Just a update to all of you that posted on my last thread...


Active Member
Mar 22, 2010
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Still NOTHING :(. Tried the lot lol. Not a sausage. god i am getting sooooo fed up now. Pains have eased now too. Keep telling my self its my body having mini break till the real thing. LOL. Is that just wishful thinking?
His movements have really slowed down though. Should i be worried?
Any other suggestions would be reallt appreciated lol
Gem xx
Sorry hun, first time here wouldlnt have a clue whats going on and what to expect! Good luck not long left till your DD! x
Im not over, im 38 weeks, but been having all the signs and pains for well over a week now keeps me up all night then stops again. I was given 2 due dates and first one was 28th june which i still think is more likely than 7th july like they have now said. so expecting him any time now. x
Thats a pretty big gap between due dates! Really hope things decide to go either way for you. Cant be nice just being in limbo, not knowing if the pains are the real things or not. xxx
Pains in the run up are pretty normal especially with a first - i'm sue babe will come when its ready. Just try to rest as much as you can x Any decline in movement should be reported immediately to your mw - it may mean they have you in and put you on a monitor for a little while just to check everything is okay x
I've been the same honey, on and off pains and niggles for about 10 days. Saw MW last week and heads at least 3/5th engaged, but said perhaps more and I think i've dropped more since. Baby has started having quieter days and I was a bit worried yesterday, but he's been really active today. If babys reduction in movement is significant though and you're worried get it checked out. But saying that it sounds similar to what i've been experiencing hun x
Thats the thing. This isnt my first its my 3rd lol. Never had these pains and not gone into labour sahortly after before so i am just hoping its him making his way. Guess only time will tell. ANd as for the rest lol with a 2 year old and 6 year old in tow i have no chance lol. x

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