Ladies pain control options

This exactly what happened to me. One minute I was 2-3cm the next I was pushing and she came out in 2 pushes. I hope that this labour goes the same for my body point of view as the labour was very good x
With Issy I had pethidine and gas n air I'm hoping for the same this time as I was free to give birth how I wanted. I could move to the most comfortable position and I was actually quite proud I managed it with just those 2! I've actually written on my birth plan same as last time if possible lol xxx
Oh god that sound quite hard going on your body. I suppose I'm more used to some pain reliever as I've tried most of it before on a non obstretic and obstretic based needs. I do throw up but it's usually after birth and for about 30 minutes and it's not necessaraky neusea but more invulentary vomiting or a reaction. My body clears it out fairly quickly. I would go for an epi but it just didn't work first time round so I need something that will cruise through the labour. X

To be fair everything I had after the spinal block was post c-section. But even still it was a shed load of medication and even speaking to medical professionals about it now I get the impression it was probably too much.

I do worry a lot about being sick after this one, but I know I'm much more aware of what everything is and the effects it has on me this time.

Just seen this thread ago and wanted to update to say I wasn't sick after having my section like I feared I would! I decided against having any morphine and had two midwives looking at me like I was bonkers. I just went straight to tramadol and was able to manage fine with that.
Well that's brilliant and I think your body and mind know what to expect so you might be calmer and less adrenaline hyped. I can't wait to see what this labour brings. Hoping its soon as I feel really terrible at the moment. X
I'm going for paracetamol, gas and air and then an epidural. I've firmly decided against diamorphine after seeing a baby born limp and a bit blue at first. Baby was fine in the end but that minute would feel like hours, I think I'd probably have a breakdown seeing my baby like that. I'm consultant led, not allowed a water birth as it stands as baby is having to be monitored the whole way through due to previous concerns about the structure of my placenta - they need to monitor in case they need to operate quickly. I would have loved a water birth but in reality I know that I'll be begging for an epidural, my hospital offers patient-controlled dosing and I think they're mobile epidurals. I'm terrified of needing an episiotomy and there's no way that I'd let them down there with a local anaesthetic needle to cut me or stitch me up. Funnily enough i'd prefer a needle next to my spinal cord than in that region - that must sound incredibly backwards to most people but I have a severe fear of needles if I see them coming towards me. X
This was my first baby, had the hormone drip & i seriously coped on just gas & air in the end. I shocked myself at just how well i coped threw labour yes it hurts but it was nowhere near as bad as what i was expecting it to be though! I did ask for the epidural but it never had any chance of working because my son arrives nearly as quickly as it had gone in but least id experience it but cant say i even felt that going into my back!
Well I have had an episiotomy, epidural, lumber puncture and freeze infections in my back and a episiotomy is nothing compared. When they carry out the procedure, you are already partially numbed so you don't really feel anything by the point of them doing it as its done incredibly quickly. It's not as bad as it seems. Tearing naturally is more difficult to recover from as the year is jaggered and a cut is straight. The healing process is sore but you recover and return to normal. If you end up with forceps or intervention, you'll need one anyway so please try to not panic as its ok. Xxx
I had pethidine and it worked brilliantly to begin with but after a while the pain was just as strong. However this may have been due to being on a hormone drop. I would go for an epidural next time as the pethidine made me quite out of it and I can't remember certain aspects of Gabriella's birth.

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