***June 2016 Mummies***

Iv just booked a private scan for Sunday. Il be 10+1 so hoping I will see the baby moving even if it's a little movement. I get so worried even tho I saw the heart beat I'm terrified it will go wrong not managed to find it yet on my doppler.
Need one of you pros to come and show me how to do it. Xx
Aww Blueclass your scan should be amazing. I've had one at 10+2wks before and you can see a fully formed baby kicking about, it truly is something special. Finding the heartbeat this early is so hard as they are so tiny and the slightest movement means you could just pass straight over it and miss it.
This pic was my youngest at 10+2wks :) xx
Aww that's nice l, it's great you can see it's fully formed. I'm glad I booked it but wishing it was sooner now haha. I hate waiting and think maybe this is worse as it's my first.
I know it's difficult but I'm so so impatient! Iv tried everyday and still nothing I might leave tonight as I'm shattered and try tomorrow. If I could hear the beat I wouldn't need the scan xx
I have my mw booking in appointment on Thursday and in my book it says it's a good opportunity for me to ask questions. As my first time I'm not really sure what to ask.... I did think to ask what are the birthing options there but then my mind went blank. Is there anything you guys would suggest asking? Xx
Evening ladies! Hope everyone is well (maybe a silly question;-))
Kanga, sorry you had more bleeding! But glad you can hear the heartbeat and know that all is well. Im not as brave as you and use a doppler. I would panic too much lol! I would defo phone mw re your scan. Im surprised you havent had a letter yet but i guess all areas have different procedures.
Blueclass, i know what you mean re mind going blank. Get used to it tho as fuzzy baby brain is here to stay for a while;-) i have booking-in tomorrow and on my list of questions are:

* Flu jab (should i have it/where can i get it/safety etc)
* Antenatal classes (great way to meet others due at the same time. Im still friends with my NCT class when i had DS 4yrs ago. NHS do them too)
* Advise before we go on hol to the canaries early next year ( :dance: )
* Go over my last birth as it was quite traumatising for both of us (dont worry, not everyone has a bad time in labour)

As a FTM perhaps you could ask about a tour of the maternity dept? Im glad we did last time as we knew exactly where to go in labour. Other than that my mind is blank lol.

I hope im not jinxing things but tonight was the first time in about 4 weeks i was able to eat anything after 6pm! Please oh please let this be it! Im so done with this nausea!!!
Hi can I join..i'm 10+2 today. Reallyy busy with work atm so wont be on much but will try come on when i can xxxx
Babymaker, my gp gave me my flu jab when I had my appointment to let my her know I was pregnant a couple of weeks ago, it was one of the first things she mentioned to me so obviously keen to vaccinate pregnant women, think I got it fairly early on last year when I was pregnant too, so you never know they might give it to you tomorrow at booking in �� xx
Ah thanks walkergirl:-) dont remember having it last time which is strange... Xx
Evening ladies! Hope everyone is well (maybe a silly question;-))
Kanga, sorry you had more bleeding! But glad you can hear the heartbeat and know that all is well. Im not as brave as you and use a doppler. I would panic too much lol! I would defo phone mw re your scan. Im surprised you havent had a letter yet but i guess all areas have different procedures.
Blueclass, i know what you mean re mind going blank. Get used to it tho as fuzzy baby brain is here to stay for a while;-) i have booking-in tomorrow and on my list of questions are:

* Flu jab (should i have it/where can i get it/safety etc)
* Antenatal classes (great way to meet others due at the same time. Im still friends with my NCT class when i had DS 4yrs ago. NHS do them too)
* Advise before we go on hol to the canaries early next year ( :dance: )
* Go over my last birth as it was quite traumatising for both of us (dont worry, not everyone has a bad time in labour)

As a FTM perhaps you could ask about a tour of the maternity dept? Im glad we did last time as we knew exactly where to go in labour. Other than that my mind is blank lol.

I hope im not jinxing things but tonight was the first time in about 4 weeks i was able to eat anything after 6pm! Please oh please let this be it! Im so done with this nausea!!!

What's not? Sorry I probably sound silly but I'm not used to all the lingo haha. I had my flu jab at around 5-6weeks and iv been fine since.
There a good start of questions so thank you. I didn't want to go in with none but come out with loads!xx
Blue class my scan at 10 weeks was soooo fab, baby kicking and waving... Amazing! Enjoy Hun and I don't blame you peace of mind is everything!

Millielaura I still can't believe its you :) congratulations amazing news xx
I’ve calmed myself down after finding out about my friend….. I just need to stay calm or my anxiety kicks in and I can’t stop thinking about the most stupid things! Lovely seeing everyone’s scans xxx
Hi ladies, unfortunately I am the next bearer of bad news. I went to the hospital yesterday with a bit of bleeding and we found out that our baby stopped growing at around 5/6 weeks. Heartbroken to say the least, I feel numb writing this but I think I might already be cried out today.

What I don't want is for my news to worry any of you about your own pregnancies, I had no scans until yesterday and I had a huge lack of symptoms so it was always seeming it may go this way. It does make sense now and I think I'm glad I didn't find out earlier as all I would have been doing was waiting for it to start, whereas I have ended up finding out when it has already started, so hopefully it won't feel like such a long process.

I'm not sure if I'll be on here much right away but I wish you all the best for your pregnancies and thank you all for your support up until now, you are wonderful ladies xx
LyndseyB I am so sorry about your news that actually made me cry I can’t even think what you’re going through my friend went through this yesterday hers was a silent miscarriage so she had no bleeding nothing. Sending lots of hugs to you and your other half xxxx
Oh Lyndsey I am so so sorry to read your news. It really is a devastating time and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Just take it one day at a time and take all the support you can get. I hope it is over quickly for you as being in limbo just waiting was the hardest bit for me. My mmc took over 8wks to complete after finding out at 11wks so truly wish for a speedy recovery for you. Thinking of you xxx
So so sad to read this LyndseyB I was beginning to think we would all get to 12 weeks. I almost cried as well but as I'm in class had to put my phone away and try and think of something else. I'm sorry and hope you will get through. Iv had a massive lack of symptoms also hence why I booked a private scan for Sunday. Sending your family lots of hugs at this difficult time. Xx
I’m over thinking so much that I don’t even want to go to my privet scan tomorrow as I’m so scared x

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