Long termers 6 months or more

This is def the lightest period I have had since coming off the coil. Go caught short at the stables without a spare tampon so ended up just taking out the one I had in. Had black undies on so took the chance I would last till I got home lol. As usual with horses took far longer than expected so went 5 hours without pad or tampon. Whilst riding I should add so exercising. And have just got home and not a drop on my underwear and only browny pink when I wiped. It's just bizarre. I used to need super tampons as a teenager.changed to regulars when on the pill and they have done me since last year. This is heading for a pantyliner and nowt else. Pad was white again from last night too. Sorry for TMI but has got me puzzled. Xx

Have you did a test I case it’s IB? I didn’t think ivf was for me but the longer we have been trying the more I know I want a baby and I would only be happy trying everything I can before I accepted defeat. I hope you ge5 your natural Bfp. I had thought I would b3 pregnant before any of the tests and now all th3 tests have been done and still.... you may change your mind x
This is def the lightest period I have had since coming off the coil. Go caught short at the stables without a spare tampon so ended up just taking out the one I had in. Had black undies on so took the chance I would last till I got home lol. As usual with horses took far longer than expected so went 5 hours without pad or tampon. Whilst riding I should add so exercising. And have just got home and not a drop on my underwear and only browny pink when I wiped. It's just bizarre. I used to need super tampons as a teenager.changed to regulars when on the pill and they have done me since last year. This is heading for a pantyliner and nowt else. Pad was white again from last night too. Sorry for TMI but has got me puzzled. Xx

Oh Nikki, you should read back through my threads. Honestly, the last chemical, the bleeding if you could call it that, lasted all of 12 hours and 1 normal flow always ultra coped and was nowhere near needing to be replaced.

Worth telling the doctor when you go as it's always worth discussing any changes but I hope it's your body trying to balance and/or increase the hormones needed to sustain a pregnancy. Xx
Thanks Alexis. I last tested on Friday so it's highly unlikely as that was BFN but have to admit I have been googling bleeding in early pregnancy. I know I'm clutching at straws though. I think it's just a weird AF x
Thanks Alexis. I last tested on Friday so it's highly unlikely as that was BFN but have to admit I have been googling bleeding in early pregnancy. I know I'm clutching at straws though. I think it's just a weird AF x

I’ve did it ...a few times I’ve had brown spotting for ages before, or af was 4 days late and has also been 4 days early. I have day dreamed so many times and pictured my babies face and picked out a list of names. This ttc lark is cruel ....
Chin up Nikki, I think I'm beginning to get to the stage where I don't think about it too much anymore after the bad news last week, me and hubby had a nice weekend together so just going to stop "trying" now and see what happens.

Hubby is still taking vitamins and will go for second SA next week,
Glad things sounding happier for you Wilson.

Thanks. Period seems to have settled to a bit more normal last night and this morning...bit heavier and touch crampy this morning so was obviously just a slow starter. Feeling a bit more relaxed now I have docs appt. Xx
This malarkey is such a rollercoaster. Friends announced their second pregnancy today. They have 1 little girl and got married last year so should be so happy for them. Instead feel like someone has stamped on my chest and is crushing me slowly. Just tried to explain to hubby but his response was that it is no one else's fault and we should be happy for them. He didn't get it when I said I feel like pregnancy and babies are being rammed down my throat. With 2 girls pregnant at work it's a daily reminder. I even feel for one of them cos know she had a couple of miscarriages but can't shake that little witch inside me that takes it all like a kick to the guts.

Ironically was thinking today....have always referred to my period as being 'broken' stupid daft thing from when I was only 19 and met hubby and couldn't think of the right words to say I was on my period so came out with I'm broken. Somehow 12 years later it stuck. Never was a truer phrase. Cos that's how it feels every month. Reality should be that it should be reassuring that I am relatively regular.

Ugh the witch sucks....shes got me up and down like an emotional ferris wheel this week(in case yous hadn't already noticed lol)
This malarkey is such a rollercoaster. Friends announced their second pregnancy today. They have 1 little girl and got married last year so should be so happy for them. Instead feel like someone has stamped on my chest and is crushing me slowly. Just tried to explain to hubby but his response was that it is no one else's fault and we should be happy for them. He didn't get it when I said I feel like pregnancy and babies are being rammed down my throat. With 2 girls pregnant at work it's a daily reminder. I even feel for one of them cos know she had a couple of miscarriages but can't shake that little witch inside me that takes it all like a kick to the guts.

Ironically was thinking today....have always referred to my period as being 'broken' stupid daft thing from when I was only 19 and met hubby and couldn't think of the right words to say I was on my period so came out with I'm broken. Somehow 12 years later it stuck. Never was a truer phrase. Cos that's how it feels every month. Reality should be that it should be reassuring that I am relatively regular.

Ugh the witch sucks....shes got me up and down like an emotional ferris wheel this week(in case yous hadn't already noticed lol)

When we first started to struggle, my OH just didn't get how I got crushed every time yet another person announced their good news. He was really supportive but he did admit that he just didn't get it. Although to a point he still doesn't, over time he's started to notice the things that are so glaringly obvious to me and he's starting to understand more even if he doesn't feel like his heart is being stomped on every single time. At least now he's aware of the triggers and is basically on alert for announcements etc so he knows when I need him to be there for me. Sadly unless you're faced with this, no one can even begin to understand how it feels when you want to be so happy for someone at the same time your heart is being ripped in 2 but somehow we just get through it in whatever way that we can. Be kind to yourself. It's ok to feel this way.
@moomin thanks for understanding. Not sure what I would do without here to rant! I don't feel angry or bitter at announcements just really crushed. Never thought I would feel that way. I suppose once you make that concious decision that you want a baby the reality that it's out of your control is a harsh fact x
I feel gutted too when I see pregnancy announcements. It’s so hard...

In other news my drive in to work was hell. ....drive home even worse. We had a red weather warning. I’ve been old to come in tmrw yet been told on news to not drive unless emergency. I live in countryside and it’s all backroads to get to a main road ......I feel so worried about driving in.
I feel gutted too when I see pregnancy announcements. It’s so hard...

In other news my drive in to work was hell. ....drive home even worse. We had a red weather warning. I’ve been old to come in tmrw yet been told on news to not drive unless emergency. I live in countryside and it’s all backroads to get to a main road ......I feel so worried about driving in.

Crikey Alexis be careful. I took a snow day off work today as couldn't get the car out and bus plus metro was too risky as might not have got back home tonight. They can't make you go in if you on red warning....otherwise get on social media. Lots of farmers and truck drivers offering lifts to docs nurses etc x
Alexis, if it's bad in the morning, go out, take pictures and send them to your boss saying you just can't do it.

I live in the sticks as well and on a no through lane that has grass growing up the middle of it. In snow or ice, it is impossible without our land rover or tractor. In heavy rain...even they won't do it as it floods.

Dan got told off for not going to work once so he took a video of my land rover going through the flood and told his boss if he thought a normal car could do it to come and pick him up. Lol
I feel gutted too when I see pregnancy announcements. It’s so hard...

In other news my drive in to work was hell. ....drive home even worse. We had a red weather warning. I’ve been old to come in tmrw yet been told on news to not drive unless emergency. I live in countryside and it’s all backroads to get to a main road ......I feel so worried about driving in.

Crikey Alexis be careful. I took a snow day off work today as couldn't get the car out and bus plus metro was too risky as might not have got back home tonight. They can't make you go in if you on red warning....otherwise get on social media. Lots of farmers and truck drivers offering lifts to docs nurses etc x

Yeah I will assess the situation in the morning. The rest of the team have kids who are off due to schools being shut so I am it....so patients are relying on me yet I live about 15 miles further away than everyone else. Then I worry this stress effects my chances of getting pregnant ... it seems every month something is stressful. I also have no mobile as o2 gave me a faulty handset and it doesn’t even turn on and they are due to give me a new one Friday so worried I get stranded and this weather will prob stop my phone delivery on Friday....ahhh
I feel gutted too when I see pregnancy announcements. It’s so hard...

In other news my drive in to work was hell. ....drive home even worse. We had a red weather warning. I’ve been old to come in tmrw yet been told on news to not drive unless emergency. I live in countryside and it’s all backroads to get to a main road ......I feel so worried about driving in.

Crikey Alexis be careful. I took a snow day off work today as couldn't get the car out and bus plus metro was too risky as might not have got back home tonight. They can't make you go in if you on red warning....otherwise get on social media. Lots of farmers and truck drivers offering lifts to docs nurses etc x

Yeah I will assess the situation in the morning. The rest of the team have kids who are off due to schools being shut so I am it....so patients are relying on me yet I live about 15 miles further away than everyone else. Then I worry this stress effects my chances of getting pregnant ... it seems every month something is stressful. I also have no mobile as o2 gave me a faulty handset and it doesn’t even turn on and they are due to give me a new one Friday so worried I get stranded and this weather will prob stop my phone delivery on Friday....ahhh

No mobile for me means that your boss can suck it. If s/he wants you working, it's up to them to arrange safe transportation end of. No fucking way should you drive without a mobile. Xx
I'm with the others on this. If you don't feel it's safe don't do it. If they can suggest a safe alternative then fair play to them but I doubt that very much. It's also unacceptable that you're being guilted into making a dangerous journey just because the schools are closed and no one else can make it. I also live further than most of my colleagues and no way would I be made to feel guilty cos someone has to stay home with their kid. I doubt they'd be worrying that I could skid into a tree.
Don't put yourself at risk Alexis! No job is worth it! I bet all the ones with kids aren't being made to feel guilty about not coming in! In N.I we still don't have very much snow, which is a pity because I would love a wee snow day lol
I am usually that person that makes it in regardless of the situation but I have to say since thinking about a family my priorities have shifted and I have realised we don't get any medals for missioning in or doing those extra hours. Sure we all do it when it's necessary and there's a job to be done but now and again we must all put ourselves first. Xx
I made it in to work today it was very scary. I had a shaky leg driving. The car skidded like a zig zag
everyone else was working from home.I've to go out again tmrw. Ahhhhhh It's like my life is less value because I have no dependants'. I also have to do extra over wknd ...its my fertile week this week I feel like saying no I need to make this dam baby haha. Still no mobile. It's due to come tmrw but Ai will be at work.
Aw Alexis take care. Glad u got home safe. I made it to the horses today...drive was pretty scary. Got home in one piece early afternoon and was glad to be safe in the house. Got to work tomorrow but late shift and forecast seems to be improving from lunchtime tomorrow so hopefully at least less comes down so I can get home safe tomorrow night x
I cant get up to the yard too see the horse the road is a single track farm road ..only 4x4 is getting up that. Lookalike I'm spending all wknd in sick kids hosp doing procedure to try save a young boys kidney.

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