just found out my cause for losses and starting icsi


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2008
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Hi everyone
I am starting icsi on monday this will be my 2nd cycle my 1st cycle failed so fingers crossed for a bfp
I have lost 8 babies i recently lost twins in march just gone ..
I have been under a local hospital for 12 yrs and they said every test they have done after my losses has all come back normal and they cant find nothing wrong .. they treated me with asprin and never worked
After my loss in march i went for my follow up appointment with gyno and he said there is nothing more he can do or give me cause he cant find nothing wrong and said it was all in my mind :evil: all in my mind i could not belive he said that to me ..
I told him i was going to another hospital then if he could not do anything more for me and he said what can they do that he cant :evil: I went down to the hospital st marys paddington in london in september
i told them about all my losses and had many bloods takin i went back on the 4th november for my results and after 12 yrs of being told nothing is wrong with me and its my mind :evil: ..
I have just found out i have 2 blood clotting disorders :clap: 1 being called lupas which makes tiny blood clots form in the babys pacenta causing no oxergen or nutrients to get through cutting of oxergen supply

I was so happy they i have been told there is somthing wrong and i when i am next pg they are going to start me with some treatment .. If i never went to another hospital i would of never knew and i would of give up hope .. I start icsi on monday and hoping my life is gonn change round for the best and i am going to get my miracle baby after 12 yrs of waiting and many losses ..

Fingers crossed for me girls :pray: for a bfp
thats good news hun!!! hope it works out well 4 you :hug: :hug:
Gosh, what an insensitive/ignorant doctor fancy saying its all in your mind! 12 years is a life time, I can't imagine what you've been through, but brilliant news about the diagnosis. Good luck to you :hug:
Well done to you for going to another hospital. And I hope the next pregnancy is successful!
oh hun is there nouthing you can do to the other hospital? i really feel for you hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: lets hope this next bfp is a lovely much wanted and very special stickky one :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Fingers crossed for you :pray: x x x

You deserve it soooo much!

Kim x x x x

Really hope that this round works for you :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thats great news xx You have been through hell !! I am really interested to see the outcome of this treatment and so excited for you. I had loads of tests done having had 4 micarriages and I was told I had factor 5 Lydon. I took Aspirin with my 4th pregnancy and had a healthy baby, but then went on to miscarry with a 5th pregnancy. I have been offered more tests but as I am pregnant now i said lets see if this one works first.

So how does this treatment work? Are you TTC now? is it tablets or jabs? I want to know all the details, its amazing that you can be helped.

Keep us informed with your progress.


I thought I had posted on this topic the other day but it looks like a didn't submit it! :doh:

It's great news that they have finally found out abot your condition. That will make a big difference with regards to your treatment. :hug: :hug: :hug:

I just wanted to add that I also have a blood disorder. I too have Factor V Leiden which means my blood is too thick and clots very easily. I had to give myself daily injections throughout my pregnancy.

If I can be of any help with answering questions I will try my best if you want to PM me

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I am glad you have found out reasons, so you can move forward in a positive direction,
I so hope it happens for you very soon and you have your bundle of joy in not time at all :hug:

Wishing you lots fo babydust!!! you really deserve it!!
Thanks girls for all you support :hug:
I am on day 4 of icsi injections if any of you have read my diary that i have started
i thought i was pregnant :shock: as on day 2 of icsi injections i was vomating and doctor said it would not be anything to do with the icsi treatment and me and dh was a little naughty and had intercourse when i just come off last period ..

we was told not to so :oops: i thought i might of been sick because i was pregnant i went the chemist and got a trueline pregnancy test done this with morning wee yesterday and it was bfp :shock: i got another 3 tests 1 being clear blue and the 3 was bfn i did another clear blue this morning and it was bfn ..
So never use trueline pregnancy tests girls as i just read on the net that thesa tests can give false positives :wall: why make them then :doh: ..

I took my injections today and have been fine on my 1st day of injections i had one mighty headache
but was told to expect headaches i really hope this cycle works i feel like that false bfp has jinxed me now

:cry: :(

pilkers said:

I thought I had posted on this topic the other day but it looks like a didn't submit it! :doh:

It's great news that they have finally found out abot your condition. That will make a big difference with regards to your treatment. :hug: :hug: :hug:

I just wanted to add that I also have a blood disorder. I too have Factor V Leiden which means my blood is too thick and clots very easily. I had to give myself daily injections throughout my pregnancy.

If I can be of any help with answering questions I will try my best if you want to PM me

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi hun :wave: before i was told i had 2 clotting disorders the old hospital that told me i had nothing wrong with me was giving me asprin and 1 fragmin injections a day when pg
which did not work :( was this the injection you was given ??

they give me the 75mg of asprin and fragmin because this has helped ladies that they did find somthing wrong with them to go on and have babys .. I have heard that steriods called prednisone or somthing
has been giving to one of the patients at this new hospital that i went to that found out i have the blood clotting disorders .. This lady was given asprin , heprin, and prednisone, and she went on to have a baby
The hospital have not said what they are going to give me yet she said when i am next pregnant they will sort somthing out just hope she does not give me just the two i have had before asprin and the fragmin cause it never worked :cry:

now she knows what wrong with me then it must be better to tackle the condition musnt it :( xxx

jano said:
Thats great news xx You have been through hell !! I am really interested to see the outcome of this treatment and so excited for you. I had loads of tests done having had 4 micarriages and I was told I had factor 5 Lydon. I took Aspirin with my 4th pregnancy and had a healthy baby, but then went on to miscarry with a 5th pregnancy. I have been offered more tests but as I am pregnant now i said lets see if this one works first.

So how does this treatment work? Are you TTC now? is it tablets or jabs? I want to know all the details, its amazing that you can be helped.

Keep us informed with your progress.


Hi Hun :wave:
They tested me for a number of things she said 2 tests come back abnormal for 2 different
blood clotting disorders she said one being called lupas .. They give you asprin and heprin
but i had asprin and fragmin at my old hospital as you just read in my post above and this did not work :cry:

I told her about this and she said as soon as i am pg she will sort somthing out hopefully now they
can do somthing about it now that they know what the problem is and this steriod predinsone some doctors dont give to patients i asked my old gyno about it and he said you dont want a hump on your back do you
:evil: how can they laugh and make a joke about someones misery I should of said to him but i was to upets and was crying :cry: cause it was only 2wks after my loss with the twins and just anger to the fact he kept saying nothing was wrong and it was in my mind .. well i should of said this steriod is giving people big bumps not humps :evil:
this new hospital did give it to a lady who had a number of losses and she went on to have a little girl
but she seen a different consultant at the same clinic but the consultant i am seeing she owns the clinic
her name is proffeser lesely regan so she must give the steriod out to patients i am hoping anyway :pray:
Thats great news that you went on to have a baby hun :cheer: sorry about your loss you had after :(
I am ttc at the moment i am having icsi treatment and on the injections at the moment so fingers crossed :pray: i get a bfp

The condition i have been found to have forms blood clots in the babys placenta
this cuts of oxergen supply to all my babys :cry: which explaines seeing a heart beat and then not seeing
a heart beat at 10wks and 8wks in my pregnancys ..

The fragmin is injections and so is heprin thesa are the same drug just label different but both do same thing
this thins out the blood stops blood clots forming and so does the asprin this never worked for me ..
This steriod i am interesting in does somthing to your immune system which stops all thesa things from flaring up but need to have asprin and the heprin when taking this ..

The icsi i am on at the moment there all injections excpet the progrestrone .. have you read my diary hun
its in the ttc subform ..

xxxx :hug:
Hi Girls
I went for my scan yesterday for ivf and it went great i am now on the next stage of icsi
stage 2 .. 1 away from the mile stone 2ww nail biteing time ..
I am now on 2 injections a day i am now taking drugs for lots of eggs to collect
and i will test 29th december :)

I have been writing in my diary i made on here in the tcc subform
so if anyone of you want to follow my diary and read where i am in my cycle and my outcome
feel welcome to read maybe even post on it the support will be fab it gets me throught this cycle
a whole lot faster xxxxxxx

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