Long termers 6 months or more

Fabulous friends wedding today with loads of mates. Great day but sadly brought with it the string of your turn next for bairns....surely it's time....when you gonna have one. Took all my strength to laugh them off and turn away and neck my drink.

Sometimes you just wanna scream we are having problems so fuck off!!

Also friend was there who got married last June and is pregnant with their second child....came back off the pill after the wedding and wasn't going to TRY then fell within 2 months.

It's just heartbresking sometimes x

Sometimes, as awkward as it is, it is worth saying something like, "if only it were that easy" or "it's not for want of trying, we're worn out"...but ending with a smile and change of subject. Shuts people the fuck up and makes them think before they do it to the next person.

When I got to the longed for 3 months, I put a post up on my facebook about how we never know the struggles going on behind closed doors. I bared all about the losses last year and the later term loss in my 20's and basically said I wished I'd had the courage to tell people when it was happening as I just wanted the questions to stop. Quite a few people said they had never thought how hurtful it could be and quite a few had been going through much the same.

Glad you enjoyed the wedding otherwise Nikki.

Oh...and maybe I can satisfy your baby desires in a non upsetting way as this happened today

HI GG, do you mind me asking about your losses and what your experience is, did you seek treatment for them with this pregnancy or did you just keep trying? I'm not prying so please tell me to p*** off if you'd rather not go into the ins and outs - the reason I ask is that I'm forever seeing that my 'situation' of multiple MC's is so rare and only happens to such a small amount of people, which is bloody great when it seems the odds are so small and yet still you get such bad luck! I'm always really keen to see, with those people who are now seeing the light at the end of the tunnel as you are now so far along with your wee bubba how it worked out for others. I suppose I'm still hoping that it could be possible to just have had some bad luck and it all be ok if we keep trying but that might just be wishful thinking xx In short, I just love to hear a success story after people have had their struggles...it gives me some hope! x

Alexis, I am also so so sorry to hear about your friend - its such a cruel world. I really hope you are able to find some comfort in time, as GG says that he is no longer suffering. Urghhhh...I could really scream this week for the suffering people are having to go through so unnecessarily. My sister's best friend is dying of cancer at the moment, its any day now and she leaves behind a 5 year old and a 2 year old. Just a cruel cruel and unfair world, bad things happening to good people. xx

Hi. I didn't have it nearly as hard as the ladies on this thread as conception was never an issue...just holding on to them was, so I'll pm you tomorrow about it all. Hope that's okay.
I'm so sorry about your sisters friend. Xxx

Hi GG, yes please do that would be great, thank you!
Well poas at 9dpo to scratch the itch and of course BFN.

I have no more cheapies left now so I really think I'm done with testing. Until I wake up and throw up or genuinely show a serious symptom. Haha I say that like it might actually happen. I'm not gonna test anymore it just makes me sad.

Hubby told me tonight that a uni friend and his new wife are expecting. They got married in Sept and she has had her first scan so that means she fell within 4 months if they waited until wedding to try which I'm fairly sure they did because of their circumstances.

I burst into tears when hubby told me. I couldn't help it. Every announcement feels like a constant reminder. I don't begrudge them happiness one bit....it just hurts to be constantly isolated x
Well poas at 9dpo to scratch the itch and of course BFN.

I have no more cheapies left now so I really think I'm done with testing. Until I wake up and throw up or genuinely show a serious symptom. Haha I say that like it might actually happen. I'm not gonna test anymore it just makes me sad.

Hubby told me tonight that a uni friend and his new wife are expecting. They got married in Sept and she has had her first scan so that means she fell within 4 months if they waited until wedding to try which I'm fairly sure they did because of their circumstances.

I burst into tears when hubby told me. I couldn't help it. Every announcement feels like a constant reminder. I don't begrudge them happiness one bit....it just hurts to be constantly isolated x

I'm 10 dpo right now, I think you are too right? It's hard not to test, huh?! I just peed on a stick today and of course, BFN. I could've sworn it was my month because my boobs hurt (for the first time ever). Next month will be my 6th cycle. I constantly spot and I think something is wrong with me, but doctor says nothing is wrong. Then why am I bleeding almost every day of the month?!

I feel your pain about everyone getting pregnant around you. Same here and they always get pregnant right away. Everyone I talk to says they can look at a p*nis and get pregnant. I wish I had that problem.
Well poas at 9dpo to scratch the itch and of course BFN.

I have no more cheapies left now so I really think I'm done with testing. Until I wake up and throw up or genuinely show a serious symptom. Haha I say that like it might actually happen. I'm not gonna test anymore it just makes me sad.

Hubby told me tonight that a uni friend and his new wife are expecting. They got married in Sept and she has had her first scan so that means she fell within 4 months if they waited until wedding to try which I'm fairly sure they did because of their circumstances.

I burst into tears when hubby told me. I couldn't help it. Every announcement feels like a constant reminder. I don't begrudge them happiness one bit....it just hurts to be constantly isolated x

I'm 10 dpo right now, I think you are too right? It's hard not to test, huh?! I just peed on a stick today and of course, BFN. I could've sworn it was my month because my boobs hurt (for the first time ever). Next month will be my 6th cycle. I constantly spot and I think something is wrong with me, but doctor says nothing is wrong. Then why am I bleeding almost every day of the month?!

I feel your pain about everyone getting pregnant around you. Same here and they always get pregnant right away. Everyone I talk to says they can look at a p*nis and get pregnant. I wish I had that problem.

I like that analogy alwayscoffee made me LOL I think they drum it on it is as teenagers that if you touch a penis you will get pregnant that's why it's so tough to take.

For me it felt monumental to make that final decision to come off birth control so you prepare yourself for getting pregnant. When that doesn't happen it's just like living in limbo.

I have reached a point now where I am living my life still. But every now and again like a pregnancy announcement it catches me off guard.

Like today at work discussing a member of staff needing time off to have her tubes tied!?! Whilst still reeling from yesterday's announcement and having a new dad returning to work from paternity chatting about his new baby. I just want to scream sometimes
Well poas at 9dpo to scratch the itch and of course BFN.

I have no more cheapies left now so I really think I'm done with testing. Until I wake up and throw up or genuinely show a serious symptom. Haha I say that like it might actually happen. I'm not gonna test anymore it just makes me sad.

Hubby told me tonight that a uni friend and his new wife are expecting. They got married in Sept and she has had her first scan so that means she fell within 4 months if they waited until wedding to try which I'm fairly sure they did because of their circumstances.

I burst into tears when hubby told me. I couldn't help it. Every announcement feels like a constant reminder. I don't begrudge them happiness one bit....it just hurts to be constantly isolated x

I'm 10 dpo right now, I think you are too right? It's hard not to test, huh?! I just peed on a stick today and of course, BFN. I could've sworn it was my month because my boobs hurt (for the first time ever). Next month will be my 6th cycle. I constantly spot and I think something is wrong with me, but doctor says nothing is wrong. Then why am I bleeding almost every day of the month?!

I feel your pain about everyone getting pregnant around you. Same here and they always get pregnant right away. Everyone I talk to says they can look at a p*nis and get pregnant. I wish I had that problem.

I like that analogy alwayscoffee made me LOL I think they drum it on it is as teenagers that if you touch a penis you will get pregnant that's why it's so tough to take.

For me it felt monumental to make that final decision to come off birth control so you prepare yourself for getting pregnant. When that doesn't happen it's just like living in limbo.

I have reached a point now where I am living my life still. But every now and again like a pregnancy announcement it catches me off guard.

Like today at work discussing a member of staff needing time off to have her tubes tied!?! Whilst still reeling from yesterday's announcement and having a new dad returning to work from paternity chatting about his new baby. I just want to scream sometimes

I know what you mean Nikki! It took me and my partner 9 years to take the monumental step to have kids and now it’s not happening. I feel I can’t move forward with my life, I feel like a disappointment to myself and my husband because I’m not working like we planned.

Pregnant bellies are everywhere I turn, people are always asking me when I think I’ll have them!
@sugaryiris I think you are on similar timeline to me looking at your signature.

We have been married 3 years in Sept. Been together 12 years this month though as met as teenagers at university.

Took us a long time to get settled with work and house etc as we both moved about a bit for work after uni before we got married. Just makes you wonder have the young mum's got it right who just cracked on with kids post uni.

Too late now to change we will just have to ride out the storm laid before us in the hope that it is not too late and our bodies are just a bit slow on the uptake.

I wanted 2 or even 3 children and I am coming to the realisation that I may not even get 1. Or if I do get 1 then I'll be bloody lucky to have that 1.

AF must be on her way feeling bit emotional today she's due Tues. Had nipple secretion today too which always excited me could be pg symptom until I realised seems to happen every month about this time x
How is everyone?

I'm CD 30 today. No AF yet. Last cycle over 30 days was December at 31 days and Oct was 33 days.

So just waiting for her to show her face. Was twingey during sex on Sunday inside my right hip which I thought meant sex was going to bring on AF but hasn't happened yet.

Flipping knackered from work. But not reading into it anymore than normal.

Hope everyone is alright x
Why do we torture ourselves. Despite promising myself I wasn't going to test again I had a restless night from the heat and sore nipples all night couldn't lie on my front.

No sign of AF this morning so put all my faith in that little white stick like it was going to change to course of my day. That tiny shred of hope that this month it might be my turn and we might have done it.

Every month I think this journey erodes a little bit more of my hope. Xx
@Nikkibiscuit - I'm with you, my cycles have been a bit odd the last couple of months, was quite consistently 31/32 days since October then March a 36 followed by a 27 in April and this month I'm now CD 37!! Keep getting that little glimmer of hope but know it will soon be shattered when AF arrives. Desperately try not to think about it anymore but so so hard not too! I'm now on cycle 16 and obviously following my hubbies bad results we know it's pretty much game over but can't help but keep hoping for a miracle!xx
I’m currently on cycle day 25. Just went to the toilet and there was light pink spotting on the tissue. So that’s all my hope for this month gone :roll:
First time I’ve used opks this month so I’m expecting af either Thursday or Friday. Was really wishing I’d have good news this bank holiday weekend. This is just so unfair. How can we have been trying for a year and a half, be tested and told we’re healthy and still not get pregnant after all this time?! Aaaagh :wall2:
@Wilson I went through the weird cycle length the back end of last year and I was so frustrated. They have been better recently but this cycle I haven't felt yet like my normal pre menstrual self. I normally get very emotional and short tempered in the few days before AF. Hasn't happened yet (other than TTC emotion lol)

@peony it's awful to think that we almost wish there to be a problem so that we have something to treat. Listening to you long term ladies with unexplained infertility I am terrified that there is something wrong yet terrified that there is nothing wrong and we are just stuck in this limbo x
How often do you dtd? We’ve tried the every other day method and this month I used opks and dtd 5 days in a row during my fertile week - however I now worry we haven’t done it enough this month as we pretty much gave up after the fertile week was over because we’d exhausted ourselves! I know technically it doesn’t matter but we haven’t dtd since cycle day 19 and I just keep thinking what if!
I’m so bored of ttc now. It sucks.
To be honest I do feel better that it’s unexplained as at least it gives me hope. But at the same time it’s very very very frustrating :wall2:
@peony we have tried every other day but that never lasted more than 10 days over fertile period.

This cycle we have DTD 7 times from CD9 up to 4dpo then another once right at end of the cycle. Altho a couple of those were days were we dtd twice which is good going for us overall.

We tried gunning it over ov one cycle and we were just knackered 3 days in. I have a higher sex drive than hubby if he is at all tired or we haven't had any time together then he isn't in the mood. So we have to focus more on making quality time for each other and relaxing in order for sex to follow x
So sorry Wilson. I'm awaiting the same fate. Just a matter of when for me now so wish she would get on with it as much as I dread it x
Hi ladies.

Anyone got exciting bank holiday plans? I'm working all weekend but am off with hubby tomorrow so chill day will be nice. He is off on a stag do until Monday. Then has his sperm analysis appt Tues. Not the best timing! But hey up we ll see.

I am CD33 and still waiting for AF . No signs yet think she is just playing the long game for some reason. No doubt cos I've been running round like an idiot all week at work.

Love and baby dust to you all x
It’s my birthday on another Monday so I’m hoping for a family bbq on Sunday and dinner out with friends on Saturday. I’m cd36, normally between 32-43 day cycles but not even had any spotting yet and that is unusual... trying to not get my hopes up but if nothing here by Saturday I’ll test to be positive I’m ok to drink and party all weekend!

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