*JuLiEs PaIn UpDatE*4.50am! Slow Labour;[

Good Luck, sounds like baby is on its way to meet you.
Wishing you the best of luck xxx
hope he is, there getting worse these contractions!
i cnt wait 2 have some gas and air :rotfl:
They are asking for a hell of a lot! They must be busy!

It will happen before you know it Julie :hug: :cheer:
Wow your strong!!

How are you coping with the contractions?? Finding it all ok??
aww bless you sweetie... sounds like your little man is on his way.

im just gonna send you a quick text to double check you have my number correct...
there now 3-4 mins apart! coping well with the pain although they HURT LIKE HELL! iv got quite a high pain tolerance though...VERY FAMOUS LAST WORDS :rotfl:
Good luck hun! :cheer: Keep 'em coming little man!!

This is it Julie! How you feeling? You excited? You're doing well coping with the pain! Hopefully being on here is helping speed up time!

Just make sure you go to the hospital when YOU feel ready to. Don't leave it too long though Julie, we want you to be comfortable and raring to go ready for your little lad's arrival!! :cheer:
Oh WOW!!! This is it Julie...YAY!!!! :cheer:
Good luck hunnie...from what I can hear I think you shoud get your self to that hospital!!!!
I agree. You have to allow for the halk an hour. When you get there just simply say some have been 3 in 10 mins. That will get you in and examined. They are too close together for them to send you home.

Go get em Julie!! :cheer:
hope things get faster for u hun :hug:
ur strong u can make it. its just u get emotional now. be strong hun..
I hope you're back at the hospital by now! Huge hugs hun, try not to worry and just go with it, you will be fine :hug: :D
Oh no! poor you! I hope something has happened by now Julie, you just need to meet your Lo now.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
oh julie :( :hug:

really praying you're back at hospital now and have had some pain relief :(

that must be the worst kind of labour, when it goes realllllly slowly and you just can't rest :( :hug:

Aww Julie, I really do feel for you, but you are getting there, slowly but surely you are making your way closer to meeting your little boy!

I am so excited for you! You're going to be a Mummy soon, to a gorgeous little man and I can't wait to hear the news that you're in established labour!

I don't know what to suggest for the pain as I've never been through it myself and it must be horrible having to go through all that :(

Thinking of you :hug: xxx
Hope you either got some rest or are in there now with some pain releif, either way im sure it wont be long now. :hug: xx
i havent had any updates this morning :(
hope she is doing ok :hug:

:cheer: babies are finally starting to pop

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