**** july mummies 2018 *****

PB so happy everything went well with your scan. The photo is amazing with the tiny cord.
Hi ladies,
I've been nosing around for a little while and have decided to finally register and meet you all properly. I am 8weeks pregnant today and due 4th July. I had my first midwife appointment yestersay. She is really lovely so very happy there. I am feel really scared though as I've had two miscarriages in the past and I had some brown bleeding one day during week 5. Longing for my dating scan.
So far we've only told the kids. They noticed I was always feeling sick and I didn't want the older ones guessing. I have four boys, 7, 10, 11 and 12. Going to be a huge age gap as things didn't go as planned but they are all very excited. Youngest cried at first as he loves being my baby but soon came around and talks non stop about baby now. They are all so keen to know how baby is growing and have so many questions.
Anyhow I look forward to getting to know everyone and wish you all wonderful pregnancies! Xx

Hey Rachel welcome to the thread,
I'm having my 2nd with a 4 year age gap. Haven't told my daughter yet but I've asked her does she want a baby brother or sister and she said no haha. So we'll see how that goes

That's a gap but at least you'll have loads of baby bonding time when the boys are at school. And they're old enough to help you out! They sound like super cute kids. I've had a mc and bleeding with this pregnancy so I know the feeling and the worrying. Roll on 2nd trimester for all of us.
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Thanks ladies. The woman scanning me told me not to look cos everything I had said sounded like it was bad news and she was like there's a HB thinl she was relieved xD
The cord should be there by now with Scarlett they showed me the scan in 3d at 7 weeks and saw it but never seen it on a normal scan. Me and hubby looked at each like OMG it's still has a HB OMG we're having another baby lol.
Ah I really want some chips from the chip shop. Literally almost crying over how much I want them! I'm trying so hard to eat healthy as well, and my stupid body won't give up on wanting chips haha
Ah I really want some chips from the chip shop. Literally almost crying over how much I want them! I'm trying so hard to eat healthy as well, and my stupid body won't give up on wanting chips haha

Lol. I lived McDonald's with Scarlett was the only thing that didn't make me wanna be sick. Just have them :p as long as your eating healthy otherwise treat yourself. :)
Ah I really want some chips from the chip shop. Literally almost crying over how much I want them! I'm trying so hard to eat healthy as well, and my stupid body won't give up on wanting chips haha

Eat the damn chips haha. It's not you it's the baby. That was and will be my excuse! Xx
Thanks ladies. The woman scanning me told me not to look cos everything I had said sounded like it was bad news and she was like there's a HB thinl she was relieved xD
The cord should be there by now with Scarlett they showed me the scan in 3d at 7 weeks and saw it but never seen it on a normal scan. Me and hubby looked at each like OMG it's still has a HB OMG we're having another baby lol.

Aw you must have been so worried! Imagined seeing a cord at an 8 week scan lol that's crazy. Seems you were right to take your progesterone. I'm so happy everything's going okay for you xx
Welcome Rachel! Your boys will be best brothers ever, they will adore this little baby xx

PB so glad your scan went well, picture is really cute, bet you are feeling better now xx

JemRose, I just had chips, cheese and tuna-mayo for lunch! yum! x
Yep I'm getting the chips haha!!! Every time I close my eyes I see cheesy chips and a battered sausage. The image will not go away, so I am going to eat it tonight!!
Ahh just got my scan through the door. 13th of December ! :dance: Omg hurry up
Ah I really want some chips from the chip shop. Literally almost crying over how much I want them! I'm trying so hard to eat healthy as well, and my stupid body won't give up on wanting chips haha

Lol. I lived McDonald's with Scarlett was the only thing that didn't make me wanna be sick. Just have them :p as long as your eating healthy otherwise treat yourself. :)

Now I want a cheeseburger hahaha x
Yep I'm getting the chips haha!!! Every time I close my eyes I see cheesy chips and a battered sausage. The image will not go away, so I am going to eat it tonight!!

You've put me in the mood now lol. Might have chippy tonight too haha
Ahh just got my scan through the door. 13th of December ! :dance: Omg hurry up

Is that an early scan or 12 weeks? Xx

It's my NHS 12 week, though I'll be more 10 weeks ish xx

Ahh just got my scan through the door. 13th of December ! :dance: Omg hurry up

Ahhhh fantastic!!!!! So soon :love:

I know I can't wait to get it over with, if you know what I mean, and start relaxing!! At least it's before Xmas. xx
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I know exactly what you mean!! I can't wait for my scan too... hope it's before Christmass and hope to God it's good news xx
Ohhhh I hope I get mine before Christmas!! I'm not 12 weeks until Boxing Day!
I'm 12 weeks 27th December, praying for a scan before Christmas!

I'm sooooo tired, I'm in desperate need of a nap .. 2 and a half hours to go until home time :(

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