The get Orlando out thread


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
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Instead of keep starting new threads about it I thought I would just have one lol!

So to update I have and am doing

Rlt 4-6 cups a day
Bouncing on ball to help him move down and put pressure on the cervix
Epo orally twice a day
Just started inserting a epo vaginally
Eating pineapple

Someone get this baby out now

Sent from my gorgeous iphone4
Hi, i know this sounds abit far fetched, but i'm sure it worked with my daughter.
Its basically a pressure point that is meant to stimulate the womb. Its on the hand, the point between your thumb and finger (the soft fleshy joint bit) lol sorry i'm not explaining myself very well! But i started doing it when i was due and went into labour the next day, im not sure whether it was coincedence or not!
I'll post a link to it for you xx
Good list honey!! Maybe add stimulating the nipples ;-) I know we already discussed this-however I read about it on Baby centre website and it says 15mins each breast alternatively for an hour-3 times a day?!!! That is pure dedication!!!
Emily -ooooh thanks will def give it a whirl

Fl- I am dedicated to the cause lol

Sent from my gorgeous iphone4
Ok did the pressure points lol gonna have a bounce in a moment and a bit of nipple stimulation lol so I might go MIA for an hour :shock:

I just wish I could be more active! Stupid SPD!

Atleast even if none of his brings the labour on it should make it easier when it does happen surely?

I have booked a table at te curry house for Saturday night! It's my wedding anniversary on Sunday lol

Sent from my gorgeous iphone4
Try and do the hand one constantly, i was always doing it lol, was determined not to be induced lol. I can't wait to get to your stage and try things to get baby out! Good luck and hope it happens very very soon!! xx
Thanks Hun will do it whenever I am sat doing nothing

Sent from my gorgeous iphone4
I've been trying the accupressure on my hands but i'm not sure if i'm doing it in the right place, is there anyway to tell??
I have an accunpuncture appt on Monday so was gonna ask the man lol

Sent from my gorgeous iphone4
Oh really, is that for your spd hun?
Yeah and to encourage labour also consultant suggested it

Sent from my gorgeous iphone4
Sounds interesting! How much is it costing? I had it once for my MS pain but that was on the NHS so didn't have to pay.
It's 40 quid but having it for 25 cos he is a friend of my osteopath

Sent from my gorgeous iphone4
Yay u got your acupuncture!! Think i may join you in the get the bloody baby out home remedies!

Yey join me becky and keep me company!

Yeah I told oh consultant wouldn't take me seriously if I didn't take his advice

Sent from my gorgeous iphone4
I've secretly been doing them anyway and not working. Might get my arse in gear and have sex tonight :| so not interested tho!!


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