Keslo's Pregnancy/motherhood Diary

Thats a good thing your mum said... eventually the baby has to come :)
Yep my msn is being crap again... i don't have skype? what is it :oops:

skype is another thing like msn. but imo its better. if you have a skype phone (which i dont lol) you can talk to people like a normal phone.

there are also some good games like backgammon :)
if you do decide to get it. my username is keslo66, you can search for people on it :)

i really like the backgammon game, but im rubbish at it lol. i dont understand what im supposed to do lol. so always end up getting thrashed lol
Hi Keslo

I can't see anything missing from your list. Have you got a Mothercare brochure? There's a list on the back of that I've been using to collect bits. I just about have it all now - only need a baby to make it complete!

I'm like you - I really hope I don't go overdue. Am wondering if it's worth asking for the CS instead coz at least I'll get a definite date then and it's likely to be sooner rather than later. I'm not sleeping so good these days and that makes me feel more frustrated, uncomfortable and irritable. :( Got to put it to the back of my mind I guess.

Good luck with your cleaning seems there are a lot of ladies here doing the same thing right now. That good old nesting instinct I suppose ;)

Hey chick - I told you about Eastenders LOL! How funny! Although how much did you want your LO when she got to hold her little girl. (or myabe thats just me) :oops:. Little bit less fed up today I sat outside in the sun for a while! Chin up chick, baba is coming xxx

oh hun i cant wait till you have your LO!! labour dust to you :)
what a day.

ive been so fed up for weeks now.

gran isnt very well atm, and she doesnt know how much longer she can wait to meet the baby.

so imagine my joy when this morning, sitting on the sofa, and my waters started going :cheer:

im elated :)

rang the oncall midwife, who sent someone out. she checked that it was my waters which it is. checked urine, bloodpressure, heartbeat ect.

as im not really getting contractions yet, they want me in tomorow for monitoring if baby isnt here by then. and then if by saturday the baby isnt here, they are going to induce me.

ive been getting some cramps. which im hoping will progress to full blown contractions.

hold on gran, wont be long now :cheer:

im so so excited. ive been really looking forward to meeting my baby. and now i know its not going to be long until i do :D

hope you are all well.

and a tip: buy loads of maternity pads. i only brought one pack :oops: and it is amazing how many you use. ive been leaking all day. and am patiently waiting for my mom to bring me some more lol

aww hun i have goosbumps i am very excited youve been waiting so long and its wierd to think your pregnancy diary will soon be over .
I wish you all the best and cant wait till you come back with a birth story and pics
Keslo - I wish you the best of luck and hope everything goes well for you. Can't wait to hear your story and see your pictures xx
Aww great news about your waters breaking Keslo. I hope your labour quickly follows. :pray:
well i guess this is it. the end of my pregnancy diary. its a sad kind of feeling knowing this is the last entry. but also a happy one as i am starting a new section of my life. being a mom :D

i loved being pregnant. especially then middle part, no morning sickness, no aches and pains. the only ailment being heartburn :)

i hav been toying with the idea of making this a pregnancy/motherhood diary. what do you think? if its a good idea, i will write a mamoth entry of my expiriences so far (bet your groaning :lol: )

Congratulations to everyone who has given birth recently. Sabrina, your little man is gorgeous :)

lots of love

aww keslo.. bless you...

I was toying with the idea of keeping a diary for bailey.. but didnt think it would be a good idea on the forum.. change your title and keep as a mummy diary, great idea!
ok :) ill get this moved to 1st yr general. and ill adapt the title.

i dont have time to make an entry atm, as im going to a baby group at 10.30. but ill write my first asap :)
The Birth

my waters went at approx 11.30am on 28/6. i rang my mom at work to let her know, and informed adam and the midwife. i didnt start having contractions until about 3pm i think. and they were just very slight ones, harldy noticable. my contractions started kicking off at about 7pm. They appeared like period pains. which confused me, as i expected them to be different.

my mom got to me at 7.30, and by about 10pm they were getting alot stronger. my mom rang the on call m/w approx 10.30 to let her know i was having contractions.

she decided to come to the house to examine me. she did blood pressure, urine ect. then did the lovely internal.very uncomfy but had to be done.
cervix was still 1.5cm thick. so a long way to go.

she left. and they gradually got worse during the evening. my mom decided to stay the evening with me. and im glad she did.
tryed doing as m/w suggested, took some paracetomol and tryed to get some rest.

Hag=ha fat chance. got onto couch to sleep, was having contractions at 5mins appart. but they werent lasting a long time really (bout 30 secs i think.)

gave up and had a bath at 3am. didnt seem to help at all. so got out and went bk to living room.

by about 4.30am i was in alot of pain. and contractions were coming 2mins appart. I was starting to struggle with the pain. and my mom decided id had enough and rang my dad and woke adam up (who was trying to get some rest after a 5am work start )

we all had a coffee while waiting for my dad, but i hardly had time to drink it.

my mom rang the labour ward, who said they would ring the m/w. at which point i was getting p*ssed off, as we had to wait for the go ahead form them to go in.
m/w rang back after what seemed like an hour (but probs only about 10mins max) and she was suggesting she come out to see me again. luckily my mom said no and that i was in too much pain and needed some pain relief. so we set off to the hospital.

was met by a grumpy woman who asked if i needed to have a poo no hello or anything.

m/w got there and according to my mom was suprised to see me leaning against the wall in alot of pain. she instantly called my to the entinox. it was FANTASTIC stuff. i was high as a kite lol. was een laughing abit between the contractions.

m/w went out i assume to write some things down. when she came back, she gave me an internal. and i was Shocked to find out i was 7-8cm dialated

was quite happy at that point. that i had managed tog et to 7cm without any help. it was 6.30am by the maternity notes that i was 7cm dialated.

it says it was 7am that 100mg of pethedine was given. tell you now, that needle must have been HUGE! as i was contracting at the time, and it put me away from the contraction.

it didnt seem to work at the time, but i did notice that i was more groggy inbetween contractions.

the pain was unreal. i really considered an epidural. but i kept telling myself i had done well so far and that i didnt need one. looking back, i dont think they would have given me one at that point.

i started to feel the urge to push at 7.35. although i remember it being later than that.

the midwife finished and the next one took over. so i was waiting for an internal to see how much i was dialated. when she got to me, i was 10cm. so was nearly time to push and the urge was getting stronger and stronger.

at 8.15 i was finaly allowed to push. it was such a relief. it hurt so much, but i couldnt do anything other than push. i wasnt aware of any breaks in the contractions now. i only remember pushing. it didnt take long until i felt the baby coming much closer to the exit. i kept pushing. and when the baby's head was near the opening, the pain was unbelievable. at one point i didnt think i would be able to do it. but i told myself, that although it hurts more than anything, i have to do it. so i just pushed through the pain. as the baby's head was coming out, i could feel myself tearing. but i knew i had to keep going. with another push the babys head was out. it only then took another push for the baby to be delivered. the relief was so intense. i was very groggy at the time, not really taking in what was happening. just taking the time to calm down and breath and relax now the baby was here.

He arrived at about 8.40am weighing 6lbs 6oz.

adam cut the cord, which was delivered around the babys neck. but she said it was loose, and that the baby was fine. so i relaxed abit more then.

he didnt need any stimulation to breathe. he did really well.

i had the injection to expell the placenta. and i helped to push it out, as i didnt want them tugging at me (if thats how they get it out) and it was delivered shortly after the birth.

we spent some time with him while the m/w's were clearing up.

m/w wanted to examine my tears. and she was SO rough with me. i nearly hit her lol. it felt like she was ripping them more. she was i needed stitches. to which i started crying.

she gave me an injection to numb the area. but even that hurts when you have it in your lady bits

some of it i couldnt feel that much. but some i did. i could feel the needle going in and out. i was crying alot as it hurt so much, and after giving birth i was emotional anyway. i didnt want her touching me there. it hurt so much.

after that was done, i tried feeding him. and he seemed keen to take the breast. which i was happy about.

once things calmed down abit, i had my shower. which was quite nice and needed.

i bled so much after the birth, or it seemed like i did.

they moved my to the baby ward. and i just wanted to go home. but i stayed there for a few hours, just incase i needed help.

mom and adam went to get some food. and adam needed to do a few things, so they left me to rest. not that i did much of that. i was bored more than anything lol. and the food was atrocious lol.

my sister came up from where she was working within the hospital.

then my parents and adam got back with pressies adam got me some books a drink, and few other things. mom got me a me to you bear, as i collect them, i like to get one every year for my bday, and she got me a congratulations bear and some choccies.

adams mom and sister came with presents for the baby there was so much.

i then went home, must have been about 5pm by then.

i didnt want to stay in long, and there wasnt any problems so i didnt see the need to stay.

im very happy to be home. i am so so sore now. my bum really hurts

its so surreal to have him here. i didnt even know how to pick him up yesterday. but i am learning now. and we are getting to know each other.
he didnt sleep to well last night. was very restless. but i guess its to be expected.
Wow mother hood really is a rollercoaster of emotions.

The first few nights were really hard. He was very unsettled. and i didnt really know what i was doing. Pacing the floor at 3am isnt fun.

Things got better though. and we got to know eachother. I found out what he wanted from me.

I always knew i wanted to breastfeed. Everyone goes on about the pain of labour and the possible complications. no one prepared me for the problems which breastfeeding can cause. Feeding him was agony. so much so that on a few occasions i was in floods of tears. The health visitors and midwifes werent much cop really. i hated dreading feeding time.

After 4weeks of misery, Thrush was finaly diagnosed. i was so relieved that someone was helping me overcome this problem. Nystatin was prescribed. But it didnt help, as i wasnt given anything.
About 2weeks later, i finaly managed to get something for me. im not sure of the name, Flucozale or something. This finaly seems to have done the trick. As it goes into your milksupply, therefore helping the baby also.

Riley has always had what i thought was colic. and after 6weeks of trying infacol and gripe water, and complaining to the HV's i took him to see a Doctor for it.

He doesnt have thrush she says. Give it a week, see how his feeding goes, and ill review it then.

Well, during the night he sicked up some brown vomit. my mom was working a night shift, so i rang her to ask what it was. she confirmed it wasnt good, and to ring the out of hours doctor. i did so, and he said to 'keep and eye on him' and to 'give him some water'

water i gave him. and he was still no better, still bringing his feeds up ect.

the next day i dashed him up to A&E. He had hardly been feeding, and was very lethargic ect. He was admitted to Caroling Thorpe ward.

By this stage i was in bits. i couldnt believe what was happening.

He was put onto a drip via a tube in his hand. seeing him hooked up to a drip broke my heart. A doctor came round to see him, and examined him. he felt his tummy when he was feeding and explained to me it may be something called Pyloric Stenosis. i didnt really take it all in at the time. i was really numb.
After he explained this, he said he wanted to do what was called a spinal tap. At this my heart sank. i knew what that was. and i think he could tell by the look on my face that i was horrified.
He said that it needed to be done, to rule out meningitus ect.

So there i am handing my baby over to someone who is going to hurt him.
ill tell you now, it was the hardest thing id had to do.

i stayed in the room with him, as i didnt want to leave him ever.
it was horrendous to say the least. hed never cried real tears before that point.
theres not much else i can say on that, as its hard to put into words how you feel when you go through that with a baby.
They put a nasal gastric tube into his nose, and asperated his stomache hourly. this meant i couldnt feed him.

i stayed in the hospital with him, while adam went home. i didnt really sleep that night. for obvious reasons.

The next day the consultant came to see him. he ordered an ultrasound of his tummy, to confirm the pyloric stenosis.

He had the scan, which confirmed it, and had his hips scanned also, as he already had the appointment booked. Luckily his hips were ok. (my sister had hip problems as a baby)

After the scan, i was told by the consultant that we were being transfered to Bristol Childrens Hospial, where he would undergo an operation.

Still numb at this point, i simply said ok.

The Ambulance journey was not nice. he had to travel in a car seat.
We arrived a couple of hours later. And i must say, the ward was really nice. we got a sideroom, with a pull down bed for me.

Riley had more people proding his belly. and was getting quite distressed that i wasnt feeding him. i would have loved to sit there and let him have as much as he wanted, but instead, i was giving it to a machine. which wasnt working very well.

my mom stayed in the room with me, while my dad and adam got a b&b.

The next day we saw the surgeons, who mainly just explained the op again. Riley had another scan on his belly. guess they didnt trust our hospital.

At approx 3.30pm, i carried riley down to the operating theatre. i went as far as i could, then i had to hand him over to the people who were going to take a knife to my baby. that was so hard, but i had to keep telling myself they were going to make him better.

the op only takes 30mins, but that doesnt half seem like along time in those cercumstances.

when i was finaly allowed down, i was both excited and scared to see him. I felt abit better, seeing him being held when i got there, so he wasnt completely alone. when i was told i could hold him, i was terrified. it was like holding him for the first time again.

he was very groggy, waking for a few seconds at a time, crying.
it was agreed that adam was going to stay with us the second night, but he wouldnt. which i thought was abit harsh, and insisted on his own room in the hotel. what i found out later was horrific.

9pm the next evening, we were told we could go, and they would keep the bed open for him, should he need it.

back at the hotl, adam insisted on going to the adjoining resteraunt, the beefeater, for a meal. he was going to have lobster AND steak, but they had no lobster, so he just had steak.

he then said it was disgusting, and wasnt paying. me and my parents were horrified, and dad payed most of the meal. later on that night, i found out adam had had a huge sandwhich at subway earlier on. Pissed off as i knew what he was up to, i went bk to the room and tried to sleep. but riley didnt want to sleep, and adam just put a pillow over his head rather than helping me. so i turned all the lights on.

the next day it all kicked off. adam had a right go at the receptionist, and got his money refunded. hense the performance with the meal. i had ago at him, and my dad told him that he thought it was disgusting.
we stopped for a coffee on the way back, and adam (while me and mom were outide) went ballistic at my dad for telling us about subway :doh:

the next day i said to adam 'i want to know everything which went on in bristol, else im making my dad tell me'
'yes they went for a drink the first and second night, and he didnt say much to my dad, other than he shouldnt have told us ect'.

so i go to see my dad, then i get the truth.

The first night they went out, They got quite drunk, and adam got invited to a strip club. which he declined that time.
The second night, the night riley had his op, and adam wouldnt stay with me, him and my dad went for another drink, dad only had 2pints or 2 1/2. and adam was dancing around the place making 'an idot of himself' and dad saw him then dancing with 2 women, one in front one behind.
Charming eh.

The next day, adam had told my dad that he had gone to the strip club, and went into graphic detail about it. and had even gone to the hotel room to hide the tickets before me and riley got there. nice eh.

i gave adam chance to tell me all this. but he didnt. so we split up. i just couldnt trust him. And i think it is Fecking atrocious, what he was doing while i was in the hospital with riley, understandebly upset, and worried. he was out having a hell of a good time.

his attitude has stunk since. he obviously doesnt care about either of us.

me and riley have been fine. were better off without him !

i took riley to the doctors today, as he now has Reflux (which i had to find out myself, hv couldnt tell me that :roll: ) so hes on gaviscon.

hes being really cryey tonight, which is very frustrating. nothing is setteling him. and he must be tired by now. he wont feed, and just keeps crying. its times like these i find hard. ive got him swaddled atm, rocking him. fingers crossed he is calming down.

im not sure how i feel atm. mad at adam, annoyed about the debts he has landed me in, upset about it all, i dont know. riley has kept me going.

i can do it alone, i know i can. it may not be easy, but he is worth all the heart ache, just to see him smile.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Steph im so sorry yove had to go through all that crap at the worst time possible, and when you should be cherishing your babys first few weeks.

Adam sounds like a right twat and although it probably feels crappy to you right now youve done the right thing. Your a strong woman and you will get through this, and you will look back one day and be so proud of what you have achieved with your little boy. The best revenge to get on Adamfor what he has done is to get on without him and make a bloody marvellous job of it (of course you would anyway) and show him you never needed his lying childish ass in the first place.
Im so proud of you hun your doing so well even after all this the shit youve been though.
Always know that we'll all be here for you anytime you need support and advice hun :hug: :hug: :hug: .
im so sorry to hear that hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

but you no were all for you hun and if you ever need a chat just pm me or i shall speak to you on msn but you can do it girl i know you can you are strong :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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