***June Testing thread***

Congratulations Frankinstein!! Amazing news.

I had a big temperature dip and rise, a constant ache / mild cramps all week, felt dizzy and was actually sick twice. I had my hopes up then today on cd11 I have pre-period spotting as expected. From now on I'll never read into symptoms again and I'm also not doing pregnancy tests unless I'm a day or two late.

Are you sure is AF spotting?
Pretty sure it's pre-period spotting :sad: I did a pregnancy test today which was negative. I'll know for sure tomorrow because that should be when my flow increases and I get very painful cramps.
Started brown spotting today. Af isnt due until the 27th. Normally when af comes i never have brown spotting. And normally with af i have sever cramp an hour or so before it actually comes. And todays i havent had any cramping at all. I dont want to get my hopes up.. but its so hard not too!
I'm absolutely distraught right now. I got my blood tests back; progesterone levels were a little low for being 6dpo, but the main thing was my thyroid. My thyroid levels were at 9 instead of the 2.5 that's supposed to be the norm. I've got to take Thyroxine for the next 6 weeks, but I have no idea what this means for ttc. After some reading up of Hypothyroidism (my understanding is hyper is overactive, hypo is underactive which is what I would have), if I do have it, it can be the possible cause for so many things, like my chronic IBS, excess hair, depression, and also a chance that it could have been a cause for my little boy being stillborn 10 years ago if I had it back then too. I'm a complete mess and at a complete loss about what this means for me now.
Jet they will keep you under observation. Your thyroid controls alot but with the right dosage it will get sorted you just might need to play around with the dose to get the right levels
I'm absolutely distraught right now. I got my blood tests back; progesterone levels were a little low for being 6dpo, but the main thing was my thyroid. My thyroid levels were at 9 instead of the 2.5 that's supposed to be the norm. I've got to take Thyroxine for the next 6 weeks, but I have no idea what this means for ttc. After some reading up of Hypothyroidism (my understanding is hyper is overactive, hypo is underactive which is what I would have), if I do have it, it can be the possible cause for so many things, like my chronic IBS, excess hair, depression, and also a chance that it could have been a cause for my little boy being stillborn 10 years ago if I had it back then too. I'm a complete mess and at a complete loss about what this means for me now.
I do take levothyroxine and doesn't affect absolutely TTC, it is the opposite, it will help as it will put a balance in your thyroid, don't worry dear :hugs:
The spotting that started this morning is still watery brown at midnight, there's barely anything on the liner at all just a tiny droplet. When I wipe it's like light brown water on the tissue. I checked near the cervix and there's barely any blood there. During a walk I felt sharp pains near my hip bone and lower back, super mild cramps but nothing else. Will update in 24 - 48 hours either way. :wall2:

Jetina try not to worry, I don't know enough about it but hopefully the medication will fix things and you can ttc without any problems. :hugs: xx
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Finally I got my AF.....I been so worried, very strange for me to have a cycle of 30 days, no idea of what happened, but I am so happy the cycle is started again :yay::yay::yay:
I'm not sure what my body is up to, but AF arrived a few days early, so I'm out again this month. AF never shows up early and it only puts me at 11dpo, whereas I normally go 13-14dpo before it shows. I'm wondering if this thyroid thing is a bit more recent now if my cycles are going to start getting weird like this.

ETA: My doctor just called me to discuss my tests, it's not as bad I thought. Basically my thyroxine levels are fine, but my TSH is a little high, but still not anything to worry about, but it needs to come down a wee bit before I can be referred to a fertility clinic, which is why I've been prescribed the Thyroxine, just 50mg a day. Given that AF came early this month, it means my cycle was slightly shorter than normal and that if we had tested my blood a couple of days earlier, my progesterone levels would likely have been higher. Fingers crossed that things will start clicking into place soon!
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:hugs: sorry to hear about all the stress Jet. A LP of 11 days isn't bad at all and I think your cycle can vary from time to time either with 1-2 days either less or more. FX that the meds will now do its thing so that you can move on from this part of the journey.
Sorry if tmi...
My af isnt due until tomorrow but yesterday i started spotting.. todays has been slightly heavier but has been mainly brown. Got a feeling af will be in full flow tomorrow :-(
Sorry Laura :hugs: best of luck to you for the next cycle :dust:
Laura, did you get a proper period flow today? I'm still spotting brown blood and getting negatives. Feeling so confused and depressed because each day I'm never knowing one way or another. :sad:
Little wolf - yes unfortunately af is in full swing. Im gutted, i was certain i felt pregnant. But maybe i was looking into it too deeply. So feeling very fed up today. Fingers crossed for your bfp or at least for af to arrive to put your mind at rest. Theres nothing worse than waiting! Fingers crossed for you hun xx
Sorry to hear that Laura. :sad: It's understandable, allow yourself some time for it to sink in. When you're ready, try to think positively, which is easier said than done... but with each month that passes you're one step closer to pregnancy.

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