***June 2018 Mums***

Rachyroo it is always going to be very difficult and I think giving them some space may also be an option just for them to get themselves ready to talk as I can imagine it is very difficult. We are in a very similar situation. My brother in law found out (we wanted to wait until after scan) but a senior person who should not have said anything (like a GP) had accidentally let slip. They have been trying for many years. Now they have cut themselves out of our life for good and done it in a very nasty way......the news of a baby should have brought us all closer together however they tarnished the news and used it as a way of making us feel bad. Everyone reacts differently to baby news especially when trying and failing to conceive and it is not always good. maybe suggest meeting up for a coffee or something. Her reaction was probably nothing compared to the reaction of my brother in law who was actually quite nasty about it!!
I ageee with Summerwine, I’ve got a close friend who had fertility issues and I dreaded telling her but in the end she guessed, she is super happy for me but at the same time I know it killed her so I try to not constantly talk about babies to her which is difficult because that’s all that’s on my mind! But yeah if you go round there and just speak to her she may just be having a really rough time at the moment and is probably really happy for you just jealous because she can’t have it but not meaning to be malicious to you!
Thanks so much for the lovely advice ladies. We dont live close but we have plans in the next few weeks so I hope things will be ok then. My husband and I have said we probably won’t mention anything about it unless they do and just try to be as normal as we can. I obviously will not be complaining about morning sickness or tiredness! This is a second baby for us and they are also trying to ttc their second. I can imagine how hard it is for them that it has happened easily for us.

Triggs what an awful situation you have had. It should never come to that. A friend of mine who had long term fertility problems told me it always hurt to hear pregnancy news but she was always happy for people - she didnt want their baby, she wanted her baby. That really resonated with me.
I had fertility issues for 5 years and in that time my cousin and sisters had 5 babies. I can honestly say it didn’t bother me, in fact I was happy for them.

Give this person time to process your news, when people around you get pregnant it just highlights the fact you can’t get pregnant (like why me) but it will pass, just give it time.
How we all feeling?
I had no sickness symptoms at all until Monday - at 10+ weeks!! Feeling icky!
I have another reassurance scan tomorrow, I'm such a worrier haha.

Anyone else got scan pics?
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Generally feel sick only when I’m hungry which is quite often. Still very tired but everything else has subsided.

Scan is tomorrow, so so scared!
Whoa girlies! Tiredness hit me like a tun of bricks today!! Came home from work, cooked dinner and then fell asleep on the sofa for 3 hours! I think my poor puppy had sympathy tiredness too as he was sparko cuddled up to me too which never happens!
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Princess is that your 12 week scan? Mine is 10+6 then another in a fortnight.

I feel you, urban23!! So tired.
Princess is that your 12 week scan? Mine is 10+6 then another in a fortnight.

I feel you, urban23!! So tired.

Yeah 12+5 tomorrow. I’m so tired but my brain is on overdrive analysing every symptom and non symptom over the last few weeks and everything I’ve eaten. Absolutely petrified of a missed miscarriage and although there’s nothing I could have done or can do, I just can’t shut it off. Getting very annoyed with myself now! What will be will be :)
Princess is that your 12 week scan? Mine is 10+6 then another in a fortnight.

I feel you, urban23!! So tired.

Yeah 12+5 tomorrow. I’m so tired but my brain is on overdrive analysing every symptom and non symptom over the last few weeks and everything I’ve eaten. Absolutely petrified of a missed miscarriage and although there’s nothing I could have done or can do, I just can’t shut it off. Getting very annoyed with myself now! What will be will be :)

Goooood luck! Xx
All is ok, I cried all the way through! Can’t figure out a way to post pic from phone
They also changed my due date to 29th May but don’t know how accurate thanks at this stage and whether it could change
Congratulations Princess, I'm so pleased to hear all is well x

We are paying for a private scan this afternoon. We are being cornered by circumstances in to telling some family but I refuse to do it without a scan so we know everything is ok first. I'm nervous as heck after the midwife inadvertently scared the bejesus out of me at my booking in appointment last week.

On a separate note, is anyone else getting really confused about dates? The midwife didn't confirm an EDD but said they would do that at my 12 week scan. But she mentioned I was 9 weeks during the appointment which didn't really fit with what I was expecting. The NHS calculator takes in to consideration your cycle length but an app I have has given me something different. Overall it's not important, I'm just hoping I'm not alone.
Congratulations Princess - so glad to hear it went well!!

Do you know when you ovulated HS? At my early scan(6+5) the dates fitted to the day with when I thought I'd ovulated - but the midwife is still saying I'm 8 days ahead based on LMP. I'm expecting a new EDD at the 12 week scan!

Good luck with your scan this afternoon. x
Glad it went well Princess. Good luck HS!

Saw on the screen that I'm measuring at 10+6 which is accurate with my app. Will get given a due date at my booking scan in 2 weeks (should be 12+6 then)

But here's the mini me. Was bouncing about all over the place so this is the clearest picture they could get.


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Beautiful scan pictures ladies :) congrats x
Just trying to fill myself up on a load of water before mine! As for ovulation date not a Scooby doo, guess I'll just have to be patient a bit longer. The NHS site calculator puts me at bang on 10 weeks today but I guess the scan will tell
How wow princess yours is so clear!!!

HS I held in from 10am to 2pm, was bursting!!! Let me know how you get on x
They made me keep very still and I was so needing a wee!! I couldn’t even look at the screen to begin with as I was in floods of tears but then I looked and started laughing (?!) and the baby was wobbling all over the place on the screen!

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