Pain relief - women are strange creatures....!

I had the exact same comments, I was made to feel foolish and naive for doing the hypnobirthing and wanting a drug free intervention free birth, even my own mum used to relish telling me how painful it would be and how I'd be begging for pain relief. It amazed me how all these people who cared for me seemed to take such pleasure in telling me how wrong I was and how in pain I'd be! I genuinely thought that people would be pleased I was trying to do it naturally as its safer for me and the baby!!!

Anyway I ignored them and pressed on with the hypnobirthing and kept a positive outlook, and you know how my birth went!!! I think I was lucky as there was no unforeseen problems and my labour was text book which played beautifully into my hypnobirthing plan, but if something had gone wrong I'd have gone with medical advice. I can honestly say stick with your plan if it pays off you'll have the most amazing labour, but be flexible incase baby doesn't play along and u need help. For me I would say the contractions were fine until I got near the end, then they do get intense, its not agony pain its like nothing I've ever felt before best way to describe is intense, if is been sitting down/lying down and not controlling my breathing then I wouldn't have coped with it, but not fighting it and keeping the attitude of its not for long, each contraction is one less and one nearer my baby helped. Pushing stage for me was lovely I only felt relief when pushing and didn't feel a thing when he came out, let your body take over!!!! At the end of the day noone knows how it will be, every labour is different, but ur doing everything right to minimise how bad it can be and I'd ignore those who put you down!!!
I had this conversation with some of my friends too. 2 of the girls are already mums and there is me and another friend expecting our first. One of the mums said that I should take anything and everything I'm offered!! I'm just planning on using gas and air if I need it when I'm in the pool. Neither of my mum friends have been in the pool or used our local birth centre, so they in my eyes they cant really have an opinion on how I plan to have my baby as they haven't done it that way themselves. Everyone is different and what works for one woman wont always work for another. No one should judge you on your choices! All that matters at the end of the day is that you have a lovely birth experience xx
Thank u so much bunny! That makes me feel a lot better!! My hynobirthing cd arrived today :) I'm gonna give it a good go! Xxx
Sometimes I think some women enjoy making pregnant women worry about the pain aspect of labour and birth:( . Think you've got the right attitude Pos, go with the flow, see how things are going and then decide if you need anything to help. I had a drug free birth with my son - I was lucky, fast labour, nothing too traumatic during birth and I felt amazing afterwards, full of energy, no sluggishness / nausea etc.. Just on top of the world!
This time round, I may need to be induced so it could be a totally different story, so I'll just wait and see what happens and take things as they come. But going to try and do things au natural this time too.
As everyone has said, as long as baby and mum get through labour, safely it doesn't matter who takes what and when.
I'm with u pos! Been doing hypnobirthing from around 25 weeks and am almost at due date now......don't get me wrong I am apprehensive but doing the cd's has def helped me to be calmer than I would have been without (I am a very anxious person). I would like to do things as naturally as poss but am not ruling anything out. I know some people say birth plans are a waste of time, but I think u may as well have an opinion about what u would ideally like.....u never know, u may get it?! I really don't think anyone should be judged either way, max pain relief or none at all.......u really don't know how it's gonna go and things may happen that are completely unforseen and out of your control, so like u say, go with the flow, c how u feel at the time and if u want pain relief, take it!.....I look at it like this.....if I was ill I would first try and feel better without medication e.g. go to bed, rest, drink plenty of water etc, if I didn't feel better I'd try something like an over the counter medication, if still not right then I'd see GP, have antibiotics if needed etc and if things got really bad I'd end up at a and e, be admitted etc.......I would just keep going until I felt I was getting better...........this is how I plan to view my labour......hope to use the natal hypnotherapy and get in a pool.....and if I need more than that so be it.............could even end up with emergency c section, u never know.....but as long as bubs arrives safe and healthy that's the most important thing!

Am sorry your friends weren't as supportive as you'd like, but I think u should stick to your guns and like others have said do what's right for u.........only u will know how u r feeling at the time!

Good luck with the natal hypnotherapy xxx
ah thanks for all your replies ladies, i feel much better about it now :) xx

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