So, today is my actual testing day according to this thread as I am now 12dpo (possibly less) and here are pics of this mornings test.
I took the first picture at 1m50s and the second picture at 3 minutes.
It's really good line progression from last few days, especially yesterday's. Haven't taken this out of the casing, no need to look more closely at colour as it's most definitely pink.
I can't believe I'm pregnant again without a period between, we only dtd once, 1-3 days before ovulation going by opk's but I think I'm 12dpo.
Now to just pray that this one sticks. I've been taking baby aspirin daily with my folic acid as something our lovely Treetrunks said got me thinking. I always clot very very easily. My period is super light and only lasts 3 days but I think it's because the vast majority of the blood is passed in clots. I hear them hit the water as I wee (sorry for tmi). If I have a nosebleed, I can just plug my nostril and even if it's a huge one, it will just clot and I can pull a tampon like plug of blood out every 5 minutes til it stops.
So, fx, the aspirin has helped implantation and I don't lose this one.
Thinking of you all girls, especially TT. Xxx