just got bak frm hosp with my sis

Oooohh how exciting ceebee get bding hun, lol, hope you get some sleep tonight and enjoy ur weekend. Im having my hair done tomoz and mayb out with the girls(depending how i feel!)in the night so hopefully guna b a good weekend.

Michelle. x
Hiya Michelle - just thought I'd say hello - how was your weekend? I'm sleeping better now tocuh wood and had a lovely weekend with my family - am in my 2ww now - the longest 2 weeks ever!! Here's to days going really quickly for both of us... How you feeling anyway?? xxx
Not gud really and i look shit lol, very tired and in pain hubby has a cold which im just starting to get and im bak to work tomoz!!

I neva made it out last night had some close friends around instead. Shudnt really complain tho il b ok.

How exciting that you are now in your 2ww!! im 9dpo and not really much to report all tho i have noticed my boobs are a little veiny and have had some weird cm but not guna let my imagination run away with me as ive had things before and then af has turned up!!

Glad you are sleeping beta tho and have had a nice weekend.

Michelle. x
Aww - sorry you're feeling rubbish :( just in time to go back to work too - boooo. You can complain to me if you want hon - I know what it's like... Well, at least we can endure the 2ww together...

Hope you pick up soon and the return to work isn't too crap... take care hon xxx
Thanks its really nice to have someone who understands. Look forward to the 2ww with you!!!


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