***June 2018 Mums***

I’m the same too - morning I look ‘normal’, by the time I’ve eaten I feel 5 stone heavier!

Names have been slightly mentioned but it’s going to be a nightmare as we like very diff names! But I don’t want to get too ahead of myself and plan too much as I still feel it’s early. Got a second hand crib in an awesome deal and picking it up tonight - need to get new mattress etc and paranoid I’m getting some stuff too early!
Same here - normal in the mornings, need an elasticated waist by the evening! I'm still not sure if I look 'pregnant' or just fat by the evening though :lol:

I worked out last night that it's dairy in the evenings that's making me hurl, so I had my glass of milk this morning instead. I can't be dealing with losing my dinner every night - going to bed hungry upsets me!
Can't believe were nearly at 2nd tri ladies! Seems very unreal still but hoping my scan Monday will show everything is ok and finally believe it all. Hope everyone's doing ok xx
Yes it is scary..

All the worries and fear of not knowing what's going on.. I don't know what I would have done if it wasn't for you ladies here x
I know, need to get a post going over in 2nd!
I feel miles behind all you ladies thinking about Tri 2!!

I'm due 25th June (I think!) and as a result I'm anticipating a July baby (don't they say first ones are always late?!)

12 week scan in 9 days - it's nice to be down to single figures now.
I feel the same summerwine! I’ve got my 12 week scan a week today! This weeks going to be the slowest of my life!
Best of luck with your scans girls! I’ve popped over to May tri 2 thread but feel I belong here ha! Confused about due date, not too bothered about th actual date it’s just more that now I haven’t a clue exactly how far along I am! 14+2 or 13+5 ha!
Also, do any of you just feel fat?! I’m eating so much and getting a bump/belly esp In the afternoon but when I lean over it just feels like fat not baby !!
Hello! I am an old member back again for number two. Been lurking since my positive test some weeks ago now and slowly getting more and more nervous for scan date. The 13th December can’t come quick enough!
I seem to have lost symptoms which I remember which my first boy but I’ve been nothing but panic this time.

Hope I’m ok to join you all here
Hi weeza!

Got my screening tests back
Down’s syndrome 1:4900
Edwards/Patau: 15,000

Says low risk but don’t know how good the numbers are!
Is anybody else in pain as soon as they need a wee? Like once I need to go if I try and hold it i have low stomach pains! It may just be cos I'm old but cant remember this with my other pregnancys!
Yes spriddy I get that too! Also I’m having a melt down as I’ve only got 4 days to my scan and I keep thinking something’s gone wrong, just want my anxiety to go away!
Yes spriddy I get that too! Also I’m having a melt down as I’ve only got 4 days to my scan and I keep thinking something’s gone wrong, just want my anxiety to go away!

I was horrendous in the week of my scan, couldn’t concentrate on anything so I know how you feel! Nothing really combatted it unfortunately although I tried to distract myself by watching loads of tv!

Feeling awful at the mo, sickness not subsided and feeling quite low. Don’t have many friends anyway and the ones I do have I’m getting the feeling that they’re fed up, comments are being made etc. I know I’ve not been the best person ever but suffering from depression and anxiety added to the craziness of tri 1 hadn’t made life easy for me! Feel like nobody understands! :(
Had my scan twice this week..
On Monday they told me I was not measuring 12 weeks, so rebooked me for Friday that just passed. Which showed I was 12 weeks.. my due that has been changed to June 15th..

My scan photo is not clear at all :-(
I really wanted to do the nub theory lol..

I'm still suffering abdominal pains.. and been told it is likely to continue .. nothing can be done ..
Yes spriddy I get that too! Also I’m having a melt down as I’ve only got 4 days to my scan and I keep thinking something’s gone wrong, just want my anxiety to go away!

I was horrendous in the week of my scan, couldn’t concentrate on anything so I know how you feel! Nothing really combatted it unfortunately although I tried to distract myself by watching loads of tv!

Feeling awful at the mo, sickness not subsided and feeling quite low. Don’t have many friends anyway and the ones I do have I’m getting the feeling that they’re fed up, comments are being made etc. I know I’ve not been the best person ever but suffering from depression and anxiety added to the craziness of tri 1 hadn’t made life easy for me! Feel like nobody understands! :(

Aww loads of hugs your way..

I haven't really told anyone . Just my mom and sisters and a 3 mates.
Two have no kids and one had them yearsss ago.

As for anxiety, I found myself backing away from it of people,. So lost alot of friends, but it's their loss.. for they can't make an effort in your time of need they are not worth it. Xx

I'm sure you will make new friends .. do you have family that your close to
I’m losing my mind now! My boobs still hurt a little bit but not as much as they did. I’m still getting bloated. But I’ve got a bad back and getting a few stomach aches. I don’t think I’m going g to cope waiting until Thursday! :(
I’m losing my mind now! My boobs still hurt a little bit but not as much as they did. I’m still getting bloated. But I’ve got a bad back and getting a few stomach aches. I don’t think I’m going g to cope waiting until Thursday! :(

Snap Urban! Mines first thing Friday morning and I'm so desperate for it to be Friday. My symptoms keep just vanishing :( I think I have a very unproductive week ahead!!

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