fade so much in 12 hours between 6pm last night and 6am this morning. I’m scared to test again now. I don’t know if I can take another loss.

Congratulations on your baby boy! Give him lots of big cuddles! You deserve them all xx

I never got a line on a frer with the pregnancies I lost, so don't lose hope yet.

Wait a few days before trying to test again. Xxx
Thank you both! I’m still a little nervous after my loss earlier in the year. I might have to get a clear blue digital so I can see it in writing!

Oh Iris, I'm so thrilled for you. That's a definite pink clear line there.

're the clear blue digi, hold off until Saturday or Sunday if you can. Do another frer to see that all important line again, but remember that clear blue digi's are nowhere near as sensitive and the last thing you need to deal with now is a false negative test as it will mean nothing but will really bring you down for no reason.

After three losses in succession, I was absolutely petrified so with this pregnancy, I think I did 60 odd tests before I got a private scan at 6+5 and saw the heartbeat. I've now had a baby for one whole week today and he's the most perfect little man I've ever laid eyes on. There is light at the end of that very dark, scary and intimidating tunnel so don't make things harder by testing before a particular test may give an accurate result. Xx

I took a frer this morning, it was so faint it was almost not there and could have been an indent. I don’t understand how my hormones can fade so much in 12 hours between 6pm last night and 6am this morning. I’m scared to test again now. I don’t know if I can take another loss.

Congratulations on your baby boy! Give him lots of big cuddles! You deserve them all xx

Iris I'm so sorry it's all such a worry at this time. Totally with GG about holding off with a digi. They really are so much less sensitive. I always went against everyone here and never did early testing. I think I was nearly a week late before I even did a test. I would probably do another frer at the weekend and then think about a digi if the line is looking good. Fingers crossed for you.
P.s. Any advice on what to expect for HSG much appreciated x

Glad the appointment went well. Thought I would share my hsg experience. I had hsg not hycosy. You'll read loads of different experiences on the internet which will scare the shit out of you but mine was really positive. It was a very last minute appointment as you say which can be tricky around work. I think they phoned me the Thu or Fri to offer me the following Mon. I went alone and drove myself there and back with absolutely no issues. I also went to work afterwards no issues. I'm a nurse just to give you some context that I don't have a sit down job!! I'd have been really annoyed at myself if I'd taken a whole day off for it. My appointment was around 9 and I was back at work around 11/11.30 and that included the hour's drive to work from the hospital.

The actual procedure was a bit like a more involved smear. I did feel cramping when they flushed the dye but that didn't last after it was through. They had to do mine twice as the catheter fell out the first time lol!! It really wasn't an issue. I was advised to take painkillers before which I did but I'm not sure how much difference it made. Definitely can't hurt. I don't remember needing anything after. If I did I might have just taken in case as I was going to work.

As for your boss, mine did know what I was going for so I didn't have that problem. If I was in your situation and didn't want to share, I'd probably have a 'dental problem' on the day or something and go in late. Obviously everyone is different. If you've had a coil and a LLETZ procedure that will probably be a good guide to how you tolerate these things.

Overall not the most pleasant procedure but I would have it again if needed. Also do have pads with you for after as you will leak!!
Thanks @moomin that's great.

I'm kinda hoping that I get a morning appt so that I have the option if I need to work. Will just be luck of the draw I guess. Hopefully can come up with a good reason that won't involve questions. My boss knew about LLETZ so may end up making something up linked to that. It's so hard when you are a small team. I just don't think I can deal with the ongoing questioning if I tell him what it's really for.

AF looked like was arriving yesterday as was bit of red when they did the swabs and bit when I wiped this morning but she's not appeared yet. Hope the witch just gets on with it soon.

Yeah if your boss is a man go with a woman's issue. They tend not to ask further!! It's just the short notice of it that makes it more suspicious that you sort of feel like you need to justify yourself.
Yeah if your boss is a man go with a woman's issue. They tend not to ask further!! It's just the short notice of it that makes it more suspicious that you sort of feel like you need to justify yourself.

Sadly I wish that was the case.....My boss is a very much gay man lol. And believes in sharing. He had kidney stones and felt the need to show us it after he passed it lmfao. Carried it around in his pocket for 2 days lol.

I'll think of something I'm sure and hopefully I might get lucky with appt as i work shifts x
Wife should have been due on the 4th or 5th but has had stomach problems the past few day so it hasn’t arrived yet.
Has done a test but no positive.
Guessing the stomach problems has knocked the usual 32 day cycle out of sync.

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