***June 2018 Mums***

Amazing. I had a Dr in training so I was his first ultrasound so was there for the sonographer and then waited about for the Dr to have a look. 40 mins! Ha.
Princess you've left your name on that scan, just so you know x
Hopefully I've done it right :) Meet baby HS :pompom:

The consultant has revised my EDD back to 26th June, Ssaid I'm closer to 9+2/3 rather than 10


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Anyone else have some odd stomach pain after ultrasound? It’s not period pain or cramping, hard to explain but it’s weird! Hoping it’s just the uncomfortableness of the scanning, and my mum did say that I was tense and I’m a delicate petal ��
Congratulations on all the lovely scan pics ladies!!! I've got 2 weeks until my next scan, why is time going so SLOOOOOOWLY?!
Congratulations on all the lovely scan pics ladies!!! I've got 2 weeks until my next scan, why is time going so SLOOOOOOWLY?!

Oooo scan pictures are making me impatient tooo! Congratulations all! :D I’ve got a 13 day wait now!
Lovely scan pictures! Congrats ladies. I have 8 days to wait for mine! I am just coming up to 12 weeks and felt some teeny movements this morning which was lovely - this is my second baby and I felt my first at 15 weeks so I was expecting to feel it a bit earlier but not quite this early! It's happened for a few days and I thought it might be wind �� But this morning I was sure of what it was. So so subtle though - there is no way I would have picked up on it in a first pregnancy.
Here’s mine without my personal details on this time 😂


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And as if by magic, you pay for a scan and apparently your NHS one comes through lol. 2 and a half weeks to go until I get to see again :)
Hope everyone has had a lovely weekend x
Always the way! Just like buses haha! Two come along at once! Mines 10 days and counting! I just can’t wait to tell people! I’m about to explode!

Anyone else having really strong dreams? I’m having really weird dreams! I never used to remember my dreams but I seem to be having really strong weird ones every night!
Urban, you are not alone. I've always been an 'active' sleeper shall we say but the last week or so I'm off the charts. Some are like nightmares but others are just plain odd and not related to the pregnancy. I told my OH one when I woke up and I think he thought I was having a nervous breakdown!
Haha I’m glad it’s not just me! I had one about a fish competition which is apparently normal to have water type dreams because you’re filling up with water haha! And then last night I had one that we had a 3 year old baby but didn’t have any clothes or pram for it haha! Which again is apparently normal! Although agreed my OH thinks I’m crazy!
I keep having really odd vivid dreams too. Its so unusual for me so glad to hear its a regular symptom!!

Has anyone else started talking with their OH and thinking about names?
Nope not this time round, did last time. Think both of us are still nervous and probs will in second trimester.

Anyone looking pregnant yet?
So glad its not just me dreamibg up a storm! No name discussions yet. I'm quite determined in that we will get Christmas out of the way first so everything can be enjoyed in it's own right :)
At about 4pm each day I bloat and look v pregnant, does that count? Lol. Apart from that I can feel the subtle body change in my abdomen this week but not much viewing physically other than the changes created by altering my exercise routine - and the mammories looming large
I’m the same with HS1985! I bloat up in the afternoon and look huge but in the morning nothing! But then I’ve lost over half a stone so I’m not surprised I’m not showing!

I’m struggling with a stinging pain in my lower left back, I don’t think it’s anything to worry about?

Ohh and me and OH have always had our boys name and have kinda discussed girls but not set in stone!
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