**** july mummies 2018 *****

With DD I had really bad nausea.... I must look back in other thread to see when it kicked in. This time I am getting heartburn instead. I wonder what are the chances that this time it is a boy?!

Will you guys be finding out the sex????
I want to find out, OH doesn't. I think it's more practical to find out, but I do understand the wanting a surprise thing.

I think I might be having a girl, the terror being caused inside me has to come from a girl haha x
Haha! Yeah girls are little rebels :D

With DD I wanted to find out and OH wanted to wait but we found out. This time I would like a surprise but hubby wants to find out! Well... I guess we will find out then :D

Just checked my Tri 1 thread with DD and nausea hit me 10 days after BFP so it could come any day now... xx
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Jeez I've missed a lot

KHTW ah fantastic line progression!! Whereabouts in Scotland are you xx

PeanutButter congrats on the 3+!!! You've made me want to use my last digi. Maybe will later xx

Katybaby ugh took my daughter to nursery today and had to run into the doctors opposite. Very embarrassing as the toilet is right next to the receptionist desk!! I'm sure they heard everything. Fml haha xx

As for morning sickness, mine would go away instantly after I threw up. I find the nausea way worse as I didn't alway throw up which just meant feeling ill for hours. Struggling to eat atm. Had nausea this morning but not sure if it wa actually baby related.
How are your hormones?

I'm a raging bitch right now
Its getting busy in here:dance:
3rd July EDD is looking like a busy day!!

I have my first midwife apt on 22nd Nov when I'm 8+1.

I've been feeling ok, little bit of cramping, sore boobs and I have gone off chocolate!!! I never thought this day would come as I'm a chocoholic!!!

Katybaby87 & Kayla1991 - what are your EDD? I'll add you in to the list x :)

Going off chocolate, the horror haha. Mines is Nov 17th. My 1st wasn't until I was 10weeks, we're all so early! Xx
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How are your hormones?

I'm a raging bitch right now

Well I'm not so bad, just haven't got much patience. My OH is giving up smoking and acting like it's the worst thing that's ever happened and I would have no idea how he feels..

OK THEN! Try have a little tiny life inside you, hormones everywhere, cramping, feeling sick, tired, emotional, can't sleep properly.

So with me hormonal and him stressed, things are not cool right now haha!
Quite sore cramps in Asda right now. I hate when they get painful it worries me. I KNOW it's okay but still you can't help wonder...

Edit the food is actually turning my stomach too !! OH is here before his shift starts. He says if I'm sick he'll walk away and leave me haha xx
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Shanivy, I'm from Aberdeen, you? xx
Just came across this post of mine from last time.. now I am scared!

I am also fighting nausea. It was really bad toward end of week 5 and it seems a bit better now. What I really struggle with is eating. Nothing looks good, nothing tastes good . If I could I would go all day without eating! Obviously I know I have to eat so currently I am force-feeding myself small portions of foods and snacks every 2-3 hrs, it's a nightmare!

I love my food!! :(
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How are your hormones?

I'm a raging bitch right now

Well I'm not so bad, just haven't got much patience. My OH is giving up smoking and acting like it's the worst thing that's ever happened and I would have no idea how he feels..

OK THEN! Try have a little tiny life inside you, hormones everywhere, cramping, feeling sick, tired, emotional, can't sleep properly.

So with me hormonal and him stressed, things are not cool right now haha!

Yeah I'm patient with my daughter but nobody else. I was a nightmare last time. And right now I'm so mad and I'm not sure why haha

Oh was really good last week but right now I can't wait for him to go to work. Hell for ME to go to work. I've left him at the till fuck it.
Yeah I get you men are useless lol. Good hes doing it but you've a much harder job. If men had to be pregnant I swear we'd have died out a long time ago ! Xx
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Just came across this post of mine from last time.. now I am scared!

I am also fighting nausea. It was really bad toward end of week 5 and it seems a bit better now. What I really struggle with is eating. Nothing looks good, nothing tastes good . If I could I would go all day without eating! Obviously I know I have to eat so currently I am force-feeding myself small portions of foods and snacks every 2-3 hrs, it's a nightmare!

I love my food!! :(

Originally from Belfast but in Dundee now. I've never been to Aberdeen in all the years I've lived over here. Always say we'll go.

Haha I love my food too. Just did a shop and I literally wanted nothing! Made for a very stressful shop haha!. Was like this last time too despite not getting morning sickness until much later , and it lasted until the last tri I think.xx
With DD I had really bad nausea.... I must look back in other thread to see when it kicked in. This time I am getting heartburn instead. I wonder what are the chances that this time it is a boy?!

Will you guys be finding out the sex????

we will be finding out. last time was a surprise and everyone thought it would be a boy (heartburn, very neat bump, salty cravings) so was a real surprise when I had a girl.

because I've kept all her things it makes sense to find out and I can sell it if I don't need it, although I'm actually hoping for another girl! my husband would love a boy though so it won't really matter
With DD I had really bad nausea.... I must look back in other thread to see when it kicked in. This time I am getting heartburn instead. I wonder what are the chances that this time it is a boy?!

Will you guys be finding out the sex????

we will be finding out. last time was a surprise and everyone thought it would be a boy (heartburn, very neat bump, salty cravings) so was a real surprise when I had a girl.

because I've kept all her things it makes sense to find out and I can sell it if I don't need it, although I'm actually hoping for another girl! my husband would love a boy though so it won't really matter

We also kept everything. For practical reasons (2 bed house) a girl would be great for us. Oh wants another daughter, or so he says but I wouldn't mind a boy x

Actually Oh is off for a week in March and already planning sorting out all baby stuff #crazy!
Wow, so much to catch up on.
When I had hyperemesis, I was nauseous all the time, without feeling any relief. Sickness was anything from 28 (lowest) to 62 (highest) times a day. If I get that again, I won't argue about being admitted to hospital.

The nausea at the moment is very infrequent thankfully. It's almost all brought on by smells.

I do toss and turn a lot at night. One minute I'm clutching to put my dressing gown over the duvet for extra heat, next minute, I'm hanging out the side of the bed before I sweat. Weeing a lot.

Boob ache has almost disappeared.

I'm loving my new role, it's making it so much easier. I'm actually getting breaks now so I'm currently sat in a quiet corner of the cafe catching up on things. When I go back, I've only got 2.5 hours left, then I go home. I'm in tomorrow, then off for 3 days, lol.
How is everyone feeling today?

I have been on a bit of downer for the last couple of days! I am just getting myself so worked up and paranoid over every little cramp i feel or building myself up every time i go to the loo.. just expecting to see blood. I am so so petrified of miscarrying again i am not enjoying being in the early stages of pregnancy at all!

My poor OH is getting the back end of it all too, i am so snappy with him. Probably down to getting very few hours sleep a night due to my boobs just hurting so much!

I feel like i need to scream into a pillow every day!

Please tell me i am not the only one who is so on edge and paranoid....
How is everyone feeling today?

I have been on a bit of downer for the last couple of days! I am just getting myself so worked up and paranoid over every little cramp i feel or building myself up every time i go to the loo.. just expecting to see blood. I am so so petrified of miscarrying again i am not enjoying being in the early stages of pregnancy at all!

My poor OH is getting the back end of it all too, i am so snappy with him. Probably down to getting very few hours sleep a night due to my boobs just hurting so much!

I feel like i need to scream into a pillow every day!

Please tell me i am not the only one who is so on edge and paranoid....

Paranoia is normal for the first early weeks IMO. Try not to stress about cramps. I've had them this time and with dd. I've had a mc too before dd and I know how easy it can't be to get into that zone of thinking it will happen again.

Sometimes when they get strong I can feel myself panic too. But I'm not wanting to spend another pregnancy stressing and not enjoying it. Try not to let that happen with you hun. Everytime I wipe I'm relieved not to see blood. I think most women probably feel that way, regardless of which baby it is. The first few weeks are scary sometimes with the unknown.

It will get better. Soon you'll get you first scan. 2nd tri your bump grows and you get a gender scan, feel the baby move and kick- they do some weird things lol. Try and look forward. And we're entitled to be a bit snappy, we're making people xxx
Kayla just want give you a big :hug: and say that being paranoid and worried is normal. I am not going to pretend I know what it must feel like to loose a pregnancy and I never want to find out but even tho I already have 1 baby I am still very worried about this one. And I was the same with DD. They are so precious already!!! Just try stay positive and celebrate each day x
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I just added a new ticker! I remember having this one with DD and being super excited when the % was changing...11%...15%...25% and before you know it 70,80,99,100!!!!!!!! :D
How is everyone feeling today?

I have been on a bit of downer for the last couple of days! I am just getting myself so worked up and paranoid over every little cramp i feel or building myself up every time i go to the loo.. just expecting to see blood. I am so so petrified of miscarrying again i am not enjoying being in the early stages of pregnancy at all!

My poor OH is getting the back end of it all too, i am so snappy with him. Probably down to getting very few hours sleep a night due to my boobs just hurting so much!

I feel like i need to scream into a pillow every day!

Please tell me i am not the only one who is so on edge and paranoid....

I feel the same as you Kayla - every time I go for a wee I'm convinced I'm going to see blood. I think taking so long to conceive, I now think it's too good to be true and something is going to happen.

I understand what everyone is saying about trying to relax and enjoy this part of the pregnancy, but to tell you the truth - I can't relax even a tiny bit. I don't even know if I'm happy right now, I just want the 12 week scan to come, so I can see the baby and be reassured everything is okay!

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