Little tips!


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2011
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Ive thought the best time to hear good baby tips is when your pregnant before you have paid out money when there are cheaper alternatives. So I think a thread with little tips is a good idea.

Mine is -- use pillow cases instead of moses basket sheets as they fit over lovely and don't slide off in the night like my moses basket sheets always do, and you can buy a pack of two for £1 in asda! xx
oo thats a good one ill definately be trying that as all the moses basket sheets ive seen are about £8 each! xxx
Thanks, home bargins even sell old fashioned thick winter ones (ifykwim) that would be good for winter. And you can always double them up. My baby is really sickly so we need to change her sheet every night or every other night so it would cost a fortune to keep up to if it i didnt have so many pillow cases already, once there on and put in you cant tell there not sheets.

Tip number two- Sure start centers lend out electric brest pumps for one month free so dont buy until you have tried to save yourself wasting money!

Tip number three- Dont bother with Johnsons (unless you want to) as the health visitor said johnsons dries out babies skin and its better to use the cheaper alternatives!

Please feel free to add! xx
My tip is to buy bodysuits rather than t-shirts, or you'll spend your entire day pulling your LO's t-shirt/top back down, lol.

And i found it always useful to have a pack of sleepsuits in the next size up to what your LO is wearing, for the times that your LO grows overnight and no longer fits into the clothes that were slightly baggy on him only the day before :)

Oh, and our midwife gave us this tip - use baby socks instead of proper scratch mitts because they stay on better - so glad she told us because no scratch mitts would stay on him, the socks worked a treat :)
I also used to fold a muslin cloth in half and lay it under Max's head, tucking it under the mattress so it didn't bunch up, then if he was a bit sick I could just change that rather than all his bedding. Speaking of muslin cloths I used loads and found a large one was a god send for covering us up when bf in public. It also makes a great lightweight blanket.

I never used a baby bath. Max had his first baths in the washing up bowl and then used to lay flat in the big bath in a few inches of water as he loved to kick about and splash.

Don't worry about buying loads of proper outfits for when your lo is tiny. Babygrows are very cute and so much more practical when they are tiny.

My biggest piece of advice though is enjoy them, they are tiny for such a short amount of time xxx
Don't bother with a "going home outfit" as chances are baby will vom or poo on it before you even get to the car :lol:

Invest in baby-gro's and leave proper clothes until they are 6 months+ unless you have an occasion.

Find out what nappies and bath stuff suit your baby before you stock up.

Look out for baby events, all the big supermarkets have them but blink and you can miss them! Sainsbury's for example only tend to have it for a few days but the Sainsbury's one is brilliant - even the Sudocrem is 50% off!!

Muslins are a God send, I still use about 5 a day. George at Asda were the best value IMO.

Ask people for money [get an baby account set up] when it comes to special occasions

If people are wanting to buy stuff for the baby make sure it is stuff you need. If someone is offering then tell them what you need.

Spread the cost out. We started buying after 20w scan and made sure all our big purchases were paid off before I went on maternity leave.

Don't go mad with toys, they really aren't interested when they are young.

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Loving all these tips! Will definitely be stocking up before the birth, already looking into prams and car seats etc. We don't have a bath in our house - shower only! - so will have to get a baby bath, but think my sisters are getting that and filling it with bath stuff too.
When buying clothes get a good mix of newborn and 0-3m babygro's and vests.

Everyone told me not to buy newborn as they grow out of it so quick but my lo is 3 months and only just out of newborn clothes, some 0-3 are still massive on him we had to buy more clothes when he was born so he wasn't just wearing the same baby grows. My lo was a week late and was over 8lb he's just likkle. :)

Muslins!! as carnat said are a god send and you'll go through loads. We stocked up at sainsburys, mothercare are really expensive.

Olive oil is the best for babies so don't bother with johnsons baby oil or lotion.

When you have visitors ask them to help with something whether it's the washing up, making or bringing dinner or even putting on/ hanging out a wash for you.

It's been said a million times but enjoy them when they are tiny and give them loads of kisses and cuddles. It's against all the rules but my favourite time to relax was lying in bed watching trashy tv or sleeping with my baby in my arms for as long as I could.

Definitely see what nappies suit your LO before stocking up. I stocked up on pampers, which were crap! I still have loads of 1st size pampers and Sophia is 1 in 2 days! Lol.
I duno about the 'put baby in baby-gro's til they are 6 months' thing. I bought 0-3 month outfits and she looked mega cute in them and it wasn't too fiddly or anything.
I wouldn't bother with one of those 'bed in a bag' sets. We have a few sheets, some blankets and some sleeping bags, its cheaper than buying a full bedding set and is really all you need.

Tapatalking from my blackberry!
This is a great thread!

My main thing was furniture for the baby's room! I know soooooooo many people who have spend £600+ on furniture sets which may look beautiful but also break the bank. We bought all our stuff from Ikea where you can mix and match stuff and you would never know it wasn't a proper set. VERY easy to put together and actually great quality really.

We got a cot, full size wardrobe, chest of drawers and skinny chest of drawers with a few storage boxes etc for £480. It looks great and everyone asks where we got it from as it looks like a matching set. It makes a huge difference if you shop around a bit and despite the fact that Mamas and Papas and John Lewis may have beautiful sets - the chances are they will be covered in crayon and scratches before you know it and you'll be gutted you paid out the extra money!

Hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine :) xx
My issue with 'baby clothes' was that I worried bub wasn't comfy?

Jeans and trousers sometimes looked really restrictive on James - despite being generous in size??

There is so much more variety with girls stuff though??? Boys is just jeans / trackies / chino's whereas girls have leggings and tights which will be more comfy.

Re furniture - we just re used old stuff, we used DC fix on an old wardrobe and painted the handles to match the theme. Saved a fortune!

I never thought of Ikea for furniture - bit of a trek from Aberdeen though. The nearest store is Edinburgh! Parents are in St Andrews though so will be in the area before the birth! Might have a look at their stuff tonight.
Take advantage of coupons and double ups ( tesco ) I got my cot, mattress, bedding and a high chair for about 20 quid as I saved them up all year then doubled up!

Then eBay or car boot the clothes they grow out of to buy more stuff for them!

Don't bother with loads of toys. My lo still doesn't really play with toys now at 6months!

Shower your baby with love! Kiss cuddle them when they're crying and cherish every moment!

Don't stock up on nappies etc before baby is here, supermarkets will have baby events once your baby is here.

Don't panic about having "everything ready" before baby is here! All you really need is a few baby gros, sterilizer and bottles, somewhere for baby to sleep, car seat and pram (and even then I didn't use my pram till day 10!). On the topic of prams, I don't think you need to go crazy with price and brand etc... Prams are prams at the end of the day. My pram is light (5kg), small, folds in one go, lasts 3 years, looks good... And cost £150 on eBay second hand! I will be able to get all that money back when I resell it too.

Don't bother with loads of fancy matching bed sets. Once baby is here, whatever is clean is good!
Thanks, home bargins even sell old fashioned thick winter ones (ifykwim) that would be good for winter.

I think you mean Flannelette/Brushed cotton :) Thanks for the tip, never would of thought of this :)
I have nothing to contribute as iv never had a baby but I'm loving this thread!!! Xxxx
Best thing we did for the early days was buy a few little baskets from the pound shop and fill with nappies, nappy sacks, wipes etc and place in different rooms around the house - so much easier than having to go up or down stairs after an epic nappy!
Definitely don't waste money on a baby bath! Unless you've only got a shower of course.

I was adamant I was getting a big fancy one but hubby insisted we wouldn't use it... he already had a son.

Lo and behold we used it once and and I always use the big bath now! £40 it cost me! Just took it to the charity shop

My lovely little man Spencer 28/2/2013 6lbs 3.5ozs

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