***June 2018 Mums***

I feel I've hit a new milestone. I know it's only bloating but I put on my jeans and dear lord, I swear I looked 4m+ ! Baggy jumpers required for evening outings in those bad boys from now on until announcing!
I don't want to know either.. it's my first and would love all the guesses and hearing people's theories of guessing the gender.

Have most of you had your scans..

I'm stilll waiting for my booking appt and scan��
I’ve got my date for my 12 week scan (7th Dec) but that was only because I was impatient and called the hospital haha!

Ergh I’ve come down with an awful throat infection and obviously can only take paracetamol which is useless! :(
I’ve got my date for my 12 week scan (7th Dec) but that was only because I was impatient and called the hospital haha!

Ergh I’ve come down with an awful throat infection and obviously can only take paracetamol which is useless! :(

Oh no .. hope you get well soon.. I had a cold and really bad sore throat around 6 weeks.. I couldn't lift my head from bed :roll:

Maybe I should call them and bully them to lol... so unfair to be left with no pint of contact for help and advice when we need it ..
Do you not have a 24 hour midwife line you could phone?
4 days to go until scan..so nervous! Went to the loo tonight and there was a v small spot of blood after I had a poo (sorry TMI), nothing there when I wiped but currently very worried! Hoping it was just a nerve or just because I had to push a bit...had some back pain and not felt great today which isn’t helping my anxiety! Fingers crossed :(
Where was the blood coming from? Your back passage? Try not to worry, easier said than done x
Yeah pretty sure beck passage as there was absolutely nothing when I wiped front. Oh well nothing I can do!
I'm terrible for worrying just now too. Started bleeding at 10+2 last time, im 10+3 today but so scared to go to the toilet at all.
My week of stress has started well - my car has broken down and I’m now stuck can’t get into work just waiting for breakdown! I thought I’d stalled it but no, it just shut down, good job I was at a red light! They’ve made me a priority as I’m pregnant so shouldn’t have to wait too long hopefully but this is not helping my anxiety and stress!

You’re a day over that barrier so fx !
Aw no! No luck there. Hopefully that's all for this week.
I phoned in sick for the first time today, feeling terrible.

Hope you get picked up soon!!
Can I ask .. did you get two separate appt letters, one for the scan and one to see midwife.

I have now received a appt for next week, has information booklets about tests to be done. A form to complete about residency status in the uk..

No mention of a scan.. it says the appt is a midwife episode
At my booking appointment I got a loaf of leaflets and handy books, with bloods taken for testing. I had an information leaflet about downs syndrome testing in that pack. Then got a letter through the post a week after with my scan date, booked under a consultant.

I'd phone and ask, every healthboard has their own way it seems.
Hi ladies.

I've been on holiday and my fuzzy jetlagged brain is really struggling to catch up on these posts! I hope your car isn't too expensive and they picked you up quickly Princesssaxy.

It's my first day back in work and I feel horrendous. Jet lag and nausea should never be mixed. Trying really hard not to let on in work that I'm feeling rough! I started throwing up on holiday too, but it's intermittent and I've no idea what's triggering it. Between that and reduced appetite, I managed to lose 4lbs on holiday - first holiday I've ever not gained half a stone! Blah. Hurry up weekend...
What a day! The guy came after about 30 minutes which was pretty fast! Did all sorts of tests but didn’t find anything wrong and after 25 mins of checking the car started again...very weird and not great as I like to know exactly why things happen!

3 days to go!

Summer wine - I’ve put on so much weight so there better be a baby is there!
So I should be 8ish weeks pregnant now - still nothing from midwife or a scan letter. Have any of you ladies recieved either?
So I should be 8ish weeks pregnant now - still nothing from midwife or a scan letter. Have any of you ladies recieved either?

I booked my midwife apt direct with my GP surgery as that's where the midwife is based. About 2 weeks after the apt I received a letter with a date for my 12 week scan (it's in 3 weeks!)

Hope this helps a little.
So I should be 8ish weeks pregnant now - still nothing from midwife or a scan letter. Have any of you ladies recieved either?

I got my appt a few days after I registered with local midwife and hospital which was for 9 weeks. Then when I went at 9 weeks for the appt they gave me my scan date :)
Feeling really gutted today. We shared our news with a very very close family member who has been struggling to conceive for over 3 years now with unsuccessful fertility treatment. We opted to do it in a really sensitive email to give a bit of processing time. It was a long wait for a reply which eventually came - it was polite but very short and completely out of character. We are very close...since then contact has been minimal and extremely short on her side, none of the usual niceties or affection. I am so sad that I have hurt her so badly by being pregnant. I do understand...I just feel like I'm being punished for it.
Rachyroo is it possible for you to go and visit this person, perhaps take some chocolates over and have a chat face to face? I know it can be difficult to read tone into written communication and some people find it quite an emotionless way of communicating.

If I were you, you say you're very close, I'd just pop over. It may be that a hug and an idea of how your feeling makes her aware of the damage she could be doing to your relationship with her reaction (I'm not saying there's anything wrong with her reaction - I understand why she may be hurting, but punishing you wont help in the long-term - you've done nothing wrong)

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