Ladies pain control options

I had gas and air with my water birth for my first this time I'm hoping for the same except im doing it at home x
I was throwing up before any pain relief entered the picture last time. Took two anti-sickness jabs to stop it. I've had two very sicky pregnancies too, so wouldn't be surprised if my next labour involved being sick too :-(
I wanted a natural birth but ended up being induced was coping fine with gas and air until they realised my fore waters were present once that was broken the contractions ramped up immediately and was far too painful so I went for pethidine, never wanted to take it before but I needed some help. Pethidine was fantastic stuff and would definitely use it again.
I'm glad you have given me another opinion on pethadine as it only via bad views that it has put me off. I'd of course try it and if I'm sick im sick x
I was put off by it as I didn't want to feel out of it or sick. I was only a bit sick cos I drank far too much water when on gas and air as it dries your mouth out so much but the pethidine was great and really helped well with the pain. I actually was able to sleep a bit :-) sleep was definitely needed by that point too.
I'm glad you have given me another opinion on pethadine as it only via bad views that it has put me off. I'd of course try it and if I'm sick im sick x

Same here and so when I was offered it first time round I refused (although I knew I was probably going to go for an epi anyway so figured I'd just do it then!) but a friend from my NCT group first time round who used it in her labour absolutely raves about it!
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Last time round, I was the "water birth and G&A" girl.

Then contractions started.

After no sign of any kind of labour starting up, I had one hella strong contraction, was in hospital 30 mins later with regular, strong contractions, and begging for pain relief.

I had to be monitored for half hour before I could get anything. When they checked me after monitoring, I was 4cm dilated, and wheeled straight through to delivery. I took two puffs on G&A and threw it away cause I felt sick. They offered me pethadine before an epi, which I jumped on as an epi was the one thing I desperately wanted to avoid if possible.

I'll 100% be opting for pethadine again. It was maybe 1:30am-ish by the time I got it (first contraction was just before midnight). I'd been up since 7am and was evidently rather tired, as once I got the peth, I was catching 2 minute naps between contractions. DS arrived just under four hours after that first contraction, and with everything ramping up so quickly, I never even gave the water birth a thought. Xx
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I didn't want pethadine because I was scared it would make me sick , I think you've just got to make the decision at the time. Every labour is different lol I might be screaming for a ride to hospital for this labour you just never know x
I only had cocodamol and gas and air with my first, and she was a whopper! I was in the pool for a bit too which probably helped. I was determined not to have anything else, I think it's all about your state of mind/how you approach it.

I'd definitely say wait for the G&A til you are desperate for it, that way you feel the relief, if you go for it too early then I think as the contractions build you start wanting something else.
With my first I went with no intentions, I just thought I will see how I go. I laboured in the pool with just gas & air and I found it fine! I had to get out the pool after an hour of pushing and they found my son had pooed inside. They let me push for one more hour on the consultant led ward but still only g&a. Unfortunately he got stuck so they took me to theatre and prepped me for section but managed to turn him round with forceps and I pushed him out then :)

This time round I still want water and gas & air but will be going in again with no expectations as I don't want to be disappointed if I don't get my perfect birth. At the end of the day however my baby gets here and whatever pain relief I need is just minor detail in the grand scheme of things.
With my first I went with no intentions, I just thought I will see how I go. I laboured in the pool with just gas & air and I found it fine! I had to get out the pool after an hour of pushing and they found my son had pooed inside. They let me push for one more hour on the consultant led ward but still only g&a. Unfortunately he got stuck so they took me to theatre and prepped me for section but managed to turn him round with forceps and I pushed him out then :)

This time round I still want water and gas & air but will be going in again with no expectations as I don't want to be disappointed if I don't get my perfect birth. At the end of the day however my baby gets here and whatever pain relief I need is just minor detail in the grand scheme of things.

Oh god that sound quite hard going on your body. I suppose I'm more used to some pain reliever as I've tried most of it before on a non obstretic and obstretic based needs. I do throw up but it's usually after birth and for about 30 minutes and it's not necessaraky neusea but more invulentary vomiting or a reaction. My body clears it out fairly quickly. I would go for an epi but it just didn't work first time round so I need something that will cruise through the labour. X

To be fair everything I had after the spinal block was post c-section. But even still it was a shed load of medication and even speaking to medical professionals about it now I get the impression it was probably too much.

I do worry a lot about being sick after this one, but I know I'm much more aware of what everything is and the effects it has on me this time.
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I am expecting my fifth baby and have given birth to my four daughters without epidurals. Looking back, I should have had one with my first baby as it took so long, I was exhausted. I also had pethidine and diamorphine with my first (neither of which were as effective as good old gas & air)
I had my other three daughters with gas and air alone and can highly recommend it - it helped me. Something about having to breath it in yourself means you have a focus and retain a modicum of control. With the pethidine and diamorphine I felt drunk and sick.
The best advice I can offer is to be totally open minded and where possible, keep upright and mobile ️xx
I had an epidural with my first as he was back to back and ended up being an instrumental delivery (very glad I couldn't feel that!!)
My second I asked for an epidural but he was very quick, all it did was numb a patch on my leg, I had gas and air and that was enough in the end for me.
This time I'm planning a home birth and am obviously limited with pain relief but I will definitely be taking advantage of the gas and air!
I want any pain relief that will work! Have a very low pain threshold and will have an epidural if I can.
Epidural with first and nothing except the pool for second. After giving birth to my second, honestly, all I thought was how stupid I was to allow myself to go through all that pain for no reason! I ended up having an epi anyway because I had to have my placenta delivered in theatre. What a farce, wish I could have given birth with it. I highly recommend the epi.
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Tbh, I'm hoping I can do it on gas and air like with my first - but then I'm also hoping for another 3 hour labour!

I'm just going to go with the flow and see what happens!
I used just gas and air for both my labours. My first son was a very long labour and ended up being delivered using foreceps. My second son was a quick labour and i gave birth in a birthing pool. Both very different labours but both with gas and air. Who knows what this labour will bring!! I keep an open mind about pain relief and will do what's best for me and my baby.
When I started this thread I think I was thinking to much into pain reliefe. This time with only several weeks to go, I'm just going to go with the flow. I know my first options are gas and air, diamorphine or remy, and if baby is back2back then I'll anticipate another epidural depending on sittuation or if I'm on the drip due to not contracting x
I had a little gas and air and pool for pain relief for the first and nothing for the second as I didn't have time! I was planning to get Remifentanil but as it was being set up I went from 4cm to birth in a matter of minutes x

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