update on me...


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2010
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hiya girls. Im so tired after getting in at 2 this morning from the hospital..

i thought my waters had broke but no such luck :( after 2 hours in the waiting room i finally got checked over.

having alot of pains but nothing of a pattern yet. Midwife told me im in slow labour.. :( apparently what i thought was waters was just a real watery show.. Ive had bloody show and veen losing plug for over a week now :(

anyway. Ill be having another sweep tomorrow. Not sure if it will make a difference. Im just so fed up :(

kylie x
Aw hun, I'm sure things will get moving soon. Really hope ur sweep works tomoro :) x x
At least it sounds like your body is doing something, hopefully the sweep will kick things off tomorrow :)
Oh poor you, the waiting game must be killing you and you must be exhausted. Try and get some rest xx
aw im sure that something will happen really soon for you. It sounds like there is something going on in there

Good luck when the time comes xx
aww hope it moves along for you, slow labour must be torture!! x
i think it may be speeding up.. Im having strong pushing down feelings.. Can't really time them at the minute.. Not sure wha to do. Im not in pain hmmm x
i guess the while your not in pain, stay home and hope for more!! lol xx
yep.. My hospital doesn't like people in unless you call them and say the heads out lol a little ott but not far off what their like :D x
aww good luck hun, fingers crossed for you, hope it doesn't take too long for you to meet LO xx
Glad your not in pain, and sounds like thinigs are kicking off Kylie, great news , baby will soon be here X
thanks girls, still getting pushing down feeling. Been for a long walk tonight. Think i may decline sweep tomorrow.. Not sure if it will help things or just pro long it x

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