Lets see yours!!

I don't think you're big lau's! I think that you're pretty much spot on for your weeks.

Amanda I think you're bump is quite big for 24 weeks.

Evie you're bump looks like a proper boy bump! Can't wait to see what you're having!

LM-you're nice and 'neat' as everyone round here says to me!
Alot of people have said iam quite big for the week iam could this be a big baby?...I dont have a clue
Hehe I keep telling my DH it's a boy lol but I have no idea when I go into hosp I'm gonna take that one last pic before birth lol!! Just so I can look back and say omg!!!!!!!!

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That was mine at 41 weeks lol just butting in sorry! Xx

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Aaauugggh I'm huge compared!!!

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I wonder if my bump will get bigger or stay the same size because i dont think i have grown much recently i know baby is kicking like mad
A lot depends on height of the woman as well as today the mw's were worried that I look small and did a scan that reassured us he's perfect and they said that I probably look small because I have a long torso. Someone shorter than me would probably look bigger.
Aaaahhhhh I'm 5ft 2 (and a half) lol so yer feel better now haha!!

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Ohhh i want a bump now, hurry up and grow my little munchkin hehe xx
But its like im quite big for the weeks iam what could that be? Any ideas
Might just be having a larger baby - I'm measuring small for my dates (apparently) lol and I was with my last pregnancy and time before and my first two were 8lb 15 and 8lb 3 so I think I carry more towards my back maybe you carry more to the front x

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wow great naked bumps girls, will get out the camera

Amanda, you have such a girly bump!

Helen123 - god you are tiny , seb will be about 1 lb or you must have him vertical and his legs are shoved down your legs or something...

Evie - come on, you were ready to pop weeks ago, the suspense is now killing me, always thought girl for you, and now you look just like Lacesy mummys bump, who is a boy!!!
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iam more at the front thats one thing i do know.Ill ask my midwife on wed see what she says i know i can defo feel the weight sorta i guess baby is heavy lol
This was taken this morning! I swear it was bigger at the weekend...it goes through phases of saying hello, then going again!


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Awe tini wenie!! I wish that was my waist hehe!!

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heres mine at 38+2. everyone says im small and a couple of people from work reackon its a proper boy bump im supposed to b having a girl lol what do u think x


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before I read the text I thought 'girl' straight away :)
isobel you have a lovely bump hun :) I was roughly the same size when i had my little boy. Do you look pregnant from the back? i didnt lol xx
i dont think i look pregnant from the back but i have put on all around so from the back i just look fat but my bump is mostly front

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