
aw dont worry, u dont have to say sorry :hug:

Remember its not over till she arrives!
Oh, I'm sorry Libs, I really was rooting for you. Nasty AF messing you round like this *shakes fist*
Oh sorry it wasn't a BFP Libs but the other ladies are right its not over till AF arrives some people don't get BFP's until a couple weeks after AF is due so don't give up hope!

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Sorry you didn't get a positive :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

what wee did you use? was it the one you saved from this morning? if so maybe the hgu levels decreased because it was old wee?
If you've just used fresh wee maybe cos it's not fmu?

Not convinved ur not pg yet'll just have to try again in a couple days if af still hasn't arrived. I really want you to get your bfp :pray: :pray:
I've just never had even the suggestion of a line before :(

I don't feel premenstrual at all - I did Tuesday and then it went, and now i don't know where I am :(

I'm in tears and I have 2 1/2 hours till I have to go back to work and I don't want to - I really don't want to I'm exhausted and I want to curl up with my DH
muppetmummy said:
Sorry you didn't get a positive :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

what wee did you use? was it the one you saved from this morning? if so maybe the hgu levels decreased because it was old wee?
If you've just used fresh wee maybe cos it's not fmu?

Not convinved ur not pg yet'll just have to try again in a couple days if af still hasn't arrived. I really want you to get your bfp :pray: :pray:

yes I saved my FMU - I thought you can do that - hold on peeonastick will know
aww hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: couldn't you call in sick? Sounds like you could do with some time away from work
okay - apparently hcg has a half life of 24 hours, I got my FMU at before 7 this morning, so it's about 10 hours... should still be enough there to get a positive surely?

Unfortunatly I can't call in I'd be the person I'd be calling in sick to :roll: wish I could. :hug:
The others are right though libs, it isn't over till AF arrives. I know its going to be hard, but try to take your mind off it, work should help you do that, it'll be busy tonight!! Then retest in a few days if she still hasn't come. You know thats what you'd say to us.
maybe you should get some more cheapies and test again with fmu just in case?
:rotfl: :rotfl:

OMG - apparently if you keep it someowhere cool it slows down the HCG breaking down.

Guess where I put mine :rotfl: in the airing cupboard with the hot water tank going :oops: :oops:

so I'm going to wait a few days and see what happens, not holding my breath, but we'll see :D
:rotfl: Maybe thats whats happened then! I've still got my fingers crossed for you :hug: :hug:
The airing cupboard? :shock:

I agree with the others and test again in a couple of days, try using a tesco's own, they seem to be good tests :D

Hope af stays away :hug:
our airing cupboard has nothing else in :wink:

it's the only place i could hide it - renovations means no cupboards etc :?

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