Long termers 6 months or more

Went to the doctors today to get blood tests to check pcos, thyroid, red blood count etc just to rule everything out due to the family history. Should get my results next week, I know this isn’t the start of a fertility treatment as I do need to try for the 12 months before they do anything but I’m glad I might be able to get some answers to my irregular periods and spotting.

Not been feeling great since as I fainted after she took my blood so been feeling low and weak. Using opks for the first time this month and hoping I’ll ovulate next week!
Went to the doctors today to get blood tests to check pcos, thyroid, red blood count etc just to rule everything out due to the family history. Should get my results next week, I know this isn’t the start of a fertility treatment as I do need to try for the 12 months before they do anything but I’m glad I might be able to get some answers to my irregular periods and spotting.

Not been feeling great since as I fainted after she took my blood so been feeling low and weak. Using opks for the first time this month and hoping I’ll ovulate next week!

Good luck, hope you get some answers with your results x I’m also using opks for he first time this month... ive just bought some cheapies off amazon but not sure how well I’m gonna get on with them as I can’t test at the recommended time! Should ovulate next week too! I’m currently on cycle day 7. Was thinking of starting using opks from day 10 but I might try earlier as I had what looked like fertile cm yesterday which i don’t ever remember seeing on cd6 before!! Dtd yesterday just in case!! x
Went to the doctors today to get blood tests to check pcos, thyroid, red blood count etc just to rule everything out due to the family history. Should get my results next week, I know this isn’t the start of a fertility treatment as I do need to try for the 12 months before they do anything but I’m glad I might be able to get some answers to my irregular periods and spotting.

Not been feeling great since as I fainted after she took my blood so been feeling low and weak. Using opks for the first time this month and hoping I’ll ovulate next week!

Good luck, hope you get some answers with your results x I’m also using opks for he first time this month... ive just bought some cheapies off amazon but not sure how well I’m gonna get on with them as I can’t test at the recommended time! Should ovulate next week too! I’m currently on cycle day 7. Was thinking of starting using opks from day 10 but I might try earlier as I had what looked like fertile cm yesterday which i don’t ever remember seeing on cd6 before!! Dtd yesterday just in case!! x

I can’t test at the recommended time either so I bought the Clearblue advanced digital because you use fmu, much more convenient!!

Hope you manage to catch the egg this month!
We must all be falling into sync. I'm CD 13 but due to ov on CD17 according to glow. I haven't temped this month properly at all did 2 days then kept forgetting. But I think after 2 months good data it is projecting the CD17 ovulation. Plus I put 12 months of history data in just without any temps.

We got off to a flying start for our key time last night...on it straight after work. Hubby made a real effort to be up for it when I got home off a late shift which made a really nice change from me chasing him. Then he woke me up later on with a hard on so happy days 2 good rounds in one night.

Hopefully we can continue on a good trend. We have talked through monies again and got revised plan in place so he seems to de stress when that is all in order. Plus I have a rare bank holiday off. Just tomorrow to survive at work then week off.

Only downside is my mum is staying Tues to Thurs next week right slap bang during ovulation. So we hoping to get plenty in the bag on the days leading up to.

On a less positive note revised gynae referral appt has come through since I couldn't make the June date due to hols. So now appt is 4th July. Gutted it has had to be pushed back over a month from original appt they gave me before they changed it. Just gotta keep playing beat the doctor until then I guess!?! Xx
Thanks for the advice MoominGirl :) I have had a strange period this month (spotted for 3 days, the first day being a fair amount, enough to think I’d started af and then I’ve had two days of af and today nothing!) I am a bit concerned so I think I’ll see how my next af is (assuming I won’t be pregnant!) and if it’s another odd one, I think I’ll go to the docs about it, but like you say, I won’t mention the whole ttc thing!

I feel exactly the same, i actually spent CD1 this month with my nephews - normally I’d be crying in to a pillow for most of the day on CD1 - but because I was with them, I had a really fun day and they totally took my mind off it, even when I was getting stomach cramps!

I’m glad you’re doing well with your pregnancy and it’s great for me to read your story and then see you get a bfp. Not only am I happy for you, it gives me hope! :)

Thank you. I spent a long time in these threads and I do keep following you all hoping that you all get good news soon. We did have a really crappy time and although there wasn't much I could have done differently, I really wish I had been more prepared for what was to come. As a few of you are around the year mark and starting investigations etc, I'm really happy to share my experiences if you lovely ladies would find it helpful. I would hate for you to have as much time wasted as I did if I can help you avoid it!!

Something else I also feel I should share which I hope boosts some hopes a little. I have a job that needs a lot of adjustment in pregnancy so there's been no avoiding a lot of people knowing who I wouldn't normally have told this early. Me and OH had a long chat about how we felt about what we've been through and both agreed that we're in no way ashamed of the problems we faced and feel that actually it might be helpful to share them. I'm certainly not looking for a pity party but I felt so isolated when we were going through it that I certainly would have got some comfort out of knowing I wasn't alone even if I hadn't felt able to share my own struggle at that point. The main thing I wanted to share is that at least half of those that I've shared with have either revealed their own struggle or talked about someone close who is or has struggled. Some had fertility treatment but a lot didn't and it just took longer. It really is so much more common than we'd be led to believe.
Hi there ladies,

I am completely new to this website, but I decided to have a chat with people who are in a similar position.
I have never been on the pill. When I was, it just made me feel awful all the time, so I opted for condoms! I had my gorgeous girl in 2014- June. She needs a brother- sister. Husband said he’d not wear a condon anymore in Feb 2017. He was working away and I’d only see him at the weekends and half-term holidays- we are both teachers! He finally got a job near by and we have been trying since August last year. I have used ovulation sticks since October/November and we have been trying, dtd as requested by me, but then nothing has happened. Sometimes I feel quite down when af shows up! And sometimes I feel it is just not going to happen. I will turn 38 at the end of the year! So I feel like my time is running out! This month we were really good and I got my dates right and we did it when it was my days... but still I know I’ll be devastated if it turns up again. Thanks for reading!
@wishing welcome to the thread.....we are all on similar boat on this thread for a variety of reasons plenty of which include totally unknown we have not had BFP yet.

Some have been trying much much longer than 6 months some just over. But we are all here for general chit and chat and support with the rollercoaster that is TTC so welcome x
7dpo today for me. So 1 more week to go. Though if it comes to it I wouldn’t test until I’m a few days late anyway as af is cruel and could show up a few days late.

Woke up to a banging headache - that hasn’t shifted.. so of course I’m feeling excited that it’s our month.. then at the same time also telling myself to not be so stupid and it doesn’t mean anything :wall2:

Where is everyone else at? xx
My apps predicted ovulation yesterday or today, I have had a temp dip today but I’ve just got my first flashing smiley so I think ovulation will be at some point this week.

I’ve never used Clearblue advanced opks, is there a rule of how many flashing smileys you get before a solid? We dtd last night so might wait until tomorrow before we do it again, not sure though!
My apps predicted ovulation yesterday or today, I have had a temp dip today but I’ve just got my first flashing smiley so I think ovulation will be at some point this week.

I’ve never used Clearblue advanced opks, is there a rule of how many flashing smileys you get before a solid? We dtd last night so might wait until tomorrow before we do it again, not sure though!

I think on the box it says you can get 4? Not sure how true that is.

I’ve only used them for 3 cycles now. 2 of those cycles I got 2 days of flashing smiley and then static smiley. The other cycle (this one) I didn’t get any flashing smileys, it went from cd13 completely negative to a static smiley on cd14. xx
My apps predicted ovulation yesterday or today, I have had a temp dip today but I’ve just got my first flashing smiley so I think ovulation will be at some point this week.

I’ve never used Clearblue advanced opks, is there a rule of how many flashing smileys you get before a solid? We dtd last night so might wait until tomorrow before we do it again, not sure though!

I think on the box it says you can get 4? Not sure how true that is.

I’ve only used them for 3 cycles now. 2 of those cycles I got 2 days of flashing smiley and then static smiley. The other cycle (this one) I didn’t get any flashing smileys, it went from cd13 completely negative to a static smiley on cd14. xx

Thanks! Hopefully I’ll get a static smiley soon then! X
I'm due to ov. Today but been rubbish and not temped this month so have nothing to back that up other than glows prediction based on historical data we covered covered CD 9/12/15/16 and I'm CD17 today. But my mum has come to stay today so could be silent attempt at DTD tonight lol.

I'm just trying to keep cracking on as best we can throughout the month and bit extra effort in fertile week until my hospital referral on 4th July x
I'm due to ov. Today but been rubbish and not temped this month so have nothing to back that up other than glows prediction based on historical data we covered covered CD 9/12/15/16 and I'm CD17 today. But my mum has come to stay today so could be silent attempt at DTD tonight lol.

I'm just trying to keep cracking on as best we can throughout the month and bit extra effort in fertile week until my hospital referral on 4th July x

Sounds like you’ve got it well covered! We had people over all weekend which means we didn’t get any in until last night and it was soooooo hot!!
Haha us Brits cannot cope with doing anything in the heat let alone sexy time ���� x
Hope Alexis is ok and just taking a break. Does anyone remember when she gets back from her holiday? xx
Hope Alexis is ok and just taking a break. Does anyone remember when she gets back from her holiday? xx

Ditto Millie. I'm not sure I remember her saying it was about 5 weeks away but that was a few weeks ago and I'm sure she we only going for 2 weeks.

Missing her too!
Hey guys I have 3 days left in Thailand . Just did 9 days in koh Samui chilling at the pool/beach. We fly to mainland today. Goinf to the elephant sanctuary tmrw. Brown spotting and cramping today (4 days late) typical as tmrw Is the day I've been most excited about. Tjen we head to bangkok for 2 nights. Home Sunday night. Going to pop some painkillers and get on witj it. I had a wee tear in my eye watching the families at the pool but hey ho...I am used to it by now. Hope your all good x
Hope you have an awesome time Alexis! Now get off the forum and enjoy some you time!!
I got my blood results back, all normal. Confirmed I do not have pcos so that is a massive relief with the family history. Hopefully my wonky periods and spotting are a result of being on birth control for over 10 years and sort themselves out soon. The doctor was really reassuring and said come back in August and they’ll refer me for fertility treatment if I haven’t conceived by then, due to the family history.
Enjoy @alexis don't let the witch spoil your fun.

We have just had appt through for OH sperm analysis on 29th June. Didn't realise he would have to do it at home then take it in. Very specific timeframe obviously to keep the swimmers fresh.

So we will hopefully get some more answers that week as my hosp referral is on the 4th July.

Just playing beat the doctor until then. We are covered this month but not overly optimistic for cycle #12 x

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