***June 2016 Mummies***

Thinking of you redhead, so sorry it's bad news for you, lots of hugs xxx
Thank you everyone, managed to get a bit of sleep this afternoon with my husband cuddling me as I didn't sleep at all last night. He's reacting very differently to me, very practical, and all I do is cry.

Anyway I want to wish you all a healthy pregnancy and hopefully in time I will have good news again. Xxx
Redhead, I'm so sorry that you're going through this. Of course you are upset and you will need time to grieve and allow yourself to feel upset. I think men are usually more practical in these situations but I hope your husband is sympathetic and can support you through this.
BunnyN, my NHS scan isn't until 3 December (when I'll be 12+6) and because I don't think I can bear to wait until then, I'm thinking about getting a private scan before then. I'd also thought about getting the Harmony test and I understand you can get that from 10 weeks, so I wondered if it would make sense to get both at the same time. The results of the Harmony wouldn't affect my feelings about the pregnancy, but I am the kind of person who likes to be prepared and know as much as I can about everything that is going on. But then I don't know if it's really backwards to get the Harmony test done in advance of the standard NHS screening. That said, even if I was "low risk" on the NHS tests I think I'd still want the Harmony test, just to know where I stand. Hmmmm.
What's the harmony test? I thought we got all the tests we needed on the nhs?
My scan is 2nd Dec il be 12+4 does seem ages away x
Ooh Blueclass I'm sure the day will fly by...we'll help you get through it if it doesn't. Mines at 10:20am and I should be 12+3 then xx
Redhead I'm so sorry to hear your news.
Ur lucky urs is early mine is 3.30 pm. Il have the whole day worrying xx
Mines at 2 30 on the 23rd so will have to work the morning till lunch!! Will definitely be clock watching haha xx
Me to. Il be at work till 2.50 will feel like the longest day for us. X
Back from our weekend. Shattered and after 4 restaurant meals in two days (!!) I am so fat I could cry. :-(
Blueclass- The harmony test is a fairly recent thing. It is a blood test of the mothers blood that looks for traces of DNA from the baby. It is much more accurate than the screaning tests offered by the NHS but it is quite expensive to get done. I had it last time because DS had a big NT measurement on his scan so they were a bit worried. The NHS offers CVS or amnio which are even more accurate but they carry some risk of causing a MC so I prefered to get the harmony test. We also found out from it we were having a boy.

BunnyN, my NHS scan isn't until 3 December (when I'll be 12+6) and because I don't think I can bear to wait until then, I'm thinking about getting a private scan before then. I'd also thought about getting the Harmony test and I understand you can get that from 10 weeks, so I wondered if it would make sense to get both at the same time. The results of the Harmony wouldn't affect my feelings about the pregnancy, but I am the kind of person who likes to be prepared and know as much as I can about everything that is going on. But then I don't know if it's really backwards to get the Harmony test done in advance of the standard NHS screening. That said, even if I was "low risk" on the NHS tests I think I'd still want the Harmony test, just to know where I stand. Hmmmm.

If you think you will get anyway you might as well go ahead and get it sooner. You can also ask to find out if its a boy or a girl if you want to.
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Thanks BunnyN. Those other test are so invasive I wouldn't like to have that done. Xx
I am so sorry to hear your sad news Redhead. I hope you are keeping well and that your husband manages to continue to be strong for you, it sounds like a natural way for a man to react, he will be more worried about you than to let his own feelings show xx
Just booked a early scan for Thursday as I can't wait any longer :( my friend just had her scan this morning and it was bad news the baby had stopped growing at 9 weeks I feel so upset for her... but at the same time as scared me so much!!! My scan is on the 23rd I know I sound silly but I need to see if the baby is ok xxx
That's really sad news. I know how you feel mine is 2nd Dec but I'm going to book for next week and go private to check il be 10 weeks by then. I also feel after 10 weeks it's probably a low risk to miscarry after that. Xx
Evening Ladies, how are we all? It's very quite on here at the mo. I'm doing OK but had a busy weekend with hubby and he had the day off yesterday too so not much chance to get online.

I had even more bleeding over the weekend but trying to not worry as heard the heartbeat on the doppler since but wondering whether to phone my mw tomorrow and get a scan? I still don't have my 12 week scan date and 11 weeks tomorrow so getting impatient xx
So sorry for your friend sjenkins such sad news. Good luck with your private scan on Thursday xx

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