

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2006
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Anyone else leaking? :oops:

The last couple of days I've felt a little pressure down below like bubs is pressing on something and I've leaked a little after going to the loo.
It smells like wee so it can't be amniotic fluid so I think I need to practice my Pelvic floor muscle exercises.

Just wondered if it's common already.

when do you actually start to leak??

i haven't got a clue :oops:
I get a pressure feeling down there quite a but, like he is pushing on something and it is all going to fall out and also when i go to the loo occasionally i get leaking of discharge afterwards. Its annoying cause you have just been to the loo, why couldnt it have escaped then?.
Thanks Flame, that's exactly what I have. I'm glad it's not just me and just think of all the other pleasures we have yet to come :lol:

I thought I had a pretty good pelvic floor before, apparently not :roll:

Yeah i thought mine was pretty good to cause i used to do the pelvic crunchy thing at least once a day.

It seems to feel more heavy when i have been sat for a certain period of time, i dont know whether it is the way i sit or maybe the first signs that i need the loo or something. Either way i am gonna ask my obstetrician about it in a couple of weeks when i see her again, so i shall try and remember to let you know what she says.
Remembering to let you know might be a tad difficult cause i forget far to much these days, so if i forget i'm sorry :?

I get the same thing but always forget to do my pelvic floor exercise.
i started leaking quite early, but this is my 4th baby!!!
Pleased I'm not the only one, if I get caught off guard and sneeze or laugh it happens to me :oops: It's very embarrassing :oops: .
Leak here occasionally too :oops:

Is great fun when I cough! :rotfl:
thank god it's not just me!!!!!
i just hope it doesn't get any worse or i'll end up like the woman in little britain!!!! :rotfl: :rotfl:
I'll tell you what girls, you're all a godsend :hug:

I really thought it was just me :oops: and something was wrong but now I know it's perfectly normal I feel relaxed again.

Think I'll google Pelvic floor exercises :think:

I had a tiny leak the other day during orgasm (sorry tmi) :oops: Little bit embarassing...Oh joy of joys!

Thank god for this thread, I have been worried the past 2 days. Wasn't sure whether it was wee or amniotic fluid I was leaking. My stomach doesn't feel hard today either, quite wobbly in fact so you can probably guess what I was thinking.

Hurry up Thursday so I can see if my little bean is ok. :pray:
This is so reassuring. :clap: Thank you ladies.

I've had this leaking on/off since I have had a cold. I had to wear a panty liner for a few days when my cough was really bad.

I MUST do those pelvic floor exercises! LOL

I get the occasional leak if I sneeze or cough unexpectedly :oops:.

BUT my MW told me something interesting last PG: -

Basically when you sit down, your urinary tract is squashed - more so during pregnancy than when you're not PG. SO if you go to the toilet, there will still be a bit of urine in your 'tube' so if you stand up it then gets released and you have a few extra drops. So the thing to do is go to the loo, then stand up, and then sit down again and squeeze out those extra couple of drops.

Can't do anything about the stress incontinence other than get squeezing those pelvic floor muscles. So ALL TOGETHER NOW......SQUEEZE....TWO...THREE....FOUR.......!

Hope this helps!


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