***June Testing thread***

A good site for viewing dpo symptoms is:
countdown to pregnancy they also have implantation calculators etc.

Vintageling, could the temp change be an implantation dip. How many dpo are you now?

Good luck to everyone still due to test this month.
Thanks ladies.
Im so desperate for a BFP like we all are.. but i think my mind is starting to play games with me.
Im not sure if im telling myself im having symptoms or if i actually am.. if you know what i mean!
Laura, i know what you mean. From 3 dpo i was more aware of my body lol feeling bloated, pains in my breast etc if I wasn't ttc then i would probably never have paid much attention. Now I'm always looking at my chart wondering why my temps are slightly higher than normal. Haha i think I'm obsessing a bit!
Little wolf - yes! I feel as though im obsessing too. How long have you been TTC. X
Little wolf I'm 10dpo now due AF on the 23rd but it normally comes the day before the prediction off my app. I'm not sure if it's implantation but I normally get a dip around now for af but I generally just don't feel well today ibs has kicked off and I'm in bed hugging the sick bucket
Thanks ladies.
Im so desperate for a BFP like we all are.. but i think my mind is starting to play games with me.
Im not sure if im telling myself im having symptoms or if i actually am.. if you know what i mean!

I think were all guilty of that and no doubt when its close to testing, i will no doubt be sympton spotting also.
Little wolf I'm 10dpo now due AF on the 23rd but it normally comes the day before the prediction off my app. I'm not sure if it's implantation but I normally get a dip around now for af but I generally just don't feel well today ibs has kicked off and I'm in bed hugging the sick bucket

Hope you feel better soon!
I'll probably be fine later I'm used to it it's part and parcel of having fibro for me unfortunately
I just wanna day hosting the months testing thread is my best fertility treatment :lmao: I hosted when I fell with my girl and I hosted this one haha
I think the positive and supportive people in the thread makes a difference to the tww anxiety, the excitement and wishing well to others etc. It is a strange coincidence though mystery, that you were the host both times! You know what to do next time now lol.
Could be all the positive vibes and baby dust going around mystery
Yesterday i had unusual cervical mucus and today at 7dpo a really big temp dip. Either af is around the corner or I've just had an implantation dip. Probably the former but fingers still crossed.
Everything crossed little wolf
I've started spotting today AF is well on the way

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