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Bedding - Lots of Questions!


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2007
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Hi Mums :wave:

The world of moses basket bedding is all a bit confusing to me at the moment.......! How many sheets / fitted or flat and blankets do you need in total? Assume you can use the same sheets / blankets in the pram?

Are the cellular blankets best or plain ones?

Do you normally just use a bottom sheet and one blanket at a time or should there be another sheet inbetween bubs and the blanket?

Are the gro-bags any good for use in a moses basket and also in a pram?
I have one so far but as bubs is due in August it looks a bit heavy.....

Lastly, where's the best place to buy the blankets / sheets?

Thanks! x
Hiya :wave:

I have four fitted sheets which I use for the moses basket and pram (the same one fits both), and I wash them once a week. I have cotton ones from mothercare:

http://www.mothercare.com/gp/product/B0 ... 8&mcb=core

I uses cellular blankets at the mo (but I swaddled Layla for the first month). I have 3 plain cotton ones from mothercare:

http://www.mothercare.com/gp/product/B0 ... &mcb=coreI

I also use muslin squares on top of the sheet and tuck them into the area where Layla's head lays in her moses basket and pram. That way if they are sick or dribble you can just change the muslin.

The grobags are good but I think they are better to start using when they are a few months old. I am going to get one this wk. They do lightweight grobags (1 tog) which I think will be fine for Aug.

http://www.mothercare.com/gp/product/B0 ... 8&mcb=core

TBH though Layla is so hot at the mo at night she kicks off her blanket most nights and just sleeps in a short sleeve/leg, lightweight romper suit.

I found mothercare and mamas and papas best for bedding.

Hope that helps
Pretty much was going to say the same, the moses/pram sized cellular blankets from mothercare are great, they wash really nice and soft and are lightweight enough for summer too, I think fleecy ones arent very breathable and get a bit sweaty.
Also if you get large muslins they are great for swaddling when its warm as they get the snug feeling without being piled up in blanket.
We have just started using a gro bag for Eva, they are great but I do worry a bit that she will get too hot, I wouldnt have used it any earlier than this though, she is about 11lb now, not sure how suitable they are for very little babies?
That's really helpful, thank you! I'll be taking a trip to mothercare soon then :)
How many sheets / fitted or flat and blankets do you need in total?
Assume you can use the same sheets / blankets in the pram?
Are the cellular blankets best or plain ones?
Do you normally just use a bottom sheet and one blanket at a time or should there be another sheet inbetween bubs and the blanket?

i've got 3 fitted sheets for the crib.i put connor to sleep with a muslin under his head for when he's sick, which he invariably is :? :lol: i've got about 5 pram blankets cos we were given them as presents; i only use the cellular blankets for bedding, or would do if there was any point - he kicks them off. i've got 3 of these - the dry really quickly. i wouldn't use a sheet under them for bedding - just baby in appropriate clothing with a blanket on top, or swaddling if they'll let you.

Are the gro-bags any good for use in a moses basket and also in a pram?
I have one so far but as bubs is due in August it looks a bit heavy.....

gro-bags are fab. i've got 3 - just make sure you've got the right size for baby (connor went in the mothercare ones from a week after birth and we don't use anything else now) and the right tog for the weather. tbh, its sooo hot at the mo that connor just sleeps in a nappy and socks! i've never used mine in the pram tho - i just have him clothed with a blanket for when its chilly

I thoroughly recommend Grobags/Sleeping Bags as then you don't really need to worry about blankets. Depending on the size of your baby, you might be able to start using them straight away. As Luke was so small we had to wait a few weeks but he is in one every night now.

I love this one from Mothercare which he had on last night: http://www.mothercare.com/gp/product/B0 ... 1&mcb=core

I'd get a few different tog rated bags so you can pick and choose each night depending on how hot/cool it is. Luke just wears a long sleeved grow under his.

Tesco also sell some long sleeved sleeping bags which are just thin cotton and perfect for these really warm nights. He just wears a nappy underneath (Our bedroom gets REALLY hot)
I have:

* 2 fitted Moses basket sheets
* 2 cellular blankets (for during the day - just put them over the top.
* Grobag - for night time

That's it! Works for us!
I would say just get a couple of fitted sheets for the moses basket and use grobags. You can use them from 7.5lb if they are the original one's. (I also have an ikea sleeping bag that says from 10lb). I use a cot blanket folded up when I needed one.

I had two full sets of moses bedding for James which got 3 months use and then ended up in the charity shop :roll:

Logan hardly ever goes in his moses basket, he may go in for 15 mins or so during the day if in a very deep sleep so its a good job I didnt spend a fortune on bedding for it!
i never used any sheets in millie's moses basket, but she was born in early june and had grown out of it by september, suring which time our bedroom was never below 24 degrees so...
grobags are fab during winter. its getting hot again so now she just sleeps with a cellular blanket and only cotton pyjamas with bare feet- im so paranoid about her gettin too hot always have been! dunno if that helps at all really! :?
:roll: I have a sicky baby so I get through sheets like nobodys business! My washing machine is constantly on...

For the moses basket we have 4 fitted sheets (I will be buying some more though because she lays in her moses basket all day and gets through them all!) I've got some flat sheets too but I prefer the fitted ones because I haven't worked out hospital corners yet! :lol:

I use cellular blankets- we have about 6- but obviously we don't use them all! It's just handy to have some spare if you put loads in the wash! TBH in this heat E has just been sleeping with a baby gro on.

We have some Gro-Bags too but she's not big enough for them yet so I don't know what they are like!
I found M&P very expensive for bedding compared with other places.

The cheapest I found were Babies R Us and Matalan.
Hi ladies...

I'm very thrifty when it comes to uneccesary purchases and i like recycliing wherever possible. I would say unless you really want to and can afford all the bedding.. its really easy to make cot sheets from old duvet covers aslong as u got a sewing machine - also instead of buying moses basket sets.. why not use plain white pillow cases instead? the whole mattress slips into the pillow case and then you can use them after the baby has grown out of the moses basket...
I would add that i can't recommend them baby sleeping bags highly enough! Make life so much easier!! They'd only just come out when my son was a baby and my MIL got some from france for us! he wore them and wore them and then they got passed on! I got three coming from my friend for this little babba :D
I'd say you only need maybe 3 sheets for the moses basket & 3 sheets for the cot. I change both once a week & if LO is sick obvs I do it sooner.

Pillow case is a good idea, wish i'd thought of that rather than buy moses basket sheets, they weren't cheap & LO was only in moses basket for less than 3 months.


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