**** july mummies 2018 *****

I am so jealous that you know all is well already! It must be a wonderful feeling! I still have 10 day to go :(
Thanks ladies :)

I'm beyond relieved. Convinced myself just before I went in there wouldn't be a heartbeat. Scan was rushed a bit cause the dr helping out was in theatre, so that's a shame. At least I've another chance after Xmas. Also I forgot how much it hurts being scanned!!

Now officially 11 weeks too!

I've had ligament pain if that's what you mean. Not stretching as such
Don't let it worry you though. All normal lol

Can't wait for the rest of your scans!!! Someone's got the twins lol xx
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I am so jealous that you know all is well already! It must be a wonderful feeling! I still have 10 day to go :(

I hope it flies in for you with Christmas stuff a bit of a distraction. Can't wait to see your baba xx
Thanks ladies :)

I'm beyond relieved. Convinced myself just before I went in there wouldn't be a heartbeat. Scan was rushed a bit cause the dr helping out was in theatre, so that's a shame. At least I've another chance after Xmas. Also I forgot how much it hurts being scanned!!

Now officially 11 weeks too!

I've had ligament pain if that's what you mean. Not stretching as such
Don't let it worry you though. All normal lol

Can't wait for the rest of your scans!!! Someone's got the twins lol xx

Uh yeah....very bloody painful getting scanned and mine was quick too as it was an rmc scan that the gp wanted me to still have but the woman was a bot perplexed as she couldn't check lots of the things she needed to because of the pregnancy so we were in and out literally within 5 minutes.

I only saw the screen briefly twice but Dan bless him...as soon as she pressed down, he was bouncing in his chair...and he cried again...because he could clearly see the baby straight away. X
Amazing scan pictures ladies.. GG I’m so happy that your scan went well!

Mine is just over two weeks away, feels like an age!
I am so jealous that you know all is well already! It must be a wonderful feeling! I still have 10 day to go :(

I hope it flies in for you with Christmas stuff a bit of a distraction. Can't wait to see your baba xx

Thank you! I hope so too! Tri 1 is just the worst for everything... including waiting! x
Wow. Tiredness and nausea just hit me big time out of nowhere after a good couple of days!
Thanks ladies. It's so hard not to worry about every little thing.
I keep trying to tell myself that I've seen a heartbeat at 8 weeks so the risk of miscarriage is very low now. Roll on 12 weeks
Thanks ladies. It's so hard not to worry about every little thing.
I keep trying to tell myself that I've seen a heartbeat at 8 weeks so the risk of miscarriage is very low now. Roll on 12 weeks

I had a scan at 6+5 and just saw pole with a heartbeat and yes, have been holding on to that since. It's so hard not to worry but I'm sure everything is just fine xxx
Thanks ladies. It's so hard not to worry about every little thing.
I keep trying to tell myself that I've seen a heartbeat at 8 weeks so the risk of miscarriage is very low now. Roll on 12 weeks

Absolutely, hold on to that. Its always nerve wracking, no matter what, getting that 12 week scan. We drive ourselves nuts. But at least you've seen your baby is definitely in there and happy. I'm sure your scan will go perfectly xx
Awhh congratulations GG! Lovely scan pic! X

Will wait till Friday, I'll see if she ring tomorrow when she's in the gps surgery. Just abit worried as it's getting later and want the testing done on the scan.
I was anemic in my last pregnancy, and I lost loads of blood when giving birth, my iron levels had only just reached a normal level 5 days before I found out I was pregnant. I'm very tired and dizzy, feel faint so pretty sure I'm anemic again. X

Definitely pester them to get it sorted. And if you were anaemic last time, chances are you will be again. That's what they told me. Especially with you being so close together. They need to get their shit together. Don't worry about kicking up a fuss hun you should have heard by now surely.

I went in today and got given my next scan date right afterwards for the 28th cause she said I don't want you missing your window for the tests. so I'm sure its not that hard for them to sort your date out! xx
Thanks ladies :)

I'm beyond relieved. Convinced myself just before I went in there wouldn't be a heartbeat. Scan was rushed a bit cause the dr helping out was in theatre, so that's a shame. At least I've another chance after Xmas. Also I forgot how much it hurts being scanned!!

Now officially 11 weeks too!

I've had ligament pain if that's what you mean. Not stretching as such
Don't let it worry you though. All normal lol

Can't wait for the rest of your scans!!! Someone's got the twins lol xx

Uh yeah....very bloody painful getting scanned and mine was quick too as it was an rmc scan that the gp wanted me to still have but the woman was a bot perplexed as she couldn't check lots of the things she needed to because of the pregnancy so we were in and out literally within 5 minutes.

I only saw the screen briefly twice but Dan bless him...as soon as she pressed down, he was bouncing in his chair...and he cried again...because he could clearly see the baby straight away. X

I was flinching and she must of noticed cause she said "You know i've got to press down hard for the measurements" and I was like yeah i remember its fine. But fuck!

Aw your OH lol. Thats a beautiful reaction. Mine was engrossed. Hopefully youll see more at your 12 week scan since they show you from the beginning.

Ours was literally five minutes as well. They were definitely rushing through everyone today. She rushed my screenshots too. I went to buy extra scan pics for my mum etc too and apparently you cant do that any more you only get one. Think we bought like 10 with Ivys lol. Oh well, everythings good. I think its sinking in for me now that Ive seen the baby. xx
Also I said I would after my scan. So I made up the 2nd trimester thread since Ive had my date. We can just ignore it for now until we're ready. Plus I looove organising things and Im always on here anyway lol.

Boy will I be glad to get out of first tri. I have to say though you ladies have been fantastic support through it all. :hugs: xxxx


Right back atcha! I'll be there in 2.5 weeks xxx
1.30am and awake after about an hours sleep...feeling very nauseous. Just having a moan. Feel a bit guilty about moaning but ffs, I just want a half decent sleep and the nausea to boot is just a kick in the teeth! Roll on tri 2
Don't feel guilt about having a moan GG. Awake at 3 after getting up to pee and now I'm moaning too :roll: Not being able to sleep is so frustrating. The nausea is my worst symptom so far 2nd tri better be easier lol :/ xx
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Aww ladies that was me for 3 days with ruined sleep, it sucks but it goes away, hang in there xxx

Thanks Shan for opening the Tri 2 thead, I think we all equally look forward to transferring over there :D

This forum is amazing and offers all the support. I was here with DD and after she was born we moved onto a privet group on facebook (quicker access) and I swear to God it was sooo great as we all had milion questions and worries etc when babies were born. Now our kids are toddlers but we still keep in touch almost daily. It really is nice to have support of people who go through the same stuff at the same time as you xx
aw shanivy you are organised! hopefully after my scan tomorrow I'll start thinking about heading over there

well thankfully I slept way way better last night. still lots of strange dreams but I quite enjoy them

I'm a bit gutted to say that after feeling great weeks 10-11+3 I've been sick every day since Sunday. thankfully it's quite a quick process and I'm not feeling I'll for ages before hand but I'd been hoping Sunday was a one off. I hope it settles soon

DD is at nursery this morning so I'm going to get all my Christmas presents out and get them wrapped. I'm so behind on this this year and I've not even written my cards yet.

GG don't feel bad about moaning about pregnancy, the one part of the TTC page I hate is women making comments like "I'd be so happy to have morning sickness / pregnant people don't know how lucky they are / I can't believe they'd moan about it" pregnancy is hard and when you feel so rubbish it's very easy to complain but that doesn't mean you don't appreciate your growing baby inside you and know how lucky you are. so moan away!

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