labour watch!

Hope all is well and little one is here, if not good luck and keep pushing x
Got a text this morning - "Remained 3-4cm but with irregular contractions, pethidine hasn't made them stronger so now having an epidural coming and hormone drip to get baby out. Feeling happy that we'll meet our baby today!!!"

Good Luck K hope it picks up for you as you've had such a hard slog, xxx

Will update anything when I hear it xx
"Epidural in and pain has gone-bliss! Contractions regular 4 in 10mins. Now have to wait and see how far dilated I am in 4hrs, It's a waiting game but all good as no pain! I love drugs! XX

So pleased she's finally got something to relieve the pain xxx
I wish that's where I was right now! FX it all happens soon xxx
Sounds good! Can't wait to hear the good news - and to get to see a baby picture!!
Still dilating, next assessment at6.30 so fingers crossed! Me/Lettie will keep u posted. This is slow business! Baby please arrive soon xxx
Keep hanging in there! You'll have your baby soon!
"5cm at 2.30 being rechecked at 6.30, really hope wont need c section but baby having some decelerations so will have tp see".
Fx it doesn't come to that. Come on baby you've kept mummy waitingvlong enough Xx
Hang in there hun, she'll be with you soon :hug: xxx
Hope you're holding your lo now or soon :) and all is ok. Epidural is heaven :) x x

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