

Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2010
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Hi Girls :wave:

Just thought id tell you what i did in the lead up to my labour.. it might be worth a try :)

Well my due date was the Monday 15th August... I Gave birth on Monday 15th August :dance:

I had been taking Raspberry Leaf Tea for a matter of weeks already but as i came into my 39th week i decided to maybe try a few things, i had the long walks and Hot curry but dont think that helped me really as im used to really spicy/hot food..

So i decided to try Evening Primrose Oil (EPO) capsules and Clary Sage Oil (CSO)

Here is what i did -

Friday - RLT x 5, Bounce on ball, Clary sage oil in bath, then CSO mixed with a carrier oil and then massaged into my bump and 2 EPO Caps One swallowed one inserted in the foof (sorry TMI) :)

Saturday - RLT x 5, Bounce on ball, EPO caps one in morning (swallowed) then 2 at night (one swallowed, one in foof) and Sex.

Sunday - RLT x 6, Bounce on ball, EPO caps one in morning (swallowed) then 2 at night (one swallowed, one in foof). CSO in bath and massaged into my bump.

Monday - LABOUR!!!! :dance:

The Evening primrose is meant to help ripen your cervix for labour, and after inserting the EPO, the next morning i noticed ALOT of plug loss!

If you are going to try the EPO then when you insert it make sure you do it before going to bed and stick a pad on just in case of any leakage!

I hope this helps some of you! xxx
wow never heard of the evening primrose oil before! thanks for sharing xxx
Aww thanks for that, I'm willing to give anything a go now! Where do you get the epo from, do you think Holland and barrett would have it? Xx
Wow that's great to know! Will come back to this in a few months and try that regime :-)
what does the rasberry tea do, ive heard lots of people talk about it, i dont like tea but if im over my due day when time comes ill give anything a go x
what does the rasberry tea do, ive heard lots of people talk about it, i dont like tea but if im over my due day when time comes ill give anything a go x

your meant to start drinking it so many weeks before i started around 33wks, i think its meant to strengthen your muscles around your uterus so when labour does start its meant to help shorten your labour, which did for me, from my very 1st contraction to delivery was 4hours 15mins..

You can buy capsule form of RLT, if you dont like to drink it.
ah thanks thats great, is it recommended by MW x x
Wicked info. there, Kelly - thanks loads for that! I have heard of using EPO and clary sage, but had no idea how to use them xx
right, tomorrow am off to get clary sage and epo, am sure this baby is just tormenting me for the fun of it, every night i think i'm going into labour, and every night it wears off again
Thanks for the info hun, will def be keeping this in mind!
Thanks for this Kelly

I'm gonna be looking back at this closer to my due date, right now the thought of baby coming early terrifies me

right, tomorrow am off to get clary sage and epo, am sure this baby is just tormenting me for the fun of it, every night i think i'm going into labour, and every night it wears off again

remember if your going to rub the CSO into your skin you need a carrier oil aswel! :) x
I'm going to buy my supplies this wk! I've been drinking RLT & quite like it tbh thanks hun xx

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