Heavy feeling down below


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2011
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I've been feeling a bit funny for the past few days, there's a heavy/pressure feeling I get when I stand up.

It feels like something is falling out down there. There feels like an obstruction when I try to do my pelvic floor exercises.

I hope there is no prolapse or anything like that going on. Has anyone else felt like this??
Have you been pooing ok? I have been very constipated since the c-section cos I can't bear down cos of the stitches, the bloody iron tablets haven't helped either, have you been able to push poo out with your war wounds?
The pooing has been ok yea, this sensation is at the front of my foof :(

I hope it's nothing to worry about!
does it feel a bit like a cramp and sort of feels like you want to push your bits to ease it? x
It feels like a cramp a bit yes, like a dragging feeling. It's right at the front though really which is odd.

I'm gonna ask them to look at it Monday I think
Yeah, exactly there lol.

I thought it was weird, do you have it too?
Yes so must be normal. My mate has it too who recently gave birth. It's from all the pushing and bruising.i think. I still have pressure there 7 weeks on and feels weird when I do pelvic floor too x
Ah ok, good. I can't deal with anymore traumas. Lol
I know. I have had one thing after another!!!! Xx

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