Just a quick update on me :)

yeah Ive started one but Im waiting for my books to arrive off amazon to read them and discuss it with OH. have you doneone?
no i've not done yet :oops: i've discussed what i'd probably like to happen on the day with OH and what pain relief i'd prefer but i just can't decide where or not to put like 'epidural if needed' as i'm reaaaallly on and off about the idea of one!
Our hospital only has 1 birthing pool also, and only 1 bath! What a joke?!

I LOVE being in the bath, i sit in it for a good hour at home to relax so can imagine being in a birthing pool a real help...I agree with you though, Ria - If there's one available on the day then it's fate! lol! x
no i've not done yet :oops: i've discussed what i'd probably like to happen on the day with OH and what pain relief i'd prefer but i just can't decide where or not to put like 'epidural if needed' as i'm reaaaallly on and off about the idea of one!

I think its okay to write, "I'd like to try using other pain relief before an epidural but I have not ruled it out as an option"

or something like that!
or maybe something along the lines of, if a birthing pool is available you would like to try that first (you cant use on after youve had an epidural)
oh ok, thanks tiny! i think i'll start to write one tonight :):) and yay tasha! i'm glad you agree hehe xx
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