*:*:* July Testing Thread *:*:* 3 BFPs

Period due yesterday! I've had 27d-29d cycles past 6 months since stopped breastfeeding - regular as clockwork! Bfn yesterday! Confused!!! I hope stressing ttc hasn't mucked up my periods-very odd and annoying

Hi TTC, I dont think a bfn on the day your period is due means your out at all. Probably early and depending on the sensitivity of your test.
It's annoying to get a bfn, but if your period hasn't arrived that's a good thing!?
Hopefully you will get your BFP soon xxx
I 'think' im 13dpo now, not really sure at all. Here's the other one.....
I mean yeah its not encouraging to see squinters at all but Im curious mainly, I will obviously recheck with Superdrug either tomorrow or Friday depending on what happens with my spotting.
How are you? Xxx

I'm good thanks. Got a v faint positive on a superdrug this morning so fx.

I do see squinters and it wouldn't worry me not to get more on frers at 13dpo, implantation can be up to 12 dpo so I'd stick with superdrugs if I were you.

Fx all is okay xx
Thanks treetrunks but If im out this month which I think I am I wish af would just arrive! Frustrating if my cycles are all of a sudden longer too...x

I think I'm about 12 dpo and af is due on Friday. At about 1pm today I had a very small amount of light brown cm in my underwear. I thought it must be af on its way but since then I've had nothing, apart from a very slight tinge on the tissue this afternoon. But I wouldn't have noticed had I not been looking for it!! This is very unusual for me, I never have spotting or even brown cm. Also, when my period starts normally, I always know about it before it arrives as I get stomach cramps. Is there any chance this could be implantation bleeding or am I just clutching at straws? This is my 10th month ttc now :-?

I think I'm about 12 dpo and af is due on Friday. At about 1pm today I had a very small amount of light brown cm in my underwear. I thought it must be af on its way but since then I've had nothing, apart from a very slight tinge on the tissue this afternoon. But I wouldn't have noticed had I not been looking for it!! This is very unusual for me, I never have spotting or even brown cm. Also, when my period starts normally, I always know about it before it arrives as I get stomach cramps. Is there any chance this could be implantation bleeding or am I just clutching at straws? This is my 10th month ttc now :-?
Defo could be ib :)

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I can't see anything on that last pic :(

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Haha yeah I've got line eye now!! Anyway they are both basically BFN asides from squinting at different angles for a faint whisper of something lol.
Thanks treetrunks but If im out this month which I think I am I wish af would just arrive! Frustrating if my cycles are all of a sudden longer too...x

Can't see any reason why your cycles would all of a sudden become longer? Keep your spirits up, its early days xx
Still no AF...still got funny little burps all the time, or at least, often enough to notice... getting a bfn a few days ago really threw me so I'm going to try to hold out until Saturday at the earliest....that's if AF stays away that long!
Awww I feel bad TT Cos I can't see anything on that fr :-( but Iam rubbish at line spotting, your lines are so much better on a Superdrug xx

It's alright im posting them for reference as well, if I didn't have decent Superdrug lines I would dismiss the squinters on frer.
As im spotting now im probably out so im not disappointed as much as curious for future reference.
Are you going to test early or? Xxx
Aww I don't think your out TT, you never get good lines on first response but you get lovely lines on Superdrug's, have you tried another Superdrug? Fx it's just the bean settling in
I'm about 6-7 dpo I think, currently got like twinges/ cramp on my left side near my hip probably nothing and I'm just reading into it as we do, this ttc malarkey is stressful how do we do it every month, you'd think after a year and half we'd be used to it so I'm not holding me breath as I think every month I have a symptom then the witch shows her ugly face xx
I 'think' im 13dpo now, not really sure at all. Here's the other one.....
I mean yeah its not encouraging to see squinters at all but Im curious mainly, I will obviously recheck with Superdrug either tomorrow or Friday depending on what happens with my spotting.
How are you? Xxx

I'm good thanks. Got a v faint positive on a superdrug this morning so fx.

I do see squinters and it wouldn't worry me not to get more on frers at 13dpo, implantation can be up to 12 dpo so I'd stick with superdrugs if I were you.

Fx all is okay xx
I 'think' im 13dpo now, not really sure at all. Here's the other one.....
I mean yeah its not encouraging to see squinters at all but Im curious mainly, I will obviously recheck with Superdrug either tomorrow or Friday depending on what happens with my spotting.
How are you? Xxx

I'm good thanks. Got a v faint positive on a superdrug this morning so fx.

I do see squinters and it wouldn't worry me not to get more on frers at 13dpo, implantation can be up to 12 dpo so I'd stick with superdrugs if I were you.

Fx all is okay xx

Oh that's good, I think I got faint ones 8dpo, any photos? (line spotting addict)
I will try Superdrug again tomorrow to check, my gp offered me an early scan this week but I said I would wait till next week to see how the land lies with positive/negative tests. She said to check for ectopic? But she said main symptoms are pain and bleeding and to call her if that happens and she will send me straightaway.
But I haven't had any pains at all so im not going yet or they will think im mad as I definitely dont think I will test positive on their NHS tests!

I just keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best !! And everyone around has new babies or is pregnant!! I've seen literally about 10 pregnant women and as many babies in 2 days!! Xxx
I 'think' im 13dpo now, not really sure at all. Here's the other one.....
I mean yeah its not encouraging to see squinters at all but Im curious mainly, I will obviously recheck with Superdrug either tomorrow or Friday depending on what happens with my spotting.
How are you? Xxx

I'm good thanks. Got a v faint positive on a superdrug this morning so fx.

I do see squinters and it wouldn't worry me not to get more on frers at 13dpo, implantation can be up to 12 dpo so I'd stick with superdrugs if I were you.

Fx all is okay xx

Oh that's good, I think I got faint ones 8dpo, any photos? (line spotting addict)
I will try Superdrug again tomorrow to check, my gp offered me an early scan this week but I said I would wait till next week to see how the land lies with positive/negative tests. She said to check for ectopic? But she said main symptoms are pain and bleeding and to call her if that happens and she will send me straightaway.
But I haven't had any pains at all so im not going yet or they will think im mad as I definitely dont think I will test positive on their NHS tests!

I just keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best !! And everyone around has new babies or is pregnant!! I've seen literally about 10 pregnant women and as many babies in 2 days!! Xxx

I am definitely keeping everything crossed for you.
Here's this mornings test.

This afternoon, with the force of Mike Tyson's fist, the heartburn, belching and boob aches have really made themselves known. Started at, I think 5dpo last time so I think I definitely implanted later this time xx


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I have my fingers double crossed for you also GG! You testing in the morning? Xx
I have my fingers double crossed for you also GG! You testing in the morning? Xx

Much as I'd love to say, "no, I'll wait a few days"...I think we both know what the truth is!
Here's this mornings test.

This afternoon, with the force of Mike Tyson's fist, the heartburn, belching and boob aches have really made themselves known. Started at, I think 5dpo last time so I think I definitely implanted later this time xx

Aha yes I can see it! Pink tinged. Great stuff!!
Boob ache yes mine are still tender. It's good when you get a few symptoms as well! My new fake symptom is toothache, all day lol.
Here's this mornings test.

This afternoon, with the force of Mike Tyson's fist, the heartburn, belching and boob aches have really made themselves known. Started at, I think 5dpo last time so I think I definitely implanted later this time xx

Aha yes I can see it! Pink tinged. Great stuff!!
Boob ache yes mine are still tender. It's good when you get a few symptoms as well! My new fake symptom is toothache, all day lol.

That's just fecking freaky...I hit user cp and thought, "my teeth hurt. My actual teeth...even the two that are crowns "...then saw your post :lol:
Thanks GG...in it together this month then! Got family birthday this weekend so hoping that will distract although not looking forward to the when are you having kids questions! Putting the horse up for sale next week so that is not gonna help with stress but playing the long game to help financially so hopefully will be less stressful once it's settled. Keep thinking this time next week I could test....
I have had loads of CM last 3 days really wet and milky. Never known it so wet...sorry TMI! No idea if this is a sign of anything x

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