Hey girls,
My sis got her letter through frm the hops and they have said that 24th is just a consultation and that she may not be able to have the precedure then she might have to cum bak.
She is very upset again and just wants this all to be over, she is starting to think of how many wks she is. Ive said il ring for her mon morn(pretend to be her) and try and speak to them about it and explain her situation as she hates talking on the phone. Im so emotionally exhautsed frm it all this wk. Why cudnt it have been me being pg then there wud b no problems.
GRR bloody nhs. Do you think we shud go private?? Wud it b quicker??
Sorry girls i know you all must b fed up of me ranting.
Michelle. x
My sis got her letter through frm the hops and they have said that 24th is just a consultation and that she may not be able to have the precedure then she might have to cum bak.
She is very upset again and just wants this all to be over, she is starting to think of how many wks she is. Ive said il ring for her mon morn(pretend to be her) and try and speak to them about it and explain her situation as she hates talking on the phone. Im so emotionally exhautsed frm it all this wk. Why cudnt it have been me being pg then there wud b no problems.
GRR bloody nhs. Do you think we shud go private?? Wud it b quicker??
Sorry girls i know you all must b fed up of me ranting.
Michelle. x