Long termers 6 months or more

Stay safe Alexis you deserve a medal. My friend has done 3 days and nights straight as a vet nurse cos she was snowed in and couldn't get home x
I got stuck twice in snow today at work ....2 guys came to my rescue and dug me out and pushed me out. So grateful. Got to work extra tmrw on 1 of my 2 days off,great timing as definitely having ovulation pains today so need to dtd tonight

Had to cancel my accupunctre tmrw as having to work all day. Gutted ... every time I’m fertile it’s when I need to work loads of hours. Working 50 this week. It’s lik the world is against us getting pregnant. How does anyone get pregnant who works all these hours grrrrrr
Aw Alexis try to take it steady if you can't take it easy. Stress def won't help although I know it's easier said than done.

AF has finally wound down so we ready to rock and roll for cycle #10 will see how the laid back approach goes. Although if I'm honest I'm actually horny cos haven't had sex in nearly 2 weeks now following going like the clappers for 2 weeks leading into AF.

Did snap his head off last night though for not clearing snow off our front steps....our house is on a hill. I did it 2 days running when I was off and he didn't even attempt yesterday despite knowing I was coming home on a late shift so would be slippy as. Cue me ripping his head off when I walked in. I rarely get snappy like that but this weather wants to do one now and he was sat on his bum watching the darts after I had spent 2 snow days catching up on washing and hoovering and cooking. Red rag to a bull lol.

So best make amends before we DTD lol....he has cleared the steps this morning though. Small victory! Haha.

Happy weekend every one. One day at work for me then 8 days off and my parents coming to visit next week so lots to distract me x
Good luck long termers I’m cd#15 and have covered cd11, 13 & 14 so far going for either tonight or tmrw morn then Monday eve then that’s a wrap from cycle15, I had ov pains yest like af cramps so prob ovulated yest or today so prob only got till tmrw morn left to try . Didn’t use opks this cycle , my nipples are burny and I feel more grumpy and tired and hungry so normal ov signs for me.had loads each cd#11 so started dtd that night.

Worked 8 hrs over time today , glad to be home now.

Hope you all have nice winds , yeah the stress seems to follow me about.
Hope everyone is having a good weekend an staying safe in the snow. No major plans for me but enjoying the excuse to chill out. CD20 for me. AF fully expected next weekend.
Anyone else love that first night after AF finishes when you can sleep with no knickers on lmfao. The little pleasures in life haha x
@moomin hope u had good chill weekend. We ve had Sunday dinner out today and nice lazy afternoon been lush. Plus back on DTD and today felt like first time in a while we're doing it for us rather than just to try and make a baby.

@Alexis hope ur getting some rest at last. And still managed to DTD when you wanted to so that you haven't missed out on any chances.

We had a good chat over dinner today. I'm wondering whether we should tell our parents that we are trying and seeing the docs as might make things easier in the long run if we continue to struggle. Hubby thinks we should still keep it between us but he literally hasn't even spoken to a mate about it but i suppose that's normal for most men.

I think maybe see what the doc says and maybe get a little further along the line. I suppose we don't yet know for def that there is a problem so maybe we should cross that bridge when we come to it x
@moomin hope u had good chill weekend. We ve had Sunday dinner out today and nice lazy afternoon been lush. Plus back on DTD and today felt like first time in a while we're doing it for us rather than just to try and make a baby.

@Alexis hope ur getting some rest at last. And still managed to DTD when you wanted to so that you haven't missed out on any chances.

We had a good chat over dinner today. I'm wondering whether we should tell our parents that we are trying and seeing the docs as might make things easier in the long run if we continue to struggle. Hubby thinks we should still keep it between us but he literally hasn't even spoken to a mate about it but i suppose that's normal for most men.

I think maybe see what the doc says and maybe get a little further along the line. I suppose we don't yet know for def that there is a problem so maybe we should cross that bridge when we come to it x

I told my mum as she kept asking about gran kids and stuff. I couldn’t lie anymore so told her but she didn’t really understand . I don’t think I would tell her now if I could go back.
Yeah my mum gave me a grilling when we had girls night at a spa for her birthday but I just repeatedly said I am not discussing this with you it's personal. Not matter how many times she said you can tell your mum. She even openly asked so are you trying and I just blocked every question. I'm not sure I could deal with the added pressure of her knowing and yet somehow it feels like maybe we should tell our families so that they don't have that expectation. Not sure I want the pity looks though.

I think wait a while longer is probably best course of action x
I'm in exactly the same place as you Nikki! I so want to tell my mum, I've never kept anything important from her and I just want her to know so that she doesn't have her grandkids hopes built up. She's a worrier though and I wouldn't want the twenty questions after every appointment, the pity and the pressure whe we finally do have treatment. So here I am in limbo swinging between telling her and not lol She has never questioned me about having children or anything but I know she would love a grandchild anytime now! She said to me not so long ago that she would mind our baby while we were at work! I guess she was thinking that maybe it was childcare costs keeping us from having a baby ... if only! lol
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Ladies, after Dan and I had our losses, we told his mum. My mum already knew but she doesn't ever say anything anyway. His mum on the other hand is an absolute twat for inappropriate questioning and had been for almost 10 years. I knew I wouldn't deal with the comments at Christmas so asked Dan to let her know and tell her to please just know we were trying but to never mention it to either of us regardless of what may or may not happen as it hurt too much. It worked. Not another peep out of her so sometimes, taking the uncertainty out of it can force them into leaving you alone.
Hey ladies, thought I'd chime in on the subject of telling our mums/parents/families about long term ttc.

For us we didn't tell either of our parents until just before we started our first ivf round. So 3 or 4 years into ttc. Neither of our mums struggled to get pregnant so I found they didn't really get it either. MiL bombarded me with 'tips' just after we told her (eat this, eat that, put a pillow under your butt - been there done all that lol) and my mum constantly asked me a million questions inbetween appointments.

I found it all a bit much at times.

When we did get pregnant we told both our mums really early, just a few days after I got the bfp, as they knew I was Due starting my frozen transfer so would wonder what was going on. Then had to tell them about miscarrying (which sucked) and neither knew what to say as they haven't been through it.

When we had our frozen transfer last month just as I started the meds we told both our parents but said could they please not ask us anything about it. We said that if you hear no good news at the end of the month then it's bad news and we don't want to talk about it. Thankfully they've respected this and I haven't heard any ttc talk from either my mum or MiL. Hubby on the other hand has had MiL telling him about a herbalist that could help us, but said only if we wanted to, I don't think talk about it upsets him as much as me.

I might feel different about it if it happens but if we conceive again I have no plans to tell anyone until we get passed 12 weeks. My mum and MiL just didn't get how it felt to miscarry and there'd always a risk early on so we'll keep it to ourselves.

The family I dread seeing most is my Father in law. Hubbys parents are separated and as much as we would like to let him know we don't need EVERYONE on hubbys side of the family to know and that's what would happen sadly. Maybe people assume anyway though? Either that or they think I don't want kids.

Anyway, it's a hard decision, looking back I probably wouldn't change my mind about telling them but I would have asked them to not ask questions etc. a lot sooner as I found it added more stress at times!!
Hey ladies :wave:

Just popping in to see how all of you are doing. Nice to see all of you (wish it were rather under the pregnancy section) - took a nice long break from TTC as it nearly killed me. Emotionally and psychologically anyway hehehe but I'm back and feeling ready to give it another.

I've not been tracking my cycles, charting, using OPKs or anything so I thiiiink I'm 3dpo but to be honest I have absolutely no idea. Literally winging it. I'm scheduled to see my doc in April again. I'm keeping my FX that it will be the happiest appointment ever!

I also have the uncomfortable 'when is the grand kids coming' jibes. My ML sends me pics of her sisters grand kids. :roll: I don't even reply :lol:
My mum is a worries like yours pidge so I do think she would be fretting about every appt.

I think will try to keep it under wraps a little longer. Probably at least until we get to June which I suppose marks the official yeat of TTC although psychologically for me it's now cos my coil came out in Feb.

Docs can't come round quick enough I think it will be good for both of us just to talk about it out loud with someone. Although dreading they might just send us packing at this point x
Hey ladies :wave:

Just popping in to see how all of you are doing. Nice to see all of you (wish it were rather under the pregnancy section) - took a nice long break from TTC as it nearly killed me. Emotionally and psychologically anyway hehehe but I'm back and feeling ready to give it another.

I've not been tracking my cycles, charting, using OPKs or anything so I thiiiink I'm 3dpo but to be honest I have absolutely no idea. Literally winging it. I'm scheduled to see my doc in April again. I'm keeping my FX that it will be the happiest appointment ever!

I also have the uncomfortable 'when is the grand kids coming' jibes. My ML sends me pics of her sisters grand kids. :roll: I don't even reply :lol:

Yay yourrrr backkkkkk . You have been misssed on here. Wishing you lots of baby dust for this month. Glad you had a nice break away. X
Another day another pregnancy announcement from someone I know. Not sure I can take much more of this.
This malarkey is such a rollercoaster. Friends announced their second pregnancy today. They have 1 little girl and got married last year so should be so happy for them. Instead feel like someone has stamped on my chest and is crushing me slowly. Just tried to explain to hubby but his response was that it is no one else's fault and we should be happy for them. He didn't get it when I said I feel like pregnancy and babies are being rammed down my throat. With 2 girls pregnant at work it's a daily reminder. I even feel for one of them cos know she had a couple of miscarriages but can't shake that little witch inside me that takes it all like a kick to the guts.

Ironically was thinking today....have always referred to my period as being 'broken' stupid daft thing from when I was only 19 and met hubby and couldn't think of the right words to say I was on my period so came out with I'm broken. Somehow 12 years later it stuck. Never was a truer phrase. Cos that's how it feels every month. Reality should be that it should be reassuring that I am relatively regular.

Ugh the witch sucks....shes got me up and down like an emotional ferris wheel this week(in case yous hadn't already noticed lol)
I've just had news of another friend announcing their pregnancy today too so feel back to where I started, what's worse is they are both older then me and my DH, why them?
Some people have all the luck, me?....if I didn't have bad luck I'd have none at all!

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