**** july mummies 2018 *****

Having a massive breakdown cos I don't know what I want to eat tonight. I hate everything!!! I've gone off everything. But I'm crying because I'm so hungry :'( ahhhhh

aw Jemrose it's so frustrating when you feel like that. try and get something down to take the edge off and you might think of something you fancy

how are things with your oh?
Usually eat a pot noodle when I feel like that! Down really have much tatse, easy and fill you up lol x
I've just got loads of strawberries and grapes and going to eat that haha, all I wanted when walking round tesco for an hour trying to find something haha.
Shepherdess, he's been absolutely amazing now! He's even handled my breakdown over not knowing what I want to eat today. Maybe he needed his own little breakdown lol. Thank you for asking x
Ps. Can anyone feel any hint of a bump down there..? My sister's 9 weeks and she can feel a fuller harder feeling between her hipbones...

id say theres no bump but I'm looking plumpish if you know what I mean. I was flat, but its deffo not not and ive been bloating a lot.
Anyone with any cravings or aversions yet?

I don't think I'm craving anything. But I never used to like pasta and now I love it. I don't like bread anymore. I always want fruit. Nothing else yet!

nothing yet for me.
Hi ladies

I just recently found out I am about 5 weeks pregnant with my first baby. Due 31st July.

Anyone else feeling awful and have bad diarreah? I'm worn out after today's tummy problems 😔

congratulations on you bfp. hope you feel better soon
Having a massive breakdown cos I don't know what I want to eat tonight. I hate everything!!! I've gone off everything. But I'm crying because I'm so hungry :'( ahhhhh

That was me today... ended up making pancakes and having them with jam. It was delicious x
Not sure about dogs, but my cat is always on my lap leaning on my belly when I'm preg...every single time even in my mcs... She isn't fond of dd yet though lol.

Jem that sounds lovely aha. Only have fruit in the morning though. I've had a horrible day of eating. Biscuits and tea for breakfast, forced myself a pot noodle cos didn't want anything for lunch and dinner had spicy burgers and fries. So healthy!!
Glad your OH is better, my hubby doesn't understand how tired I am. He doesn't moan but wants me to stay up and I can't in bed again already! X
My dog is by me all the time, we were really close anyway. But now she gets protective whenever my OH goes near me or when we're at my mums she'll growl at my mums dog.. Not like her at all! X
I've noticed one has started following me everywhere and the other one isn't bothered at all ha
do you think dogs know when were pregnant?

yes. last pregnancy our male dog who didn't usually have much to do with me would constantly stand between me and the sheep and try and get in the way like he didn't want them near me

this time I've been walking two of our collies with our collie pup on an evening and one of them is doing my head in, she will not leave my side, usually they'd all be off running and playing but she literally walks along side me touching my legs. I'm finding it irritating as the other girl and the puppy then run back to try and play with her and end up crashing into me
I had the best day in a long time yesterday

nausea at an all time low, bags of energy and my head just felt so clear. I managed a huge salmon and veg dinner and even cheesecake for pudding. I feltl sick afterwards but only for an hour

fingers crossed the placenta is starting to do it's thing. my boobs are feeling much better to. 10 weeks today!
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Hi ladies

I just recently found out I am about 5 weeks pregnant with my first baby. Due 31st July.

Anyone else feeling awful and have bad diarreah? I'm worn out after today's tummy problems 😔

congratulations on you bfp. hope you feel better soon

Thanks Everyone! I am having a much better day so far today ( am living/working in Zambia so am 2 hours ahead of the UK. Anyone elses partner not over the moon about the news? Mine is very quiet at the moment!
JemRose that's great about OH. Happy days get him spoiling you now. Xx

Lara omg Zambia that's amazing. Our was planned so OH is excited. How has your OH said he's feeling? Xx

Have a good day everyone. Away to go shopping now before work this afternoon while ivy is in nursery. I'm dreading it. Raw meat makes me heave. Have to grab some Xmas food in too cause I've done NOTHING. Gonna be a looonnggg morning :/
I had the best day in a long time yesterday

nausea at an all time low, bags of energy and my head just felt so clear. I managed a huge salmon and veg dinner and even cheesecake for pudding. I feltl sick afterwards but only for an hour

fingers crossed the placenta is starting to do it's thing. my boobs are feeling much better to. 10 weeks today!

Woohoo happy 10weeks!!! :dance: :dance: xx
JemRose that's great about OH. Happy days get him spoiling you now. Xx

Lara omg Zambia that's amazing. Our was planned so OH is excited. How has your OH said he's feeling? Xx

Have a good day everyone. Away to go shopping now before work this afternoon while ivy is in nursery. I'm dreading it. Raw meat makes me heave. Have to grab some Xmas food in too cause I've done NOTHING. Gonna be a looonnggg morning :/
My OH...is 36 by the way I am 27 we have been together for 3 years nearly....he said he has other things he wants to spend money on like a boat and travel the world. I could have killed him! I have PCOS and was taken off the pill by the Dr in August and he knew all the risks involved with unprotected sex!
Hope nobody minds my ranting today. I'm absolutely gutted, angry and upset about something I heard last night.

My OH told his twin brother about the baby when we found out, which is fine, but his brother let it slip to another friend. Well last night we've heard from our best friends (who knew) that everyone has been talking about it!!! So basically the whole of our town knows about the pregnancy (small town). It's so unfair. My cousin lives in our town and I hadn't told her, I've had to tell her this morning quickly so she doesn't found out from hearsay.

I'm just so so so upset, I feel like it jinxes everything. I'm 8 weeks today so still 4 weeks until we wanted to announce it. Now some dickhead who we thought was a friend has gone and told everyone and it's gone round the whole town like gossip!!! It's not gossip, it's very sensitive information ffs!!! It's something that we should be able to announce when we want to, not spread round the town like someone's dirty laundry.

I can't believe it, I'm in shock and I'm so upset. I feel depressed, I don't want to go anywhere. I've got things coming up with these friends and I don't want to go to them now because they all know but they're hiding that they know because they know they're not meant to know (does that make sense?!)

Ahhhh sorry to put a downer on this morning but I'm devastated :(

Hope everyone else is okay xx
Jem how awful. It's took away your thunder of announcing it to everyone. You know who you can and can't trust now though x

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