Long termers 6 months or more

Thank you, Alexis! We have until the end of the year before the Dr refers us to a fertility specialist. Even so, IVF here in the states isn't covered and very expensive. We really hope to conceive naturally before the year is over. Its even harder only ovulating from one ovary, but we aren't giving up. AF showed up today and I feel like crap (physically) but mentally I am ready to get back to it. I have an acupuncture appointment on Friday so hoping it'll work for me!!
I still remember those innocent days when we first started TTC and thought this would be so easy lol I think we've all grown so much through everything, we can all give ourselves a standing ovation in my humble opinion.

:hugs: Lemur ...we should plot to assassinate the :witch:
I still remember those innocent days when we first started TTC and thought this would be so easy lol I think we've all grown so much through everything, we can all give ourselves a standing ovation in my humble opinion.

:hugs: Lemur ...we should plot to assassinate the :witch:

KatD, YESSSS. I got pregnant month 3, mc immediately after, and was bummed but still thought I could just do it again. Until my endometriosis diagnosis, surgery, and finding out I only have one working ovary :( now it is harder and will take twice as long as I will have to wait every other month (but still trying every month just in case that left ovary magically decides to work again) to get pregnant. *sigh*

And yes, let's do something with her. She needs to go away and stay gone. Only come when I NEED you to! lol

8dpo and the spotting has continued since 1dpo :( I always have spotting in my lp but this month it’s just a joke. Feeling a bit fed up.
8dpo and the spotting has continued since 1dpo :( I always have spotting in my lp but this month it’s just a joke. Feeling a bit fed up.

Ugh how rubbish iris. Don't u just wish the witch would either crack on or piss off. I hate spotting....especially when it's the black knickers kind. That's what I call it when it's not even worth a panty liner lol.

Hope she goes one way or the other for you soon x
Hate spotting too. The last two cycles I started spotting two to three days before my period which lead me to believe that it might be IB :wall2:

We're off to Namibia tomorrow morning for a wee getaway - desert hopping hehehe hope AF doesn't catch me in the middle of it, but then again, the sooner the better I suppose! Next cycle is the first one we should actually have a decent shot at this whole TTC thing!

Ohhh I’m soooo jealous! My holiday isn’t until September so it’s soooo far away!!

We’ve decided to put our house on the market, we were going to wait to see what happens with ttc before we move but I’m not putting my life on hold anymore!

I haven’t had any spotting today though! Whoop whoop!

I really hope next month is the one for you!
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Good luck everyone waiting to test or try this month. I am due af any day ( we didn't try last cycle ) had 2 months off so going to get back on it after af goes for July. That's us been trying 19 months now almost that the year mark. Going to tell my boss tmrw about the ivf. Dreading it but I think it's better she knows as its happening in 5 months now. I just wish it wasnt happening
Good luck everyone waiting to test or try this month. I am due af any day ( we didn't try last cycle ) had 2 months off so going to get back on it after af goes for July. That's us been trying 19 months now almost that the year mark. Going to tell my boss tmrw about the ivf. Dreading it but I think it's better she knows as its happening in 5 months now. I just wish it wasnt happening

I hope your boss is supportive Alexis and at least it will be a weight off your mind and hopefully you might get cut some slack if they know your health is so critical right now!

We have had a month off in effect. Only DTD 4 times during this cycle and all pretty recently. None where intentionally timed at all but we did have one magic shot the day before ov.albeit was a total coincidence that it just happened to be when we sorted out all our other stresses And felt like DTD again after nearly 4 weeks.

Have had a lovely week off last week. Not fun being back at work today on a Sunday. Ugh. But hey go needs must especially if we wanna clear that credit card before a BFP.

I'm due AF on Wed same day I go to hospital appt. I have had this sharp pain again today. I think I have had this at this point in my cycle couple times before but never recorded where it fell in the month. Always in my right ovary bikini line area. Who knows probably just the witch warming up for a game of quidditch.

Happy humping ladies whether for BD or just for fun x
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I am also back here after getting my bfp after 11months TTC which ended up in miscarriage:( so this makes it nearly a year for us. I have no idea where I am in my cycle after the miscarriage. We did have unprotected sex but I doubt it’s going to end up with bfp as again I have no idea if I even ovulated or will ovulate so I am not going to get stressed or even expect bfp. I will go on to using my fertility monitor next month.
Good luck to everyone else here and good luck alexis telling your boss. I hope you feel like weight lifted of your shoulders afterwards. I told my boss about my miscarriage as I needed the time off and he was very understanding.
Good luck Alexis, I’m sure they’ll be really supportive.

I called a meeting with HR today and I walked in and was asked if I had ‘any news’ aka are you pregnant. My boss the other week said something similar. It completely knocked me off guard, yes I’m married and yes I’m ‘that age’ and yes I qualified a few months ago so I’m not studying anymore but it is none of your business!

I wish I had news but I’ve started my pre af spotting so I know I don’t.
Period due for my wife in the next 2-3 days.
What’s made it all worse is that her friend has found out she is pregnant with a lad she has only known a couple of months so that has hit her hard. Very hard.
I’m ready for a baby but I’m quite mentally strong but my wife is really down about us taking so long to conceive. I feel sorry for anyone who feels that way as I know how the mind can be our own worst enemy at times.

Best of luck to everyone this month.
I’ve received a letter from work inviting me to a disciplinary meeting due to the time I took off for my miscarriage.

I’m numb with shock, I’m so upset
I’ve received a letter from work inviting me to a disciplinary meeting due to the time I took off for my miscarriage.

I’m numb with shock, I’m so upset

Oh wow :shock: thats actually disgusting!

Were they aware of the reasons you were off?
I’ve received a letter from work inviting me to a disciplinary meeting due to the time I took off for my miscarriage.

I’m numb with shock, I’m so upset

Oh wow :shock: thats actually disgusting!

Were they aware of the reasons you were off?

I work in maternity. Because I haemorrhaged, I had to be admitted into the bereavement suite on my own unit. The door to my room was literally opposite the door to my managers office
They definitely can’t do that akua, pregnancy related absences including miscarriage are disregarded, I’m pretty sure it’s legally protected, do you have a union you can go to or a HR department you can query it with x
They definitely can’t do that akua, pregnancy related absences including miscarriage are disregarded, I’m pretty sure it’s legally protected, do you have a union you can go to or a HR department you can query it with x

It’s hr that are insisting on it! I am in a union though so maybe I’ll ring them tomorrow morning. Ive always been under the impression that no workforce can use pregnancy related illness as a disciplinary issue as it’s sexual discrimination
They definitely can’t do that akua, pregnancy related absences including miscarriage are disregarded, I’m pretty sure it’s legally protected, do you have a union you can go to or a HR department you can query it with x

It’s hr that are insisting on it! I am in a union though so maybe I’ll ring them tomorrow morning. Ive always been under the impression that no workforce can use pregnancy related illness as a disciplinary issue as it’s sexual discrimination

I am pretty confident in saying 'you are safe' - i cant believe they even had the nerve! i feel angry for you! how dare they :wall2:
Hi ladies, so I got a bfp today! I’m honestly in shock. Period due tomorrow and used afternoon urine but it was definitely there! Been spotting on and off since 1dpo so I was sure I was out this month!!
Hi ladies, so I got a bfp today! I’m honestly in shock. Period due tomorrow and used afternoon urine but it was definitely there! Been spotting on and off since 1dpo so I was sure I was out this month!!

Omg iris how exciting!!! So so happy for you. Lovely to see a BFP on this thread!!!

Do u have a pic of your lovely lines to cheer us all up.

Everything crossed for a fabulous happy healthy 9 months x

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