Long termers 6 months or more

Thanks all. I'm not remotely optimistic but it would be pretty funny if it ended up being a one shot wonder. We are both knackered from work tonight so that one shot will literally be it for this cycle.

Maybe that's a positive thing because I feel pretty relaxed about it all as I know chances are so slim

Just trying to focus on us for a while now as things have been so tense. We are off work next week. Going down south to visit my family and will be seeing his brother and sister in law too. So will be nice to have a few days together just focussing on us.

Anyone got any exciting news? I feel like a broken record lol!? At least until my appt when I might have something to report x

One shot is all it took me and Dan with the exact same timing as you've had this month so I'm staying optimistic for you and will be stalking you from hospital xxx

Hospital GG? Am I missing something? Everything ok? Xx

C section on Wednesday. They won't take any risks. Have already told me that if we want another, to start trying again as soon as I'm recovered as they believe I'll have trouble again.

To be honest, I'll just be happy if I don't have this baby in one of the fucking fields, it seems to be a theme. Second mare today foaled in the field in the bloody afternoon! I personally love it when mares foal in the field without fuss or bother, always seems to go better, but it did mean having to get her and a brand new foal in and play the waiting game. By 11pm afternoon still only showing a little, called vet, told I still have some oxytocin and could I give her a couple of ml as she was getting tired. He said go for it...then "Oh shit, not you, you can't touch it Cheryl" lol. Luckily Dan had a crash course in giving injections last month so he was able to do it. Could you imagine the hospital asking how I was so sure I was having proper contractions? "Hmmmm, I accidentally injected myself with a large horse dose of oxytocin" lol. Not sure that would go down very well. Hahaaa.
Mare was exhausted though so I did step in and just give it a gentle tension to help it out. I have no idea why, but Dan felt it necessary to photograph me turning it inside out to check it was all there and healthy, lol. He's weird.

So, yeah...just gone to check her as colic is a bit of a risk with oxytocin but she's looking okay. Had a poo at 10pm, nothing since bit hasn't eaten much so I'll give her a bute at 7 with a sloppy feed and see how she goes. This is one seriously well bred dressage foal belonging to a GP dressage rider so I'm just glad that they're both okay and that it's come before I go in for mine as Dan was really feeling the pressure of having to keep an eye and I am a total control freak so even though I have a great stud groom on call, I don't cope well with other people handling things like this, lol.

Anyway....to you. I am really happy that you're chilled out about this month.

Also, to all of you, a very good friend of mine who went through 8 years ttc with not a single pregnancy, 4 years self funded IVF with 7 losses and 4 years ago, drew a line under it and gave up...has just passed the 24 week gestational viability with a baby conceived naturally and obviously, totally unexpectedly.

Your journeys are your own and unique to each of you...but do remember, miracles can and do happen and for some, it just takes a really long fucking time.

I'm still keeping everything crossed for you all. Xxx

GG I totally love this story about your friend - just incredible, it really makes you wonder what the hell was going on though!! Our bodies...such crazy, incredible (and irritating) things haha! x
What a difference a month can make! Last month I coped with af really well and felt positive... this month I feel awful and af hasn’t properly arrived yet! I have the usual brown spotting though so it’s on it’s way, it just likes to drag it out to torture me a bit more. I think I felt too hopeful for this month and so it has hit me harder this month. We dtd loads and at the right times, I went on holiday and was really relaxed and then I felt pregnant! I’ve never felt pregnant before! I think this was why I’ve taken it so badly this month. Urgh, autocorrect just. changed badly to baby! :roll: even that is laughing at me!
Think I need to book another holiday... I’m no better off financially not having a baby as I keep booking holidays to console myself!
Honestly haven’t felt as bad as this since I hit the year mark!
@GG OMG can't believe how fast that has come around!?! That's is seriously scary! Not even to mention that you nearly have your little bubba and I don't even have a bean on the go lol.

So so happy for you lovely and loving the foal story....so lush.. Just watch what you are doing missy! Not that I can talk I know I would be the same with the horses. I was doing laps round the yard with mine in the trailer the other week as he decided he couldn't stand up lol. I got very seasick lmfao. Took partitions out and he has decided he knows which way is up thank God. On a positive I am getting my confidence back jumping so figure I may as well crack on and enjoy that while I can.

Finish work today can't wait for a break and some time with hubby hopefully with both of us hopefully switched off....But turned on....hehe lol x
What a difference a month can make! Last month I coped with af really well and felt positive... this month I feel awful and af hasn’t properly arrived yet! I have the usual brown spotting though so it’s on it’s way, it just likes to drag it out to torture me a bit more. I think I felt too hopeful for this month and so it has hit me harder this month. We dtd loads and at the right times, I went on holiday and was really relaxed and then I felt pregnant! I’ve never felt pregnant before! I think this was why I’ve taken it so badly this month. Urgh, autocorrect just. changed badly to baby! :roll: even that is laughing at me!
Think I need to book another holiday... I’m no better off financially not having a baby as I keep booking holidays to console myself!
Honestly haven’t felt as bad as this since I hit the year mark!

Aww peony it sucks so bad.....I really feel your pain. You are where I was last cycle.....my long cycle had me believing this might finally be it.

I think all the comfort I can offer is that you are not alone and the only way I have found to make it through is to remember that and to talk to hubby and just generally to remmebr to live the life we have.....and if that means loads of holidays you crack on love!! Because life is too short and too precious not to enjoy what we have.....even if we are wishing for that little bean to help make our puzzle complete x
Hi ladies, I wonder if you can help, I got my positive opk the day before yesterday which meant yesterday was ovulation day, but I’ve just been to the toilet and when I wiped there was bright red blood, not a lot but it was there. Have any of you ever experienced this?

Not happened to me as such but didn't want to read and run.

Could it be from sex? I have bled once before from a particularly vigorous session....albeit a long time ago with a previous partner. Pretty sure just caught something and was scary but that's all it was.

Sorry I can't be more help x

Definitely not sex, not dtd since the day before ovulation, dh hasn’t been up for anymore.

How bizarre iris have you had anymore bleeding? Xx
Hello ladies!

I'm just back to the forum after a long time being MIA. Replying to the original post, I have been TTC since October 2016 (so going on 2 years now). I was just recently diagnosed with endometriosis and had surgery February 2018. DH and I took a 2 month break and started TTC again actively last month. I am currently in the 2WW, but really not looking for a BFP this month. Lots of complicated issues with my reproductive system that is keeping me from conceiving, but I refuse to give up. So we just keep trying, hoping, and praying.

That being said, how are you mamas?!
Is it unreasonable to unfriend someone on Facebook because I’m fed up of the minimum three a day posts about her pregnancy when she’s only seven weeks?!

Just unfollow them hun, then you don't have to have that awkward conversation about why you unfriended them.

:hugs: it hurts like hell when you are confronted with other people's 'great' news. It's like you don't mean to feel this way but you've just had about as much disappointment as you can take. Monday I had to listen to one of my friends happily telling met that she's two weeks pregnant but that I shouldn't worry it'll happen for me soon too and that we should go on holiday together. I bit back the tears and agreed, smiling and pretending to be a-okay. I'm happy for her of course, but it doesn't take away the sting of things

Hi ladies, I wonder if you can help, I got my positive opk the day before yesterday which meant yesterday was ovulation day, but I’ve just been to the toilet and when I wiped there was bright red blood, not a lot but it was there. Have any of you ever experienced this?

Hey Hun :hugs:
They say that it's usually a great sign that you are experiencing a strong ovulation this month.
Other than that it could be some irritation to the external part of your vagina, bright red blood is fresh blood.

I wouldn't worry too much about it xxx
What a difference a month can make! Last month I coped with af really well and felt positive... this month I feel awful and af hasn’t properly arrived yet! I have the usual brown spotting though so it’s on it’s way, it just likes to drag it out to torture me a bit more. I think I felt too hopeful for this month and so it has hit me harder this month. We dtd loads and at the right times, I went on holiday and was really relaxed and then I felt pregnant! I’ve never felt pregnant before! I think this was why I’ve taken it so badly this month. Urgh, autocorrect just. changed badly to baby! :roll: even that is laughing at me!
Think I need to book another holiday... I’m no better off financially not having a baby as I keep booking holidays to console myself!
Honestly haven’t felt as bad as this since I hit the year mark!

:hugs: I'm sorry P :hugs:
I've thrown myself into work to get my mind off of everything TTC - even went as far as to try and convince myself that I didn't want kids lol now that's CRAZY :lol:
Guess we all have our own little coping methods, yours are just loads more fun!

I really hope you start to feel better soon hun xxx
Hello ladies!

I'm just back to the forum after a long time being MIA. Replying to the original post, I have been TTC since October 2016 (so going on 2 years now). I was just recently diagnosed with endometriosis and had surgery February 2018. DH and I took a 2 month break and started TTC again actively last month. I am currently in the 2WW, but really not looking for a BFP this month. Lots of complicated issues with my reproductive system that is keeping me from conceiving, but I refuse to give up. So we just keep trying, hoping, and praying.

That being said, how are you mamas?!

Hey Lemur! WB :hugs:
So sorry that you were given such a bad diagnosis, I'm really glad that you had the op. How are things going so far? What has your doctor said so far? Did you do an OPK this cycle?

I take it DH had all his tests done?

It's been a long time here in TTC land - not as long as some of the ladies here but everyday feels like an eternity. Like I'm stuck in limbo.

I'm keeping my FX for you this cycle :dust:
Hello ladies!

I'm just back to the forum after a long time being MIA. Replying to the original post, I have been TTC since October 2016 (so going on 2 years now). I was just recently diagnosed with endometriosis and had surgery February 2018. DH and I took a 2 month break and started TTC again actively last month. I am currently in the 2WW, but really not looking for a BFP this month. Lots of complicated issues with my reproductive system that is keeping me from conceiving, but I refuse to give up. So we just keep trying, hoping, and praying.

That being said, how are you mamas?!

Hey Lemur! WB :hugs:
So sorry that you were given such a bad diagnosis, I'm really glad that you had the op. How are things going so far? What has your doctor said so far? Did you do an OPK this cycle?

I take it DH had all his tests done?

It's been a long time here in TTC land - not as long as some of the ladies here but everyday feels like an eternity. Like I'm stuck in limbo.

I'm keeping my FX for you this cycle :dust:

Hey! Things have been going okay, just not pregnant. I don't talk to my doctor much. I am trying a holistic approach. But, she is giving us until the end of the year to keep trying before she recommends us to a specialist. DH is fine. Just my endo bringing things down. I do OPK every month. I am currently 10dpo and had some cramps, turns out it was just gas. We shall see. I'm kinda numb to symptom spotting anymore lol just wait around and see what happens.

Thank you for the kind words. Much luck to you!!!! It will happen for us! I know it :)
Hi ladies, I wonder if you can help, I got my positive opk the day before yesterday which meant yesterday was ovulation day, but I’ve just been to the toilet and when I wiped there was bright red blood, not a lot but it was there. Have any of you ever experienced this?

Hey Hun :hugs:
They say that it's usually a great sign that you are experiencing a strong ovulation this month.
Other than that it could be some irritation to the external part of your vagina, bright red blood is fresh blood.

I wouldn't worry too much about it xxx

Oh I see! I think I know when I ovulated from the positive opk and the twinge on the day. So this was 1dpo not before ovulation. This morning there was some brown spotting but seems to have just about stopped.

It’s an odd one, I’ll make a note and if this is my month then yay! If not I’ll add it to my things to discuss with the gp.
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Is it unreasonable to unfriend someone on Facebook because I’m fed up of the minimum three a day posts about her pregnancy when she’s only seven weeks?!

Just unfollow them hun, then you don't have to have that awkward conversation about why you unfriended them.

:hugs: it hurts like hell when you are confronted with other people's 'great' news. It's like you don't mean to feel this way but you've just had about as much disappointment as you can take. Monday I had to listen to one of my friends happily telling met that she's two weeks pregnant but that I shouldn't worry it'll happen for me soon too and that we should go on holiday together. I bit back the tears and agreed, smiling and pretending to be a-okay. I'm happy for her of course, but it doesn't take away the sting of things



I’d block and delete and then maybe throw a tantrum and come if Facebook all together but maybe unfollowing works just as well!
Spotting red again. 2dpo. Burst into tears. I spot throughout my luteal phase and whilst this is the earliest it’s happened, I know it means something is wrong and it won’t be my month. I’m so tired of my heart breaking month in month out.
Spotting red again. 2dpo. Burst into tears. I spot throughout my luteal phase and whilst this is the earliest it’s happened, I know it means something is wrong and it won’t be my month. I’m so tired of my heart breaking month in month out.

I am so sorry. I wish I could say it gets easier with time, but it doesn't. Have yourself a good cry and then pick up and keep trying. I hope nothing but the best for you. You are strong!
Cycle day 1 today and another pregnancy announcement (they got married after us!) to kick me in the teeth while I’m down! :wall2: so fed up of this.
Cycle day 1 today and another pregnancy announcement (they got married after us!) to kick me in the teeth while I’m down! :wall2: so fed up of this.

That is the absolute worst! It’s not the pregnancy announcements that bother me too much, but I have a friend who bangs on about how easily she falls pregnant, I’m like yes I get it! You only have to look at a penis to get pregnant and if I was you, I’d have fallen pregnant and already had a baby in the amount of time it’s taking us!

I’m trying really hard to stay positive but my husband, who has always been the positive one is saying things like ‘if it doesn’t happen for us...’ etc because I know he’s starting to doubt it too now and trying to soften the blow.

Keep your chin up Peony!
Oh ladies my heart is just breaking as I am reading your posts, I think it hits harder because I can relate to what you are experiencing. Long gone is the excitement of the 2ww, no more naive symptom spotting, just the cold hard reality that waits around the corner I guess. I hate the way this has changed my entire perspective but I know that the process will make us all stronger, we just never lose hope. It might take us a while longer but we'll get there, one cycle at a time!
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Hello ladies!

I'm just back to the forum after a long time being MIA. Replying to the original post, I have been TTC since October 2016 (so going on 2 years now). I was just recently diagnosed with endometriosis and had surgery February 2018. DH and I took a 2 month break and started TTC again actively last month. I am currently in the 2WW, but really not looking for a BFP this month. Lots of complicated issues with my reproductive system that is keeping me from conceiving, but I refuse to give up. So we just keep trying, hoping, and praying.

That being said, how are you mamas?!

Welcome back.. I am still here too trying for almost 2 years as well...It's tough. We have unexplained infertility so start IVF in 5 months time
I think just about everyone else from that time have got pregnant ...niice tonsee you back. I've been taking a 2 month break from ttc as never took a break for 18 months and it was really having a negative effect on my mental health so will start back trying in a couple of weeks for our last attempts before IVF starts. Hope your well and on the mend post surgery.
All of you ladies who are still here over 2 years down the line I take my hat off to you. This is a seriously tough game and whilst we all know the end result could be amazing...the interim is close to torture and can too couples apart never mind the power is has to destroy your sex life.

We are at my parents until tomorrow. Have enjoyed a little staycation as the weather has been so kind to us. Heading home tomorrow and will have nice day together Thurs....possibly with some sexy time
This heat plus parents in the next room isn't exactly a mood setter lol.

He is then away on a stag do at the weekend and I'll be playing ponies before back to work Sunday so hopefully that will keep me occupied until appt on Wed x

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