Contractions, labour and pain...


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2011
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Hi all,
Just starting to give the whole labour thing some serious thought... And I'm getting scared!! Those of you who have been through it and know what contractions feel like, can you tell me how much worse than period pains are they? I ask because I have always suffered really bad period pains. Some months pain is so bad that I physically vomit and sometimes pass out with the pain. If labour contractions are even worse, I'm so scared that I will be physically sic and pass out each time I have a contraction. Help!
Thanks for sharing any thoughts / experiences! X
O god you just reminded me I need to write my birth plan! Don't know about the contractions but I get period pains that so far arnt as bad as my normal ones but id get them bad like you too.

Hehe... Get it written! :) Hopefully not long to go for you now! :)
Hey hun. Been through all this a week ago so It's all still quite fresh. My period pains aren't too bad but to me it felt like my whole period coming in bursts lasting about a minute. But everyone's different. Epidural was amazing for me after about 20 mins didn't feel a thing. I went in 5 cms without no pain relief so have to admit was in agony but have you thought of any pain relief? Plus also when your in labour you're just concentrating so hard on getting this baby out the pain secpnd on your priority list. Try not to focus on the pain during labour xxx
Hey hun. Been through all this a week ago so It's all still quite fresh. My period pains aren't too bad but to me it felt like my whole period coming in bursts lasting about a minute. But everyone's different. Epidural was amazing for me after about 20 mins didn't feel a thing. I went in 5 cms without no pain relief so have to admit was in agony but have you thought of any pain relief? Plus also when your in labour you're just concentrating so hard on getting this baby out the pain secpnd on your priority list. Try not to focus on the pain during labour xxx

Thanks Niknaks... Ideally I think I'd like an epidural, but I have low platelets at the moment. They are monitoring me by blood tests each week, but have said if they aren't high enough I won't be able to have an epidural because of the risk of bleeding... Aghh! Still got quite a few weeks to go (hopefully!) but it's starting to sink in now. Really want pain relief if I can!
honestly i had 2 fantastic labours one with no pain relief and the last one i asked for G&A because i thought it was going to be a while, i had 3 puffs on it and then he was born, contractions build up and once it hits it peak it dies off! for me when they got painful where i thought i need some pain relief i was ready to deliver, i have never really suffered with period pains so didnt have any idea what it was going to feel like! it also helps if you stay relaxed, i know its hard to when your in pain, but it really helps, and im sure it speeds thing up as you are allowing your body to do what it needs to! i know its different for everyone, but both my labours where great, so not all are bad! xx
Thanks Kelly - nice to hear not all labours are agony! :)
I'm another one who didn't use any pain relief last time, it's painful but not Agony... And because it's not constant, it's manageable. Hoping for the same experience this time round, but we'll see how it goes. Best advice. Stay as relaxed as possible and listen to your designed for this:)
Hey hun, I'm having contractions right now as I'm in early labour.
They're very much like period pains and just sort of 'throb'. I was 2cm dilated at 2pm and have been having contractions all day since 10am. They're not unbearable just yet but sometimes they can stop you in your tracks. It's an all round pain so there's pain in my back/bum/front, just like period ache.

I have a very low pain threshold and I was very scared about labour before I fell pregnant, I never thought I'd be able to do it. I still have a little doubt in my mind now but you get so full of excitement that you just want it to happen!

You'll do fine I'm sure. If I can do it, I'm sure you can! xxx
I'm another one e who hasn't used pain relief I think for me they felt like really strong bh the worst part was delivering the head but every one deals with pain differently and no one can tell you what to expect either but you will find your own way of coping with it my periods are really bad as well and I have prescribed meds for mine so I think they are slightly different xxx
I'm glad you started this thread I just read a really horrible one about all the bad things that can happen. Need some positivity!
Thanks to everyone who has replied. Sounds like relaxation and focusing the mind is the key. Think I need to start practicing some relaxation and breathing techniques that should hopefully come in handy when the time comes. Good luck everyone... And like Iriki said, our bodies are designed for this, we need to listen to our bodies and just go with it!
Definitely hun! :D
My contractions are getting more painful now and I find breathing deeply really, really helpful.
I just close my eyes and take deep slow breaths. xxx
Definitely hun! :D
My contractions are getting more painful now and I find breathing deeply really, really helpful.
I just close my eyes and take deep slow breaths. xxx

Wishing you all the best, Tiffany!! Just think with each contraction that you go through, that is one less that you are going to have to go through... A bit like ticking them off a 'to do list'. Hopefully your LO will soon be here. X

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