*:*:* July Testing Thread *:*:* 3 BFPs

Feeling very peculiar tonight. Got home from work and just had an hour of whirling pits I would call it. Spinny head and generally wobbly feeling. Probably just caught a sickness bug off someone. Had couple of days of constipation as well. But just started swimming world last week so think that's more due to diet change than anything! Last ditch attempt to lose some pounds to minimise elephant status when I hopefully fall pg lol x

Infuriating wondering if symptoms are actual symptoms or just coincidental feelings isn't it.

I had same faint line again this morning but I'd only slept a few hours. No boob ache today, just a little heartburn so I'm really not hopeful dor this month.

I think anything we actually notice different to the norm has potential to be a pregnancy symptom? Since our hormones change quite drastically? I have noticed dizziness to be a symptom, I remember in my first pregnancy getting low blood pressure which seemed to cause sickness and dizziness.
My heartburn has disappeared GG, its now replaced by itching that I've had before, but not many other people get. Good you have got a faint line again then? It's promising.... I think its hard to notice any real progression honestly, especially since unless we have drunk exactly the same amount and exerted the same amount of energy and done exactly the same amount of activity, kept our bodies at the same temperature, eaten the same amount of salt etc we cannot determine that our urine output is of the same dilution from one day to the next?
Maybe over a week the line should 'progress' but even then, the actual line being present is the main thing?
I swap from being hopeful 30% of the time to being doubtful 70% of the time. The spotting has stopped! But then that's happened before and I'd lost.
So really I should have gone for a career in ultrasound, now that would be useful when ttc!!
Feeling very peculiar tonight. Got home from work and just had an hour of whirling pits I would call it. Spinny head and generally wobbly feeling. Probably just caught a sickness bug off someone. Had couple of days of constipation as well. But just started swimming world last week so think that's more due to diet change than anything! Last ditch attempt to lose some pounds to minimise elephant status when I hopefully fall pg lol x

Infuriating wondering if symptoms are actual symptoms or just coincidental feelings isn't it.

I had same faint line again this morning but I'd only slept a few hours. No boob ache today, just a little heartburn so I'm really not hopeful dor this month.

I think anything we actually notice different to the norm has potential to be a pregnancy symptom? Since our hormones change quite drastically? I have noticed dizziness to be a symptom, I remember in my first pregnancy getting low blood pressure which seemed to cause sickness and dizziness.
My heartburn has disappeared GG, its now replaced by itching that I've had before, but not many other people get. Good you have got a faint line again then? It's promising.... I think its hard to notice any real progression honestly, especially since unless we have drunk exactly the same amount and exerted the same amount of energy and done exactly the same amount of activity, kept our bodies at the same temperature, eaten the same amount of salt etc we cannot determine that our urine output is of the same dilution from one day to the next?
Maybe over a week the line should 'progress' but even then, the actual line being present is the main thing?
I swap from being hopeful 30% of the time to being doubtful 70% of the time. The spotting has stopped! But then that's happened before and I'd lost.
So really I should have gone for a career in ultrasound, now that would be useful when ttc!!

About the same as me...70% doubtful, 30% hopeful. You're right...I never normally get heartburn. First real time was last cycle. I've got quite a lot of yellowy cream cm today. Not sticky or stringy, hard to describe.

Also, thank you for letting me know about aspirin. When you said it thins the blood, which I knew, but not that clotting blood can cause problems for new pregnancies...it suddenly hit me. I don't have light 3 day periods because there's not much blood. I get them because my blood clots really quickly so that's mainly how it comes out. Kind of how I think I must have missed clots with the mc. I have fairly regular nosebleeds, but normally just plug a nostril and 20 minutes later, remove a huge clot of blood and I'm done. If I pick a scab and get a blob of blood come up like a raindrop, it will be like jelly within 10 seconds and Dan has always said I'd survive a multiple stabbing because I'd self stem the bleeding, lol.

Anyway, I did start taking a 75mg aspirin daily, checked with gp friend who said it's not going to do any harm so may as well try it.

I am trying to stay hopeful but it's hard. Spent today with my closest friend who is due in 2 weeks and I cannot wait to meet her baby and I'm glad it's all been easy for her, but I'm so glad I found this place as she just wouldn't have any understanding. She felt sick and dizzy, did a test, it was positive and that was that. Never tested again, all been fine. I genuinely wouldn't want it any other way for her. It's been hard enough on her living 6000 miles away from her entire family, so any problems would make that ten times harder. I just struggle staying positive sometimes.

Fx for us all xx
GG when I had spotting a couple of cycles back I went for a transvaginal scan, the sonogrographer said she could see the corpus luteum but no sac etc and she said at an early stage of loss the pregnancy can just get reabsorbed back into the womb lining? And you wouldn't necessarily have a bleed.
Been having vivid dreams every night, really odd.
Right best get up.
Hope everyone is feeling ok this morning, hopefully there will be more bfps before the end of the month. Xxx
The vivid dreams are a positive sign TT. I had them in the 2ww and all through my last pregnancy.

I think we all obsess about lines too much though i understand why. A line is a line and therefore a positive. There are people who get only faint lines and have a healthy baby and those who have a strong line and have a loss.

My tests turned up today... it took all my strength not to do one. I am not due AT till mid next week at the earliest so I know there is no point.
The vivid dreams are a positive sign TT. I had them in the 2ww and all through my last pregnancy.

I think we all obsess about lines too much though i understand why. A line is a line and therefore a positive. There are people who get only faint lines and have a healthy baby and those who have a strong line and have a loss.

My tests turned up today... it took all my strength not to do one. I am not due AT till mid next week at the earliest so I know there is no point.

You're very strong willed. I figured the interenet cheapies were so cheap and they sent double so I might as well use them. Have been doing little evap line experiments and using Dans wee and trying to get false positives, lol. So far, nothing. But...I did get a line on one myself this morning. Very faint, but only 10dpo but I'll take it for the time being. Need to go and get more superdrug tests so saving fmu.
GG when I had spotting a couple of cycles back I went for a transvaginal scan, the sonogrographer said she could see the corpus luteum but no sac etc and she said at an early stage of loss the pregnancy can just get reabsorbed back into the womb lining? And you wouldn't necessarily have a bleed.
Been having vivid dreams every night, really odd.
Right best get up.
Hope everyone is feeling ok this morning, hopefully there will be more bfps before the end of the month. Xxx

Hmmm, could well be what happened with me then as 36 hours and juat spotting, nothing going on pads, just there when I wiped was, as the midwife said, not enough for an early mc. Interestingly, they don't use the term chemical...say you only get a positive because of hcg which means you implanted and were actually, technically pregnant, not through chemicals, through an implanted fertilised egg so they don't like the term chemical.

Obviously something like reabsorbtion happened with me as I lost it.

Oh well. We'll see if the superdrug gives a better line than the internet cheapie later.
The vivid dreams are a positive sign TT. I had them in the 2ww and all through my last pregnancy.

I think we all obsess about lines too much though i understand why. A line is a line and therefore a positive. There are people who get only faint lines and have a healthy baby and those who have a strong line and have a loss.

My tests turned up today... it took all my strength not to do one. I am not due AT till mid next week at the earliest so I know there is no point.

You're very strong willed. I figured the interenet cheapies were so cheap and they sent double so I might as well use them. Have been doing little evap line experiments and using Dans wee and trying to get false positives, lol. So far, nothing. But...I did get a line on one myself this morning. Very faint, but only 10dpo but I'll take it for the time being. Need to go and get more superdrug tests so saving fmu.

Fingers crossed for your Superdrug early then!!!
Faint lines are good at this stage, the woman in my local Superdrug thinks im crazy im sure. She probably thinks 'you either are pregnant or you're not!' But if only it were so simple lol .....xxx
The vivid dreams are a positive sign TT. I had them in the 2ww and all through my last pregnancy.

I think we all obsess about lines too much though i understand why. A line is a line and therefore a positive. There are people who get only faint lines and have a healthy baby and those who have a strong line and have a loss.

My tests turned up today... it took all my strength not to do one. I am not due AT till mid next week at the earliest so I know there is no point.

You're very strong willed. I figured the interenet cheapies were so cheap and they sent double so I might as well use them. Have been doing little evap line experiments and using Dans wee and trying to get false positives, lol. So far, nothing. But...I did get a line on one myself this morning. Very faint, but only 10dpo but I'll take it for the time being. Need to go and get more superdrug tests so saving fmu.
ooh add a pic? xx

Sent from my SM-G928F using Tapatalk
The vivid dreams are a positive sign TT. I had them in the 2ww and all through my last pregnancy.

I think we all obsess about lines too much though i understand why. A line is a line and therefore a positive. There are people who get only faint lines and have a healthy baby and those who have a strong line and have a loss.

My tests turned up today... it took all my strength not to do one. I am not due AT till mid next week at the earliest so I know there is no point.

You're very strong willed. I figured the interenet cheapies were so cheap and they sent double so I might as well use them. Have been doing little evap line experiments and using Dans wee and trying to get false positives, lol. So far, nothing. But...I did get a line on one myself this morning. Very faint, but only 10dpo but I'll take it for the time being. Need to go and get more superdrug tests so saving fmu.

Fingers crossed for your Superdrug early then!!!
Faint lines are good at this stage, the woman in my local Superdrug thinks im crazy im sure. She probably thinks 'you either are pregnant or you're not!' But if only it were so simple lol .....xxx

If I worked there, I'd probably want to give you a hug.

Interestingly, bought some in poundland on wednesday (not used yet as 20miu) but chap at the till said, quite loudly with a busy queue behind me, " oooh, how exciting, good luck, I love selling pregnancy tests, makes me all happy knowing a baby might be on the way". I did respond the best way I could think of on the spot with, "love your enthusiasm but not every woman buying these actually wants a baby, and for some who do it's an extremely stressful and emotional time so it's probably best to just run them through the til without comment". I was smiling at him and said it nicely bit his response flawed me.
He said "well, someone got out the wring side of bed this morning didn't they". Gloves off. The only other thing to come out of my mouth was, "ah yes...woman get raped, tries to discreetly buy pregnancy tests and gets outed in front of strangers and judged by the cashier...luckily I wasn't raped, just had two miscarriages so really not feeling great about the whole thing but I can cope with dickhead show off's, not everyone can. What's your name and where's your supervisor?"

Woman behind me put her hand on my arm and said well done. Bloke behind til was well and truly put in his place so I didn't go to his supervisor...just told him other people's lives are not his business so personal items should be processed without comment. No apology, but lots of nodding and avoiding eye contact. He got the message.

Safe to say, not a good time to piss me off!
The vivid dreams are a positive sign TT. I had them in the 2ww and all through my last pregnancy.

I think we all obsess about lines too much though i understand why. A line is a line and therefore a positive. There are people who get only faint lines and have a healthy baby and those who have a strong line and have a loss.

My tests turned up today... it took all my strength not to do one. I am not due AT till mid next week at the earliest so I know there is no point.

You're very strong willed. I figured the interenet cheapies were so cheap and they sent double so I might as well use them. Have been doing little evap line experiments and using Dans wee and trying to get false positives, lol. So far, nothing. But...I did get a line on one myself this morning. Very faint, but only 10dpo but I'll take it for the time being. Need to go and get more superdrug tests so saving fmu.

Fingers crossed for your Superdrug early then!!!
Faint lines are good at this stage, the woman in my local Superdrug thinks im crazy im sure. She probably thinks 'you either are pregnant or you're not!' But if only it were so simple lol .....xxx

If I worked there, I'd probably want to give you a hug.

Interestingly, bought some in poundland on wednesday (not used yet as 20miu) but chap at the till said, quite loudly with a busy queue behind me, " oooh, how exciting, good luck, I love selling pregnancy tests, makes me all happy knowing a baby might be on the way". I did respond the best way I could think of on the spot with, "love your enthusiasm but not every woman buying these actually wants a baby, and for some who do it's an extremely stressful and emotional time so it's probably best to just run them through the til without comment". I was smiling at him and said it nicely bit his response flawed me.
He said "well, someone got out the wring side of bed this morning didn't they". Gloves off. The only other thing to come out of my mouth was, "ah yes...woman get raped, tries to discreetly buy pregnancy tests and gets outed in front of strangers and judged by the cashier...luckily I wasn't raped, just had two miscarriages so really not feeling great about the whole thing but I can cope with dickhead show off's, not everyone can. What's your name and where's your supervisor?"

Woman behind me put her hand on my arm and said well done. Bloke behind til was well and truly put in his place so I didn't go to his supervisor...just told him other people's lives are not his business so personal items should be processed without comment. No apology, but lots of nodding and avoiding eye contact. He got the message.

Safe to say, not a good time to piss me off!
I've had an unplanned pregnancy when younger and we were ttc Imogen nearly 3 years and several losses and he didn't phrase it well but he was probably just trying to make convo and be nice but he didn't think first.
I used to work in tesco as a teenager and I used to say good luck etc and I've had people in superdrug say to me hope you get the result you want etc. My husband had it once at the till when he was picking frers up for me and the man said good luck hope it's a yes and OH said he ended up getting into a convo with him about everything and it seemed to help him to talk about it with another guy who said he had been trying a while before his daughter etc. Maybe the man at the till in poundland had just had a baby or was ttc or something and so thought about it in a one sided way kinda thing? He could of phrased it better defo but probs thought he was being nice lol xxx

Sent from my SM-G928F using Tapatalk
The vivid dreams are a positive sign TT. I had them in the 2ww and all through my last pregnancy.

I think we all obsess about lines too much though i understand why. A line is a line and therefore a positive. There are people who get only faint lines and have a healthy baby and those who have a strong line and have a loss.

My tests turned up today... it took all my strength not to do one. I am not due AT till mid next week at the earliest so I know there is no point.

You're very strong willed. I figured the interenet cheapies were so cheap and they sent double so I might as well use them. Have been doing little evap line experiments and using Dans wee and trying to get false positives, lol. So far, nothing. But...I did get a line on one myself this morning. Very faint, but only 10dpo but I'll take it for the time being. Need to go and get more superdrug tests so saving fmu.

Fingers crossed for your Superdrug early then!!!
Faint lines are good at this stage, the woman in my local Superdrug thinks im crazy im sure. She probably thinks 'you either are pregnant or you're not!' But if only it were so simple lol .....xxx

If I worked there, I'd probably want to give you a hug.

Interestingly, bought some in poundland on wednesday (not used yet as 20miu) but chap at the till said, quite loudly with a busy queue behind me, " oooh, how exciting, good luck, I love selling pregnancy tests, makes me all happy knowing a baby might be on the way". I did respond the best way I could think of on the spot with, "love your enthusiasm but not every woman buying these actually wants a baby, and for some who do it's an extremely stressful and emotional time so it's probably best to just run them through the til without comment". I was smiling at him and said it nicely bit his response flawed me.
He said "well, someone got out the wring side of bed this morning didn't they". Gloves off. The only other thing to come out of my mouth was, "ah yes...woman get raped, tries to discreetly buy pregnancy tests and gets outed in front of strangers and judged by the cashier...luckily I wasn't raped, just had two miscarriages so really not feeling great about the whole thing but I can cope with dickhead show off's, not everyone can. What's your name and where's your supervisor?"

Woman behind me put her hand on my arm and said well done. Bloke behind til was well and truly put in his place so I didn't go to his supervisor...just told him other people's lives are not his business so personal items should be processed without comment. No apology, but lots of nodding and avoiding eye contact. He got the message.

Safe to say, not a good time to piss me off!
I've had an unplanned pregnancy when younger and we were ttc Imogen nearly 3 years and several losses and he didn't phrase it well but he was probably just trying to make convo and be nice but he didn't think first.
I used to work in tesco as a teenager and I used to say good luck etc and I've had people in superdrug say to me hope you get the result you want etc. My husband had it once at the till when he was picking frers up for me and the man said good luck hope it's a yes and OH said he ended up getting into a convo with him about everything and it seemed to help him to talk about it with another guy who said he had been trying a while before his daughter etc. Maybe the man at the till in poundland had just had a baby or was ttc or something and so thought about it in a one sided way kinda thing? He could of phrased it better defo but probs thought he was being nice lol xxx

Sent from my SM-G928F using Tapatalk

Yeah, like I said, I did love his enthusiasm but I guess you had to be there. He was a larger than life character and the people outside could have heard him. When you're buying personal items, they shouldn't be declared to the while shop I don't think, which is why I quietly said what I did. It was his very rude and overly dramatic response that pissed me off. It wasn't just me. He was so loud to start with, it made the whole line look uncomfortable, hence the woman behind me being so nice to me. I'm all for pleasantries but I could have had a colleague waiting outside or somewhere else in the shop. As it happened, I had bumped into a friend so I put them under a magazine and asked for a bag.

Oh well, I can see what you're saying. Just didn't sit right with me x
The vivid dreams are a positive sign TT. I had them in the 2ww and all through my last pregnancy.

I think we all obsess about lines too much though i understand why. A line is a line and therefore a positive. There are people who get only faint lines and have a healthy baby and those who have a strong line and have a loss.

My tests turned up today... it took all my strength not to do one. I am not due AT till mid next week at the earliest so I know there is no point.

You're very strong willed. I figured the interenet cheapies were so cheap and they sent double so I might as well use them. Have been doing little evap line experiments and using Dans wee and trying to get false positives, lol. So far, nothing. But...I did get a line on one myself this morning. Very faint, but only 10dpo but I'll take it for the time being. Need to go and get more superdrug tests so saving fmu.
ooh add a pic? xx

Sent from my SM-G928F using Tapatalk

Here you go. I see it easily in person, no need to squint but they just don't show as well on pictures.


  • FB_IMG_1500628505774.jpg
    16.6 KB · Views: 36
The vivid dreams are a positive sign TT. I had them in the 2ww and all through my last pregnancy.

I think we all obsess about lines too much though i understand why. A line is a line and therefore a positive. There are people who get only faint lines and have a healthy baby and those who have a strong line and have a loss.

My tests turned up today... it took all my strength not to do one. I am not due AT till mid next week at the earliest so I know there is no point.

You're very strong willed. I figured the interenet cheapies were so cheap and they sent double so I might as well use them. Have been doing little evap line experiments and using Dans wee and trying to get false positives, lol. So far, nothing. But...I did get a line on one myself this morning. Very faint, but only 10dpo but I'll take it for the time being. Need to go and get more superdrug tests so saving fmu.

Fingers crossed for your Superdrug early then!!!
Faint lines are good at this stage, the woman in my local Superdrug thinks im crazy im sure. She probably thinks 'you either are pregnant or you're not!' But if only it were so simple lol .....xxx

If I worked there, I'd probably want to give you a hug.

Interestingly, bought some in poundland on wednesday (not used yet as 20miu) but chap at the till said, quite loudly with a busy queue behind me, " oooh, how exciting, good luck, I love selling pregnancy tests, makes me all happy knowing a baby might be on the way". I did respond the best way I could think of on the spot with, "love your enthusiasm but not every woman buying these actually wants a baby, and for some who do it's an extremely stressful and emotional time so it's probably best to just run them through the til without comment". I was smiling at him and said it nicely bit his response flawed me.
He said "well, someone got out the wring side of bed this morning didn't they". Gloves off. The only other thing to come out of my mouth was, "ah yes...woman get raped, tries to discreetly buy pregnancy tests and gets outed in front of strangers and judged by the cashier...luckily I wasn't raped, just had two miscarriages so really not feeling great about the whole thing but I can cope with dickhead show off's, not everyone can. What's your name and where's your supervisor?"

Woman behind me put her hand on my arm and said well done. Bloke behind til was well and truly put in his place so I didn't go to his supervisor...just told him other people's lives are not his business so personal items should be processed without comment. No apology, but lots of nodding and avoiding eye contact. He got the message.

Safe to say, not a good time to piss me off!
I've had an unplanned pregnancy when younger and we were ttc Imogen nearly 3 years and several losses and he didn't phrase it well but he was probably just trying to make convo and be nice but he didn't think first.
I used to work in tesco as a teenager and I used to say good luck etc and I've had people in superdrug say to me hope you get the result you want etc. My husband had it once at the till when he was picking frers up for me and the man said good luck hope it's a yes and OH said he ended up getting into a convo with him about everything and it seemed to help him to talk about it with another guy who said he had been trying a while before his daughter etc. Maybe the man at the till in poundland had just had a baby or was ttc or something and so thought about it in a one sided way kinda thing? He could of phrased it better defo but probs thought he was being nice lol xxx

Sent from my SM-G928F using Tapatalk

Yeah, like I said, I did love his enthusiasm but I guess you had to be there. He was a larger than life character and the people outside could have heard him. When you're buying personal items, they shouldn't be declared to the while shop I don't think, which is why I quietly said what I did. It was his very rude and overly dramatic response that pissed me off. It wasn't just me. He was so loud to start with, it made the whole line look uncomfortable, hence the woman behind me being so nice to me. I'm all for pleasantries but I could have had a colleague waiting outside or somewhere else in the shop. As it happened, I had bumped into a friend so I put them under a magazine and asked for a bag.

Oh well, I can see what you're saying. Just didn't sit right with me x
oh yikes didn't realise he was being quite so loud about it! xxx

Sent from my SM-G928F using Tapatalk
I don't k ow how to say this without it sounding prejudiced, which my now lesbian female, formerly straight male friend will confirm, lol...but he was thr type that wanted the whole world to know he was out and proud and that his voice should be the only one heard...as far as Africa!
Haha I can imagine now lol can see why you'd be annoyed! xxx

Sent from my SM-G928F using Tapatalk
Haha I can imagine now lol can see why you'd be annoyed! xxx

Sent from my SM-G928F using Tapatalk

The older I get, the more defensive I feel for people who haven't yet found their own confidence. Lol
Hi everyone!

Im 10dpo today.. Tested yesterday and bfn ( i know its early! ). Tested again this morning with clearblue early detection and though i could see something but could have been evap so bought first respons and tested with diluted urin an hour ago. Got bfn which was dissapointing but when i looked again just now i think i see something.. Is it just my imagination?

And this is the CB from this morning


Congrats to the ladies who got positives! Xx
The vivid dreams are a positive sign TT. I had them in the 2ww and all through my last pregnancy.

I think we all obsess about lines too much though i understand why. A line is a line and therefore a positive. There are people who get only faint lines and have a healthy baby and those who have a strong line and have a loss.

My tests turned up today... it took all my strength not to do one. I am not due AT till mid next week at the earliest so I know there is no point.

You're very strong willed. I figured the interenet cheapies were so cheap and they sent double so I might as well use them. Have been doing little evap line experiments and using Dans wee and trying to get false positives, lol. So far, nothing. But...I did get a line on one myself this morning. Very faint, but only 10dpo but I'll take it for the time being. Need to go and get more superdrug tests so saving fmu.
ooh add a pic? xx

Sent from my SM-G928F using Tapatalk

Here you go. I see it easily in person, no need to squint but they just don't show as well on pictures.

Oh I see it straightaway GG! That's not a bad IC line.
Get on those earlys xxx
The vivid dreams are a positive sign TT. I had them in the 2ww and all through my last pregnancy.

I think we all obsess about lines too much though i understand why. A line is a line and therefore a positive. There are people who get only faint lines and have a healthy baby and those who have a strong line and have a loss.

My tests turned up today... it took all my strength not to do one. I am not due AT till mid next week at the earliest so I know there is no point.

You're very strong willed. I figured the interenet cheapies were so cheap and they sent double so I might as well use them. Have been doing little evap line experiments and using Dans wee and trying to get false positives, lol. So far, nothing. But...I did get a line on one myself this morning. Very faint, but only 10dpo but I'll take it for the time being. Need to go and get more superdrug tests so saving fmu.
ooh add a pic? xx

Sent from my SM-G928F using Tapatalk

Here you go. I see it easily in person, no need to squint but they just don't show as well on pictures.

Oh I see it straightaway GG! That's not a bad IC line.
Get on those earlys xxx

Same as yesterday and day before on the earlies...barely there line. I'm really not hopeful.

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